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Pattern February Discussion Part II

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lmfao, the CFSv2 & EPS continues to torch virtually the entire North American continent this month... It's been a lot of fun to watch Joe Bastardi kick and scream while another one of his winter forecasts goes up in flames. Even if we turn cooler later in the month (which isn't too unrealistic) going to be hard to erase the damage we're about to do the next week or two... Starting to feel just a tad better about my February forecast, granted I likely wasn't warm enough...
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at this point it wouldn't bother me one bit to roast all of February . I haven't looked so I have no idea but it would be fun to make a run at the warmest February on record .

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The 06z DGEX still has it...kinda lol

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Other than the EPO (which really is a concern all things Pacific considered), the today indices generally continue to look good rolling into later next week (IMHO)


12z GFS looks more realistic...sadly on the no storm side. I can't find the storm at all and think the monster cutter just absorbs it.

Meh, its there. but probably gonna get sheared out/crushed.
That second low looks more healthy than 06z...also it is being held back further than 06z. We'll see what happens.

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Had to delete that post as I realized I was looking at the wrong thing. Don't like this set up right now, I'll be surprised if it survives.
Per the prelim maps, IF there is going to be a storm, it appears it would be quite far south this run.
Second system is different on 12z than 0z EPS...in fact the EPS doesn't even have the LP

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Well at least we have a low cooking over Texas this run so far. Not that it survives, but better than what 06z had at the time.
That low will interact with Gulf if it will survive

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Trough axis is probably too far east to be really awesome may be a huge hit for eastern NC/OBX
Nice little snow shower into AL MS
Yeah so far a snow shower across AL and parts of MS. Jumps over GA. Now trying to get something for the Carolinas, CAE East me guesses.
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