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Pattern Dazzling December

Note here on the GEFS how the jet in the Pacific moves equatorward (south) and extends east. This is what we want to see as it allows the NE Siberia Low appendage to drop south and east with ridging pumped into AK...and it allows the Aleutian Low to finds its happy home (2nd loop). Getting the Pac jet to extend farther east, to say, the longitude of Hawaii would get us into more +PNA (or -EPO / +PNA combo). Whether you want that or not depends on where you live (farther west, farther east) and whether we have a big -NAO (more -NAO = more eastward trough over the U.S.)

In contrast, if the jet stays poleward (north), you get low pressure pumped into AK (+EPO / -PNA). If the Pac jet stays retracted to the west, you get the North Pac ridge located farther west (Aleutian ridge) and -PNA.


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December 1989 featured several warning shots (of significant-major IP/ZR) before the big one showed up on Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. I definitely need to take a closer look at that month when I get a chance. Several storms need to be analyzed & mapped.
If you can I’d love to see more about the storm I mentioned the other day that came around the 8-9th of that month. Big ice/sleet storm for CLT metro
Good technical read:

This was indeed a good read. Of note, he showed this "Reflection Index" of wave reflection from the stratosphere into the troposphere (favoring cold air outbreaks into the U.S.), and I've never seen him post it where it maintains this type of positive number for so long

Note here on the GEFS how the jet in the Pacific moves equatorward (south) and extends east. This is what we want to see as it allows the NE Siberia Low appendage to drop south and east with ridging pumped into AK...and it allows the Aleutian Low to finds its happy home (2nd loop). Getting the Pac jet to extend farther east, to say, the longitude of Hawaii would get us into more +PNA (or -EPO / +PNA). Whether you want that or not depends on where you live (farther west, farther east) and whether we have a big -NAO (more -NAO = more eastward trough over the U.S.)

In contrast, if the jet stays poleward (north), you get low pressure pumped into AK (+EPO / -PNA). If the Pac jet stays retracted to the west, you get the North Pac ridge located farther west (Aleutian ridge) and -PNA.



Makes sense with the +EAMT that looks to be in the cards near the end of next week, because positive mtn torque (& associated surface highs) flux atmospheric angular momentum equatorward & also extend the jet immediately downstream, whereas negative mountain torque redistributes it poleward + retracts the jet stream.

Makes sense with the +EAMT that looks to be in the cards near the end of next week, because positive mtn torque (& associated surface highs) flux atmospheric angular momentum equatorward & also extend the jet immediately downstream, whereas negative mountain torque redistributes it poleward + retracts the jet stream.

Gotcha Eric thanks. That’s an excellent image of +EAMT, hang it in the Louvre! Knew the part about jet extension / retraction with EAMT, but didn’t know the part about equatorward and poleward. Makes sense though, thanks
Looking at the teleconnections, I would love to see the CMC verify. Negative NAO, EPO, AO and a neutral to positive PNA all being possible. The EPS differs on the PNA some but lines up on the others and shows a -3 for the NAO until the end of the run where it creeps up to neutral
my ex and i got in a fight once because she thought my phone passcode would be her birthday or our anniversary or something like that, she was disappointed to learn it was 122389. i told her i would reconsider when she put 15 inches of snow in wilmington

So close to glory and then it frizzles away.
View attachment 125121
I wanted to touch on this quickly- that storm fizzles because the parent shortwave around the 4 corners runs into a brick wall of a surface high east of the rockies. surface lows and shortwaves have a mutualistic relationship- cold air advection west of a surface low will lower the heights at 500mb, while warm air advection east of the low will raise heights to the east. this makes the shortwave amplify, which makes the surface low stronger... you see the feedback. this gets shunted when surface cyclogenesis is basically impossible in Texas/CO and the shortwave fizzles. this didn't scream suppression to me.