I think he has before, you will have to go back and look at his tweets and post. “I’m assuming you subscribe to him or follow him on Twitter” being you said he has mentioned March 1993 many times. You know whether you like him or not whether he’s ridiculous or not “you said” you know just whatever man’s opinion is of him some differ!
I was ask what he was thinking by NC SNOW. So I replied to him!
You talk about ridiculous I’ll tell what’s ridiculous is when his name is mentioned on a forum people jump on him like flies on

EDIT: It’s funny I can’t fathom why people follow him on Twitter or subscribe to weather bell I know you get it for the models but I’m sure you read his post also, but yet they say he’s ridiculous never verifies why follow the man is my only question if you can’t do nothing but ridicule him? Okay finished with the rant.
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