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Pattern December - Deal or No Deal?

Member #12 would make most happy on there. I think it would be great if it atleast snows down TN/VA, would feel like that would be a good omen for the rest of winter. The mid-atlantic area got the shaft last winter, would be good to see them get hit.

View attachment 7700
Can't see MBY in these frames, but I can extrapolate some decent snow totals for my area in #12. Lock it in!

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12km NAM says hello

12z has northern energy that’s digging the same time our system is moving in . Should help make it cooler vs previous runs . But regardless it’s still at day 10

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Damn that’s like a 36 hour storm . Would be epic for western NC too bad it’s 11 days out .

Only thing that matters is the signal is there for something

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Solid CAD signal. HP placement would be the key with a favorable GL trackView attachment 7704

That's just beautiful positioning of the low and high pressures IMO. The high is a good strength and is just anchored in the NE, doesn't really move. Too bad it'll be gone this afternoon. Maybe it'll get better! lol.

Hopefully we can milk something out of this timeframe because after that I think we may be real quiet for a while until the pacific can and hopefully reshuffle.
Yeah specifics don’t mean sh&& this far out , hell they really don’t mean much to even 48 hours out . But the pattern supports a system of some kind during this period .

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