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Pattern Dazzling December


Just fyi, we've been discussing moderating this thread a little tighter than we have been. Primarily it's that time of year, traffic picks up, some great discussion going on and many (especially newcomers) don't want to weed through banter post to read the detailed discussion post. So with that in mind, help us out by thinking about what you post before you post it, ensure it's in the correct thread and utilize the banter/whamby threads more, especially the "this a good look?", "hope it gets cold for Christmas", "oh no we suck again" post. Just to name a few.

Don't take offense if comments get moved or deleted.

Meanager :cool:
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Nice trend loop. Others may have commented on this, but we are actually getting a tiny piece of the original TPV over Canada sucked in underneath the initial block. The ICON seems to have the best looking evolution in terms of what happens next

On the 1st image, you can see the tear drop here just east of Hudson Bay at day 3...that's the small piece of the Canada TPV. The small wave over Nebraska will combine with it (and the remnant low off NEngland), as seen on the 2nd image at day 5. Then on the 3rd image at day 7, the low is wound up in the Canadian Maritimes....but what the ICON does the best compared to the other models is it brings a piece of the western wave out quicker, and that would eventually start the domino effect where the flow gets backed up severely, cold air sinks south, and we get the very nice looking west based -NAO block from S Greenland to Hudson Bay as low pressure then winds up over New England and off the coast. CMC isn't far off from this, but it keeps the Pac wave more consolidated and doesn't send it east as early.



Yep to all of your points and also the fact that these positive trends are occurring between D3-D7 as you pointed out. If we can get that initial piece of western energy to eject sooner, we could set the table for something wintry even sooner but it's definitely going to take some time for guidance to hone in on how that will pan out. The big takeaway to me is the blocking is trending better, and now we have a clear path to getting the wound up low under the block -- which was in doubt in my mind for some time. With those players on the field, we'll finally have a functioning west-based -NAO and folks can make up their own mind if it increases the chances for southeastern U.S. winter storms ;)
The GEFS looks fantastic so far .... You've got to learn to post less and pay attention to what people with much more experience are telling you.
I’ve been on here for six years and the only things I post are obs and funny gifs. I guess it’s because I realize I don’t know enough to elevate the discussion.

But, hey - that’s just me…
Euro coming in sexy day 7-9

Question for you grit.. are you concerned that it’s possible that big trough gets delayed some and that low off the California coast could pull it back and suddenly reinforce a -PNA regime? Or is that blocking over top helping to progress the flow to where low pressure will dominate underneath all across the US ?
lol I thought CPC was saying warm will dominate, this doesn’t look very warm lol outside the next 2 days View attachment 125044
Yeah we are definitely in a CAD pattern starting after tomorrow. It’ll be interesting next week to look at how the temperature anomalies compare between CAD areas and those west of the Apps.
Question for you grit.. are you concerned that it’s possible that big trough gets delayed some and that low off the California coast could pull it back and suddenly reinforce a -PNA regime? Or is that blocking over top helping to progress the flow to where low pressure will dominate underneath all across the US ?
Not grit, but IMO with that strong jet behind it there's no way it's going to get hung in the southwest. What's even better is directly behind this a split flow is setting up - with a west-based -NAO out in front of it....if we can just reel this setup in it's going to get interesting before long.

I believe Less ridging out west is worse.

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Certainly no pro here, but I think what you are picking up on is the the progression GIF makes it look like the isobars "drop" a bit south in the West. Actually you're seeing more of a "buckle" in the bars to the west shortening the wavelength, and concurrently seeing more of a dive with the eastern trough. That is what we want to see and it would be interesting to see the next frames to see if that continues. Pay attention to the little numbers; we want the lower numbers South and East!
Eh I wouldn’t say that. Depends on what you are looking at and when. If its the Mean in the short range <120 hrs yes, if >240 that is a good way to get really disappointed if you buy in completely to the Ensembles and discount the OP.
Yeah I just look for signals in the long range.