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Pattern February 2024

I get that, I was more alluding to those finding anything they can to say there’s no chance of this amounting to anything 7-8 days out than anything. I’ll keep this stuff in banter going forward
Oh I get you. Feel free to discuss it here. It's totally fine.
I was reviewing some of the past snowstorms. Another analog looks to be February 1969, which has a very similar wave orientation to the 18z GFS. That one stayed all snow down to GSP and mixed with sleet and freezing rain to Atlanta.

I don't think this has the high-end potential to be a board-wide storm because that would require a phase when the current setup fits more into the Miller B category (CAD favored). A phase would be a weird hybrid, but you never know. The 50/50 low between the two is nearly identical, which is the most important piece, in my opinion, and what has gone wrong often in the past.

Considering the wave is over the Pacific, it wouldn't surprise me if the low trended to be more amped. But then again, you can't always trust that what happened in the past will ALWAYS happen in the present. Although, it is a good bet to expect the models to change by tomorrow, better or worse.

Personally, though, I would be fine if the amplification began at 00z.

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I was reviewing some of the past snowstorms. Another analog looks to be February 1969, which has a very similar wave orientation to the 18z GFS. That one stayed all snow down to GSP and mixed with sleet and freezing rain to Atlanta.

I don't think this has the high-end potential to be a board-wide storm because that would require a phase when the current setup fits more into the Miller B category (CAD favored). A phase would be a weird hybrid, but you never know. The 50/50 low between the two is nearly identical, which is the most important piece, in my opinion, and what has gone wrong often in the past.

Considering the wave is over the Pacific, it wouldn't surprise me if the low trended to be more amped. But then again, you can't always trust that what happened in the past will ALWAYS happen in the present. Although, it is a good bet to expect the models to change by tomorrow, better or worse.

Personally, though, I would be fine if the amplification began at 00z.

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Before my time but would love to see one like that again. That one set the all time SC snowfall record of 29 inches at Ceaser's Head.
Looking past our storm chance, pretty nice sequence here on the Weeklies from Feb 11 to Feb 23. Enlarging low latitude Aleutian Low anomalies lead to southern stream running underneath amplifying Western North America ridging. Would like to see more low pressure off the NE coast, but pretty nice overall. Coldest anomalies in the N Hemisphere located in the eastern 1/2 of the U.S. Feb 14-21 (2nd image)

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GEFS Ext follows up the Euro Weeklies with a good run as well...pretty much the same evolution here for Feb 11 to Feb 22. Both look favorable into early March as well

Jan 28 GEFS Ext 500.gif

Jan 28 GEFS Ext 850.png