^ Here are some quotes regarding Mike Ventrice's AEI:
1. This 1st one is from a usually good quality poster: "I think Mike Ventrice's index might be too focused on the tropical Pacific particularly rainfall patterns between the Maritime and the central Pacific, though to be fair I'm not certain what goes into his index."
2. "I have never been impressed with Ventrice, particularly on the ENSO topic."
Response to this one: "As in not impressed with his indices? He works for IBM/TWC. His job is to develop new ways to analyze long range forecasts for their (mostly) energy clients. Some of them work. Some of them have issues."
3. "I wish Ventrice worked on improving key ENSO variables that actually matter. The current variables that we know of are still pretty complicated and mysterious in how and why they work. So if someone with all his resources can invest them in these key indicators, then I would think it would do a lot of good."
My point in showing these is that there is currently a lot of uncertainty regarding the usefulness of the AEI.
1. This 1st one is from a usually good quality poster: "I think Mike Ventrice's index might be too focused on the tropical Pacific particularly rainfall patterns between the Maritime and the central Pacific, though to be fair I'm not certain what goes into his index."
2. "I have never been impressed with Ventrice, particularly on the ENSO topic."
Response to this one: "As in not impressed with his indices? He works for IBM/TWC. His job is to develop new ways to analyze long range forecasts for their (mostly) energy clients. Some of them work. Some of them have issues."
3. "I wish Ventrice worked on improving key ENSO variables that actually matter. The current variables that we know of are still pretty complicated and mysterious in how and why they work. So if someone with all his resources can invest them in these key indicators, then I would think it would do a lot of good."
My point in showing these is that there is currently a lot of uncertainty regarding the usefulness of the AEI.