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Pattern Jammin' January

Hahaha of course the 18z GFS looks different at H5. The wave behind the first one is crashing into more northern Cali/Oregon than California and is slower the first ULL. The first system itself did trend south though some initially.
Euro weeklies are epic though I still haven’t gotten them at my source. I’ve seen some maps from others that look downright fantastic! But I can’t do the comparisons I like to do yet.

I’m not sure I ever remember Larry using the word epic!!!!

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Euro weeklies are epic though I still haven’t gotten them at my source. I’ve seen some maps from others that look downright fantastic! But I can’t do the comparisons I like to do yet.
I'd love to blue print that low track after 248, lol. Have that work past me once a week all winter :)
I’m not sure I ever remember Larry using the word epic!!!!

I should clarify that I'm quoting someone else who said "epic". I still don't see them at my location but I did make a call and found out that they're cold in the Midwest and NE US weeks 3-4 and then near normal afterward in those 2 areas just like on the prior run. So, at least holding consistent with the prior run, which was really nice in those 2 weeks. I don't have his take on the SE.
Patiently waiting to finally see the maps lol. It has never taken this long.
At least there is some consistency. Getting it to verify is the challenge. Then scoring in that pattern is the wildcard . You can have all the epic patterns you want but that does not mean you will score #skeptical

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