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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Losing the Ukie hurts

While I think the chances of snow are decreasing rapidly, the chances of ice/sleet have significant increased along the 85 corridor from GSP/CLT/RDU, but the UK has a bad bias of scouring out damming events to quick, I’d imagine many CAD areas barely get close to 32 thru the whole storm once the fgen generated precip starts
It's basically a fool's errand hoping a storm comes back from the west. Coming back from suppressed or OTS is almost always doable, but as I said from the get-go, without a strong, west-based -NAO to keep the 50/50 from scooting out, you need perfect timing.

This wave has gotten stronger and slowed down. With is no good NAO in place, the northern stream progresses and we're left with the upcoming debacle.

I still have difficulty believing that the low is going to track through Raleigh, but we're going to change to rain here almost certainly, the way it looks at this point, hopefully in time to avoid the major icing that areas to the west will see.

Unless the models are missing something really significant here, we know pretty much what we've got now.

One more thing, this is a good illustration into ensemble value. When you have one or two outlier runs of an operational, and the ensembles remain steadfast, you should give a nod to the ensembles. But when you see run after run of a certain trend, and the ensembles are slowly following, and other model trends are in the same direction, it is usually inaccurate to say "ignore the ops; let's go with the ensembles".

The ensembles provide a great deal of value, but we have to use them correctly and situationally. We can't use them for wishcasting or as evidence of what we hope will come true.

It has been clear since pretty much the beginning that the ensembles suites have been following the operational models. Givin the lack of a mechanism to hold the 50/50 in place, this was somewhat predictable. Trends across all guidance are just as, if not more, important to forecasting as the specific solutions themselves.

We will see some oscillations yet. But unless something big is being missed, we are starting to get a really good idea how this one will play out.
QPF is no joke here. GFS has over 2 inches in SC upstate to AVL to CLT. Major winter storm
This is the biggest alarm for me with temps in low 20's. If we get overrun up top with waa. It'll rival/pass the Dec 2002 catastrophe. Never want to live an see/expierencing an ice event like that again, especilly with 15 days of BN temps in the heart of winter to follow.
For comparisons sake, freezing rain started at 28 degrees in the 2002 event. You’re telling me that freezing rain could potentially start 3 or 4 degrees colder than that? 2+2 ain’t that hard if you’ve been through enough of these.
Depending on if there is a warm nose, yes. The colder sfc temps would only make the potential ice worse.
I mean even if the CAD is this strong it's still very borderline (31-32) for Atlanta. To feel comfortable with more wintry precip, you'd like to see it a little colder than that.
To be honest, you can shave about 2 to 3 degrees off since most models underestimate wedges.
I know some might not want to hear this, JB was/is right...as we have been talking about before this week.....we need that confluence to stick in there and keep the block in enough or this would eventually cut inland and......we are starting to see the models cutting inland now.
Yep, this was a Saturday deal a few days ago and its gonna be 24 hrs latter. which means Our homemade 50/50 that takes shape tommorrow and heads NE will have another day to move out. Why we will see an inland track now. Gonna get hammered here with 1.0+ of freezing rain with low 20 surface temps. Lived that exact scenerio before and its devastating.
Big trends from a lot of snow on the 85 corridor yesterday, to now sloppy ice storm, could easily trend to just rain! 3-4 days is an eternity in tracking winter storms
You can wishcast ice away all you want but the dews tell the story. Low teens into SW VA with teens extending deep into NC. This is shouting trouble from the rooftop. This is NOT a borderline CAD event at this juncture.View attachment 104442
Pretty serious threat, if any thing has had some threat of rivaling 2002, this is the one, we’re not getting rid of the CAD, maybe the snow, but not the CAD, this thing could cut and it’s still gonna be a nasty ice storm
Pretty serious threat, if any thing has had some threat of rivaling 2002, this is the one, we’re not getting rid of the CAD, maybe the snow, but not the CAD, this thing could cut and it’s still gonna be a nasty ice storm
Anybody have surface maps for 02’? Did we have negative dews into central VA? I seriously doubt it.
You can wishcast ice away all you want but the dews tell the story. Low teens into SW VA with teens extending deep into NC. This is shouting trouble from the rooftop. This is NOT a borderline CAD event at this juncture.View attachment 104442

Jimmy, you speaking ice for the highlands, cashiers areas? I clearly have no idea the history of this area. I don’t mind some Ice, but definitely want primarily snow.
Jimmy, you speaking ice for the highlands, cashiers areas? I clearly have no idea the history of this area. I don’t mind some Ice, but definitely want primarily snow.
I see mixed bag potential at times but I don’t believe we’ll see a full fledged ice storm up that way. I’m watching though. Still a lot of time.
This is the biggest alarm for me with temps in low 20's. If we get overrun up top with waa. It'll rival/pass the Dec 2002 catastrophe. Never want to live an see/expierencing an ice event like that again, especilly with 15 days of BN temps in the heart of winter to follow.

Where u live?

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