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Wintry January 21-23 2025

Sort of stunned to see the CMC leading the way here, GFS folding to it??
I want to say the CMC/RGEM won a coup over the GFS/Euro back in Dec. 2017 not exactly same setup but it was showing a heavy banding type event for area in AL/GA and others were not and it ended up being closer to right then others
Just small changes to the tilt will have big implications on strength/position of the slp coming out of the Gulf. GFS was not far away from something much more significant, seemed a little slower (3-6 hours) compared to past couple runs. If you want to see where this is going, just look at it compared to the 12z run yesterday.
View attachment 164573Not a doubt in my mind there would be more precip on that NW side.
FGEN will be insane with that.
There's no doubt that's looking like it's setting up a dual jet structure in the upper levels.

And to comment on WeatherNC comment, it's definitely a bit slower, which brings in the mixing/ice concerns... more time to warm nose
View attachment 164576
We’re so close to something really special. What a scene this would be
This is the kind of map that should have a lot of the board excited 4-5 days out IMO. Of course, it would be nice to have the ICON on board and definitely the Euro.