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Pattern Januworry

Nobody wanted to listen.
Things I heard last week … punt, canceled, kick can, summer, pool, April?, cold never coming, classic, -PNA, ur wrong I’m right it’ll going to be a warm January, warm January torch February next, 2011, 2015, SER for weeks no end in sight

Me to all of this .. wait and chill we’re fine
10 days on the model itself 240hrs
That's correct. Usually what I do is divide the total hours by 24. Unless it's in Celcius!

In the meantime, what I was getting at was that beolyond the range of the model, which is mostly garbage at D10 anyway, is that the low near th Aleutians was about to break free and pump the ridge. And the EPO block was migrating into a very favorable position. And the north central US low pressure was going to migrate east. All of those things were going to work in concert to drag down a lot of cold air.
Things I heard last week … punt, canceled, kick can, summer, pool, April?, cold never coming, classic, -PNA, ur wrong I’m right it’ll going to be a warm January, warm January torch February next, 2011, 2015, SER for weeks no end in sight

Me to all of this .. wait and chill we’re fine
You’re gonna mess your shoulder up if you don’t stop. ?