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Pattern February 2024

Split flow off of the WC will try to keep things cooler the farther E you go but it looks like eventually the nose of the pacific jet will simply get too far E and we will warm.

You can easily see why the was/is still great optimism for Feb with the traditional split flow and the parade of highs to our north. We are just flying too close to the sun with too much pac jet. If we see and we should to some degree a retraction of this jet the pattern should get better but a total pac jet collapse might have a tendency to over load with cold or drop cold to our W
This might be a dumb question, but do you think the MJO becoming low and possibly COD will have an effect on muting the Pacific Jet a bit. It seems like it really wants get going when the MJO is amped up… just an observation I’ve made the last couple years
It's been that way for a while. Daffys and trees start blooming in Feb now. Get maybe 1 cold snap late Feb or early March but for the most part winter is over here once we get past Feb 10th-ish...
This has been then case pretty much most years,
Even in the 60's thru 80's it was common place to have blooming for Feb in the Carolinas & Ga outside the mountains.
It's why I wanted snow with the pattern we've been in for a week or two.
Bc Jan is & always will be the best shot by far for Big dogs that stay around for a while outside of the mountains.
Winter's not over but the chances that we see a Big Dog are dwindling by the sec.
The longer it goes the more likely we need a miracle where snow is clinging to trees that have bloomed.
Like we seen in the past.
One thing I’ve noticed are the snow means jump after the first week of February. You have to wonder if the modeling is showing that week to be a transition period to the pattern we’re looking for.
We talk about a transition period so often now to get to winter weather the pattern needs puberty blockers.
I think the point he was trying to make is that by that point, it’s low amped and doesn’t have nearly as big an effect.
I think Kylo was intimating that we'd probably all feel better if it wasn't doing loop the loops over on that side of the circle.
We have all been through enough "bad" winters to know you don't just reverse out of patterns like this in a few days...

Got to be kidding....where did it all go wrong.

To be fair, Canadian is trash, toss. However if we completely replace the Alaskan ridge with a stinking vortex of doom, I may be done. #thawalaska
The Jan 1-19th pattern was picked up well by all 3 ensembles in the 10-15 range end of Dec. The CMC Ens looks just like the GFS Op so not totally without agreement. But yeah I agree...let's see how GEFS/EPS look.
To be fair, Canadian is trash, toss. However if we completely replace the Alaskan ridge with a stinking vortex of doom, I may be done. #thawalaska
If it were four runs in a row showing something similar I would be more concerned but it seems to be all over the place, or it’s trending so quickly we’ll be back to a favorable look in a couple runs lol.
If it were four runs in a row showing something similar I would be more concerned but it seems to be all over the place, or it’s trending so quickly we’ll be back to a favorable look in a couple runs lol.
And it will be about as reliable as the one we are looking at.
I think the point he was trying to make is that by that point, it’s low amped and doesn’t have nearly as big an effect.
I mean it’s borderline in the COD. Sorry but that isn’t going to be as big of a driver if it’s sitting near the COD regardless of what phase it’s in
We're all talking hypotheticals, but if we do end up with that pattern, it's going to be rough. Then again, it's entirely possible that we end up with a variant of that which is easier to escape from.
These things are never as good or as bad as depicted. I’m not trying to sound like a weenie but I’m just not trusting these things to tell me what February is going to look like on January 19th when these things flip around every couple days. Now if it’s the end of January showing this then that’s a totally different story and even then I’d trust it through the first week.in a week we could very easily see a full blown trough in the east or a full United States ridge. My point is seeing people freak out at every model run or even the MJO sitting in a low amp’d bad phase 12 days away is overblown when we should know by now that these things just simply can’t be trusted past day 5 regardless of what it’s showing.