Are there any analog dates for this H5 pattern?
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View attachment 138976
I’ve been looking for weeks for something like this to show up…. Please hang in there ????
Yeah, theoretically it should push through and deliver some cold to the SE as well, though probably muted east of the Apps as usual. But as you point out, a 384 GFS is nothing more than a passing idea. I sympathize with HugeSnow however, that Feb 21 arctic robbery still living in my head.No that not a SER. You can tell it on the 500mb charts. It’s just a strong Arctic front with a strong southerly push of warm air out ahead of it. Doesn’t really matter much since it’s hour 384 of the OP GFS
Lets do both!Some good hits for wave 1 and 2 on the gefs. If I was a betting man, and that looked sticked around, wave 2 would be my choice for scoring
Yeah we remain in the game here in early Jan. Need the southern stream waves to move west to east at a fairly low latitude (not too far north) and sharpen at just the right time. W Canada ridge and trough off the NE coast are doing their job thus farThis gefs run is good examples of how we snow. Constant confluence from the low heights in the NE/Atlantic, active southern stream, which then the translates to more confluence as stream interaction happens and it moves to our east/NE, and more southern stream moving in. loaded diaper pattern. Gefs has this look a couple times View attachment 138995
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Good to see the time period going into that January 2002 storm in there. That storm in particular is a great example of how we can end up with a big snowstorm without much of a snowpack off to our NW.Here are the analog dates from NOAA CPC for days 8-14 (Dec 31 - Jan 6). The most notable dates are from late Dec 2001 (prior to the early Jan 2002 storm)
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The 12z Euro Op run was making a strong dash for it (SSW)The chance of a SSWE continues to look good. Dare I say likely for the first 10 days of 2024?
Yeah, it's going to be nice to get one of these "storms" to get within 7 days.Second storm has life on the 6z but of course this is way way way off.
Snow hole here, we toss!Weenie run here View attachment 139015
Im not too disappointed with that run. Just need the track to be a little further south.0z Euro has a 1/1-1/2 system. Temps suck though and it’s a nice cold rain for most. View attachment 139016
Where is the MJO going to be the first week of January? I stole this from either Eric or Alan a few years back.
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It looks like it will be a while before it comes back around to 7&8. Maybe late January around the same time when the effects of the looming major SSWE kicks in? ???Where is the MJO going to be the first week of January? I stole this from either Eric or Alan a few years back.
View attachment 139029
Well the good news is it can only go up from can't get worse. Maybe?Snow cover extent is so bad in North America rn it would be a record low, even near the end of March.
That has the general look and feel at 500mb of the referenced Jan 2002 analog
Looks like it is going to split. Like to see it come down in the atmosphere a bit more
My iphone weather icon shows a high of only 43 next sundayPattern change ? ?View attachment 139036View attachment 139037
Pattern change ? ?View attachment 139036View attachment 139037