I think that's what some are worried about. There's no way to know. None of us have actually lived through 200 years of winters in the southeast. All we have are statistics, numbers, and other various data points with which to try and put together a quasi-accurate picture of what normal should look like.
I know that during my lifetime, there have been some stinker winters. What makes things seem worse to me now, though, is that even in many of those stinker winters, there were still a few minor events. Also, in some of them, there were possibilities of bigger events that just didn't pan out.
Nowadays, it seems like it's super hard to even get a legitimate threat within a trackable time frame. Instead, we're trying to find ways for specific things to happen in order for a bona fide winter storm to even show up in the modeling....hoping that the models are missing something.
Anyway, I'm optimistic for February, about as optimistic as you can be, I guess. Maybe we'll get something to track then.