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Pattern Jarring January

When this winter is over and someone sits down to make the color snowfall departure from average map, it's going to be epic. People will be looking at that map for the next 100 years wondering how at the end of one of the hottest years on record we were able to have one of the greatest southeast winters in the history of this land

Ps. I've only had about 1/4 inch so far this winter but I know mine is coming in February
The image you are referring to does not scream suppression. Yes it is a trough in the east and a ridge in the west, but not nearly as strong or as deep to suppress the pattern anything like we have now. What stood out more to me was that less than 24 hours after you argued that a storm would head to the Ohio Valley, you are saying the pattern will be suppressed for the same period.
Absolutely incorrect statement, but since a post defending what I said was deleted, I will leave it at this.
When this winter is over and someone sits down to make the color snowfall departure from average map, it's going to be epic. People will be looking at that map for the next 100 years wondering how at the end of one of the hottest years on record we were able to have one of the greatest southeast winters in the history of this land

Ps. I've only had about 1/4 inch so far this winter but I know mine is coming in February

Great post. Very True. Sometimes we get caught up in what we want IMBY and don't look to see what is going on around us. What has been going on around us in the SE this winter has been exceptional. What is also encouraging is that I don't see opportunities going away after this week. While the extreme cold will relax, it looks like we will get more moisture opportunities with an overall BN temp pattern.
Don’t think the snow pack is deep enough to keep us below freezing today

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No way rdu goes over 32 today
Exactly right. Here in the triad we've had full sun all day and temp hasnt gotten above 25 yet. Brutal north wind and caa.
What a streak of Cold this is gonna be. Will end up being number 1.
Arctic air spilling in again at the end of CMC 00z run.

Awesome. I'll take as much of this cold and dry as mother nature will give. Cause I know what June,July and August wi'll be like.

Interested to see if the Albemarle and Pamlico sounds can freeze over after the chop and wind die off this week.
Same part as me, lol the part that has been cold and dry.

yeah tell me about it lol

I'm going to Chicago next week and the last 3 or 4 Euro runs have had A) below zero highs B) a foot of snow and now last night C) 50 degrees and rain with not a bit of snow...:rolleyes:
IMO, with that strong of a northern stream, if that look were to verify, we would be facing the same large scale synoptic pattern we are in at this time. JMO though, and as I have stated before, that doesn't make a hill of beans around here. Much smarter minds here than me.

That isn't a overly powerful northern stream nor is there a large grinder sitting over the NE. I don't have the historical knowledge to to prove this, but from tracking storms the past 15 years watching the models I've learned to use the 558dm line as my benchmark for AL snow. That line is across north TN. Personally I'd like to see the trough deeper, but that is a great look for a ensemble mean.
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yeah tell me about it lol

I'm going to Chicago next week and the last 3 or 4 Euro runs have had A) below zero highs B) a foot of snow and now last night C) 50 degrees and rain with not a bit of snow...:rolleyes:
I know this makes no sense but last 2 winters I have drove my kids north (within 100 miles) to play in the snow, and it’s just not the same, they don’t really get into it like if it’s in your back yard. Even I was like oh cool but just doesn’t have the same feel as if it were in your own back yard... weird I know, you would think snow is snow.
12z GFS is close to a threat around 192-204hrs. It also has some ensemble support for that wave. The 558dm benchmark looks great. Give some separation by slowing the southern wave and that may be a good one.

After that energy flying everywhere.