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Pattern December - Deal or No Deal?

If that winter system verifies that we're watching, it would be the 2nd winter event in a row for early December. Remember last year in early December around the 6th-10th(?) time frame? I'm not saying it will be the same, it's just interesting that there could be a winter system around the same dates as of last year.
(Thank you for approving my account by the way!)
I also hope that we all get a December 8-10 2017 redux. By the way, welcome to the board!
After that snow last December, I'll gladly take another helping of it this December should it come to fruition. While I highly doubt it would amount to the foot or so that fell across parts of North and West GA again, any snow in December is a absolute treat. This will be interesting to watch for sure. If I am not mistaken, last years storm really didn't even get in the forecast until the night before of as far as the high amounts go, most were just calling for an inch or so and some a few days prior said zero chance of any snow. I clearly remember David Chandley saying a day or two before the storm hit that there would be zero snow and refused to discuss it on a facebook live. lol. Yet, 2 days later, parts of his viewing area had a foot.
After that snow last December, I'll gladly take another helping of it this December should it come to fruition. While I highly doubt it would amount to the foot or so that fell across parts of North and West GA again, any snow in December is a absolute treat. This will be interesting to watch for sure. If I am not mistaken, last years storm really didn't even get in the forecast until the night before of as far as the high amounts go, most were just calling for an inch or so and some a few days prior said zero chance of any snow. I clearly remember David Chandley saying a day or two before the storm hit that there would be zero snow and refused to discuss it on a facebook live. lol. Yet, 2 days later, parts of his viewing area had a foot.
The meteorologist in my area is Chris justice. I like him he usually tells you about any chance of snow and is very honest. He seems to sometimes actually call for to much rather then say it’s not possible.
Gonna be a big storm on the 00z gfs but it’s gonna be too warm for most as the northern branch is lifting NE ahead of the storm .

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Looks like we have a system developing a little bit faster at hour 216. Let’s see if the faster solution helps here in the next few frames.
Looking at H5 00z wasn’t that much different than 18z? What did I miss?
If I am reading this correctly. Trying to learn something new this year. We had more of a northern stream on 12z and 18z model run then the 0z. It wouldn’t take much to get it in the right direction. Heck it’s 10 days away. So more then enough time for things to change for better. Going to attach picture of what I think happen. Someone please correct me if I am wrong..

New run less norther stream.

12z more northern stream