2/12/10.The fun part about this type of storm is you really only need to be worried about amplification/strength and location of the low pressure system as long as it's not delayed by shenanigans to our West.
The air mass that is likely to be in place is cold enough at the surface and throughout the entire atmospheric column with those model's depictions (maybe a little sleet mixing in further South of I-20 and ZR on the coastal plain).
The caveat to this is, this is only true if the models are correct in their very cold temperature depictions. Along with cold temperatures, you'll have dry air in place which will lead to more cooling as precipitation evaporates (at first) in the dry air mass. That may make up for them being overdone on the cold.
In all of my years seeing storms around I-20, I can say that the biggest ones in my lifetime, have started in the daytime. To get a nice I-20 snow, we need more than "just being right on the line" and needing night time to keep us snow.