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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

At furthest I think Macon. I can't see us getting anything up here unless this low is on the coast or phases in the N Central Gulf, which is beyond reality.
This storm has made some pretty big shifts in the last day or two! If the W trend can keep up another day or two, a lot more could be in business! Wouldn't expect much W of CAE or CLT, but stranger things have happened!
Judging by that angle of the swath of snow, doesn't look central SC get a good hit.
That's typically how it is in the Central Midlands. Either it's a miss to the North or a mis to the South and OTS. Not usually a happy medium. At least the trends East appear to be slowing. All we need is some more Western shifts. That'd put plenty more of us in the game.
I'm in Florence, hopefully we can get in on this there were a few members that had us with something and one big dog, hopefully we can get this to set up just right where we get under a deformation band or upper level low and increase amounts. Let's say a prayer!

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Like I said earlier, a storm with a L popping in the Atlantic won't work in a lot of the SE. It can work in central/east GA but I won't be counting on it (like I said earlier, the Carolina Crusher actually did likely hit in Far East GA...NO I'm not saying this will be that storm, it's just an example).

I'd be excited if I was in East NC and SE VA with this one.
I feel that you guys will see better trends in the coming days. This looks to be a makeup storm for the one earlier this month for those who missed out to some extent. Just don't get crazy and get 2 feet of snow ;).
I wonder, as the low trends more West, if the swath of accumulating snow starts to show up in GA and more inland to SC. Is the reason it's mainly only showing up mainly in E NC to VA and up to New England due to the position of the storm right now? I guess that's a yes, just would like i guess a better explaination. Clinging to hope here in the Midlands.
For this to get back to a more wide spread look we need 00z thur and 12z thur type setup on the H5. We are trending better, but don't know if we can get all the way there. Dr. NOOOOO is running now