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Pattern Dry July 2024

Solid start to the event along a line from Kinston to Williamston, areas just SW of Grifton already closing in on 7” this morning with a FFW now in effect. Someone’s getting a foot by the time all is said and done Saturday, of course not me.

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Big difference on the totals on the different radars...RDU has my house at 2.2", MHX has it at .98, either way its welcomed.
Other than temporary lulls it's hard to imagine we lose a wetter pattern through the end of July with next weekend potentially being the wettest pattern we have seen regionally.
Story of my summer. IlM discos points out how much my area has sucked at rain recebtly

Some parts of the Grand Strand and Cape Fear regions didn`t
record a drop,
while others have recorded 1-3 inches so far today.
Some isolated mesonet stations have recorded nearly 4 inches.
It will it's really not suppose to get widespread till tomorrow into Sat....
Hoping so. The NBM is trending east still with the area of >1” totals running almost on top of the Waccamaw river and points east. Gonna need a new drought category if we don’t get a dump and it’s in the upper 90s next week. The extension office is throwing out 50% loss in yield for corn and potentially worse than that. Beans are hanging on from rain 2 weeks ago but the next week or two is critical.
Haha showers forming just to our west moving west. Showers moving in from the east dissipating lolololol
We can't seem to catch a break! The National Weather Service at RDU has backed off the chances of rain for tonight. The forecasters still seem pretty confident that we will get widespread coverage tomorrow. We can only wait and see what happens.
Thunder woke the house up shortly after 4am but still no rain. Looks like Whiteville over towards Lake Waccamaw have done well. Sorely needed there too as Lake Waccamaw was dry out to about the first set of benches on the state park pier.