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Pattern Dazzling December

More western driving this GFS run so far View attachment 125629
Yeah this is good to see. There is a mixture out there right now with how the models and model ensembles are handling that. UKMet here drops the low out west (no good)

Not even close! This is an actual system from the plains, the GLL is a different entity! Good try tho!
Sounds right. Origin makes sense as typically we've just seen them parked up there and not moving...guess coming from Canada originally and not from points west and southwest
I love this kind of set up in winter because it gives everyone a good chance at decent precip. Pretty much straight west to east with a heavy band sandwiched in between light precip areas, and sagging south. Everyone gets the train as it sags. Hate a winter storm were the front is severely leaning from the far sw to the ne, and if it's slow moving, it's agony. Huntsville gets creamed, then Atl and kids are already sledding, and I'm waiting on precip to start...still. And finally when it's about all over and Atl has it's 6 inches, and the kids are tired of sledding, and the energy has shifted to the atlantic, a straggler band of rear guard energy comes bustling thru on howling winds and drops a quick inch in it's hurry. Energy like this today... sagging, slowly... giving all a chance is what I always want in winter with cold air in place.