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Pattern February 2024

The 12z Ukmet is pretty far east with tpv lobe. Looks like it's winding up tight though. Good or bad?

I think it definitely wouldn't be suppressed and CAD/ high location should be really good location.View attachment 143827
With a TPV extension like that looks like a classic Miller B mix bag setup per that H5 look
With a TPV extension like that looks like a classic Miller B mix bag setup per that H5 look
I just ain’t seeing the run of the mill Miller B ingredients here but that’s just maybe because I’m an amateur map reader at best. Usually we get some sort of ridging moving in off the Atlantic in those setups.
Ain’t no way fam. Bro we just having fun at this point. View attachment 143830
The CMC found another way to make it snow in the SE. It actually drops another short wave pinched off from the northern stream behind the initial system lol.
Starting to see the classic double-barrel jet look on the GFS & CMC as this thing reaches the SE US Coast
Double barrel jet = bomb. One of the things you see in severe wx season and you know the setup is gonna be big if there isn’t a bunch of junk
Just as you'd expect the 12z GEFS is more icy with the eastward shift of tpv and the slightly slower southern wave.

Doesn't hurt my feelings one bit though because I think those trends lead to more wintery hits in general. I'll take sleet and freezing rain

There's no doubt that trend is bad for anyone in the mid-south that doesn't get in on CAD though.