I don't know who you're referring to, but don't you think that an overall cold bias of all models the last few weeks+ is a good reason for these folks to think that a warm run has a better chance to verify more closely than a cold run? If not, why not?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a bunch of times, I'll never learn.
Regardless, I still think a BN dominated period (2-3 weeks) will finally reach the SE 2/20 or later. In the meantime, no extended torch is in sight, regardless. We'll be much better off the next few weeks than we were most of Dec-1/18 imo. The MJO forecasts are one of the reasons for this plus the other tellies are not nearly as bad as they were recently. The EPS HDDs nationally have been trending higher. So, the US as a whole is trending colder.