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Pattern Januworry

We're finally getting somewhere now. I remember saying last weekend we should start seeing encouraging signs by this weekend if the pattern was going to change the 1st week of Jan.

Just hoping we can keep the trends going in our favor. It would suck to see this be nothing more than a head fake.

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5 day means days 10-15…



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Keeping a watch on the upper PV (10mb) is helpful to watch for colder patterns. In the shorter term, there might be a slight cold push towards the east during the Jan. 01-02 time period as the southern portion of the upper PV wobbles towards the east (in figure i.)

View attachment 99094 Figure i. - GEFS, upper PV (10mb)

I don't think the cold push would be strong enough to cause winter weather due to a dominant southwest wind flow looking to setup next week into the New Year. The pattern late next week into the New Year is going to be like a strong El-Nino pattern with stale mild air and moist, with waves of rain. I'm beginning to think there could be a response from the ENSO. Over the past 7 days, the SSTs have been warming along the equatorial Pacific shown in figure ii. (We should keep an eye on this)

View attachment 99095
Figure ii. - SSTs along the equatorial Pacific

I don't believe the north Pacific ridge is going anywhere due to upper level ridging. As the upper PV evolves (and wobbles) the north Pacific ridge may translate a bit to the east favoring a -EPO pattern. I think a -EPO could form sometime during the 2nd week of January. Shown in figure iii. is the long range GEFS upper PV (10mb) and it shows that the PV is elongated nearly on a northwest to southeast axis that should favor a colder eastern US. There certainly could be a (or nearly) "wall-to-wall" cold at some point during the 2nd week of January.

View attachment 99096
Figure iii. - Long range GEFS 10mb, vaild Jan. 9th.
If it’s a head fake then I’m really done hoping lol

For our sanity, it is important to realize this COULD easily still be another headfake based on cold bias in week 2 but hopefully not!! I just looked at the EPS run from a week ago. Then, it had for the SE US as a whole the period 12/26-1/1 (in week 2 then) averaging only slightly AN with 12/30-1/1 normal. Folks were starting to get optimistic again (including myself) as H5 was suggesting a pattern change during week 2. Here was the 850 anomaly map for the 120 hours ending 12Z on 1/2:


At RDU, it had 850 at only +1 for the 5 days ending 12Z on 1/2. It was then significantly cooler and I among others was liking it a lot thinking finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
Unfortunately, that same period is now at +7.5 there and it has 12/26-1/1 as one of the warmest on record/5.5 F warmer per day at 2M than it had a week ago. For 12/29-1/1 alone, the EPS is now a whopping 7 F warmer than it was a week ago for the E US! And this is with a -AO and slight -NAO though they’ve trended much weaker.

So, is today’s colder 12Z EPS run still another headfake for the E US? Nobody knows. It has for the 11-15 the NE US BN and the SE normal:


Will this still look this way one week from now? I sure hope so. But until we can get an Aleutian trough/+PNA reestablished like we last had in late November, all bets are off, especially with us soon to lose the -AO/-NAO. I love optimism but I hate being fooled over and over. Fool me once, etc.
The EPS looks like it is slowly trending toward an Aleutian trough/+PNA late in the runs today, and that is exactly what I want to actually verify. But……
For our sanity, it is important to realize this COULD easily still be another headfake based on cold bias in week 2 but hopefully not!! I just looked at the EPS run from a week ago. Then, it had for the SE US as a whole the period 12/26-1/1 (in week 2 then) averaging only slightly AN with 12/30-1/1 normal. Folks were starting to get optimistic again (including myself) as H5 was suggesting a pattern change during week 2. Here was the 850 anomaly map for the 120 hours ending 12Z on 1/2:

View attachment 99171

At RDU, it had 850 at only +1 for the 5 days ending 12Z on 1/2. It was then significantly cooler and I among others was liking it a lot thinking finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
Unfortunately, that same period is now at +7.5 there and it has 12/26-1/1 as one of the warmest on record/5.5 F warmer per day at 2M than it had a week ago. For 12/29-1/1 alone, the EPS is now a whopping 7 F warmer than it was a week ago for the E US! And this is with a -AO and slight -NAO though they’ve trended much weaker.

So, is today’s colder 12Z EPS run still another headfake for the E US? Nobody knows. It has for the 11-15 the NE US BN and the SE normal:

View attachment 99172

Will this still look this way one week from now? I sure hope so. But until we can get an Aleutian trough/+PNA reestablished like we last had in late November, all bets are off, especially with us soon to lose the -AO/-NAO. I love optimism but I hate being fooled over and over. Fool me once, etc.
The EPS looks like it is slowly trending toward an Aleutian trough/+PNA late in the runs today, and that is exactly what I want to actually verify. But……
Larry, if the alutian ridge dont break down or shift, its probably another head fake most likely. If it does, then we may be looking better