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Pattern February 2024

Nope, everything happens a little to far east, dang View attachment 143876
You would think with a 992mb just off SAV deepening to 982mb six hours later off Charleston would have a much further west shield of moisture back to the northwest. I would definitely take my chances with that especially on the east side of I-77
GSP's first mention of the interesting time period ahead.

As of 111 AM EST Sunday: With the passage of the frontal system to
the east Wednesday morning, we`ll return to NW flow snow showers
across the NC-TN border. Valley moisture looks a little more anemic
with this second system, and 850mb flow less-pronounced over the
mountains. Over the I-77 corridor, enough low-level moisture will
remain in place for low-end PoPs that aren`t removed until the late
afternoon/evening hours.

The synoptic pattern becomes increasingly uncertain Thursday and
beyond as some flavor Omega Block sets up over the Great Plains and
Midwest. Troughing over the Four Corners region on the SW periphery
of this blocking pattern is expected to spit out some kind of upper
low...which will traverse the southern Great Plains and Gulf Coast
early next weekend...but ensemble projections of this system`s
impact on the Carolinas run the gamut from "dry" to "rainy" to
"maybe some snow." So, the details remain as clear as mud at this
point, and will need to be revisited as time goes on.