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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

How bizarre. I see souther slider, I see Miller B, I see clipper hybrids. Wtf
You saw it in the ops today too to a degree. I would guess until this hits the roab network late Wednesday into Thursday we aren't going to see 100% agreement. There's a lot of action going on when this comes ashore in the PNW/WCan and even after it starts diving into the US with trailing energy.
You saw it in the ops today too to a degree. I would guess until this hits the roab network late Wednesday into Thursday we aren't going to see 100% agreement. There's a lot of action going on when this comes ashore in the PNW/WCan and even after it starts diving into the US with trailing energy.
What do you think is most likely?

That seems almost as classic of a look for a SE snowstorm as you can get

Depends on location

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That seems almost as classic of a look for a SE snowstorm as you can get

With that look and track. It would tap the gulf pull up some moisture. Unless storms was to prevent that from happening

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The 18z Gfs will be telling what does it spit out.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but usually the essambles hold more weight then the operational.

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I'd give ensembles more credence at this range than operational. Op runs are fun to look at and have wild swings esp at 500 which in turn gives us wild clown maps or no snow. Get to Wednesday evening and Thursday and there's a chance the operational starts nailing it down.
This is the dream. Snow is so much better at those temps than at 33 with temperatures in the 70s the day before. I want a street sticker. :)

Agreed! I'd take a cold 1 inch street sticker rather than a 2-3 inch slush storm at this point gladly. Surface temps are my pet peeve. This storm has the early appearance of just that.