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Pattern February Discussion Part II

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I bet the high pressure is probably a bit overdone but then again everything else is saying "no storm".
That second system has some midget legs on this run...I don't see how it just fades out like that. You would think that the low will gain momentum at 144.

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NO GEFS support, no EPS or Euro support. no CMC, CMC ENS support.

It's Kaput.
at 210 this low is still spinning OTS.

lmao one of these GFS runs is going to bring this back over the US eventually after a warmup...
at this point it wouldn't bother me one bit to roast all of February . I haven't looked so I have no idea but it would be fun to make a run at the warmest February on record .

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I think we may have different ideas of fun. Go buy a sled.

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It would be awesome if that low stalled out closer to the SE coast with cold air in place. We would get a lot of snow but THAT is what I call wishcasting. But, if that we're to happen, it would be an historic event.

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IMO, on the Euro what needs to be looked for is not even a storm, but some energy at all from round 2...
Here's where the UKMET ends up by hr 144. Stronger than the CMC, but weaker than the GFS and faster with the cold air at this point...hmm..
Either GFS is high on crack, or ENS will eventually follow. 12z better than 6z with the northern stream, let's see if we can get the low to vonnect. 1040 high was there, so cold should be there
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