Agree 100%. Italy just recently ramped up testing. For a while they were only testing the worst off.
So, what does the testing issue mean as far as how the rapid increase in US cases compares to the rapid increase in Italy?
Agree 100%. Italy just recently ramped up testing. For a while they were only testing the worst off.
With something that spreads so rapidly, if we were a month or two behind the 8ball (which there’s reason to believe we were since it was being covered up by the Chicoms) then this could most definitely have been in our backyard all winter long. I don’t think that being of this opinion is BS at all. It’s a real possibility. There’s a chance that the only thing testing is doing is showing something that has been here all along. I’m neutral at this point. Still prepared. But my mind is open to this possibility.I see no evidence of any real expert saying there was community spread in a November in the US. That’s complete and utter BS. The genome of tested samples have been traced back to China. There would have been more antigenic drift than what is currently showing if it has been around that long. It’s just random folks brainstorming, no data supports that at all.
Yea, I haven't found anything either.?I see no evidence of any real expert saying there was community spread in a November in the US. That’s complete and utter BS. The genome of tested samples have been traced back to China. There would have been more antigenic drift than what is currently showing if it has been around that long. It’s just random folks brainstorming, no data supports that at all.
So, what does the testing issue mean as far as how the rapid increase in US cases compares to Italy?
Yea, I haven't found anything either.?
I'm not against idle speculation and even some unorthodox thinking. But I'm concerned the early onset theory is more grounded on hope than what the data suggests is the most likely outcome.
This is a thought my household explored recently. Because there was a sketchy virus going around not too long ago that my fiancé had as well as many others at her work. I had it to a lesser degree. My brother also had it and had pneumonia as well. I’m starting to lean on the belief that this thing might have circulated once already. Might be time to load the truck with some oversold stonks in the coming weeks if/when this becomes the consensus thinking. This could be why the current administration hasn’t seem worried all along. Maybe they know this thing has already made its rounds this past winter and they don’t want to admit it was missed. Maybe many of this winter’s “flu” deaths were actually from the virus. Something to consider as a real possibility imo.
Seems like are following them pretty much step for step atmWhat are the chances it gets as bad here as it is in Italy?
What are the chances it gets as bad here as it is in Italy?
That would be extremely concerning, and support the theory.What happens if they start re-opening some of these US death cases over the winter and they find out people were dying with COVID-19 in December/January? What implications would that have?
Meh. Yeah I wouldn’t say it’s the coronavirus “instead” of the flu. Just not sure I would completely write off the idea that maybe this thing has been circulating well before it was picked up by the media and various health organizations around the world.So many hypotheticals, not sure where to begin.
We aren’t even out of flu season. This flu season had an increased number of pediatric deaths, not to mention laboratory confirmed cases of flu A & B. To suggest it’s been the coronavirus instead of the flu is a little much. There’s no evidence it’s been here for 5 months or since last winter (lol) and most if not all experts would disagree with that theory.
During cold and flu season, pneumonia, coughs, flu negative fevers, are all normal and we see this every year in the pharmacy. I’ve seen nothing that leads me to believe people were coming in with unexplained illness. This has nothing on flu seasons of the past where we couldn’t keep cold-eze and zinc stocked...
It’s normal to think testing is lagging behind cases because it is...but that doesn’t mean we’ve all been sharing this since Nov-Dec. This week, starting Monday, many primary car doctors will get their first COVID tests in NC. I have heard of doctors speaking to me personally of unexplained flu negative fevers, but it’s only been very recently, like 1 week of time recently.
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This chart is really eye opening. We actually have more cases here compared to Italy at the same time period.
My daughters doctor is sending samples in from the cases that spiked his interest. This was middle of last week when we spoke to him so not sure how long before he would get results back.So many hypotheticals, not sure where to begin.
We aren’t even out of flu season. This flu season had an increased number of pediatric deaths, not to mention laboratory confirmed cases of flu A & B. To suggest it’s been the coronavirus instead of the flu is a little much. There’s no evidence it’s been here for 5 months or since last winter (lol) and most if not all experts would disagree with that theory.
During cold and flu season, pneumonia, coughs, flu negative fevers, are all normal and we see this every year in the pharmacy. I’ve seen nothing that leads me to believe people were coming in with unexplained illness. This has nothing on flu seasons of the past where we couldn’t keep cold-eze and zinc stocked...
It’s normal to think testing is lagging behind cases because it is...but that doesn’t mean we’ve all been sharing this since Nov-Dec. This week, starting Monday, many primary car doctors will get their first COVID tests in NC. I have heard of doctors speaking to me personally of unexplained flu negative fevers, but it’s only been very recently, like 1 week of time recently.
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I just got off the phone with my mom a few minutes ago.
The Food Lion nearby (this one takes a drive though unlike the Dollar General, although that was cleaned out 2 days after I said it was fine) is cleaned out. There's no toilet paper. They're trying Family Dollar but I'm kind of dubious they see anything there either.
They did, as an emergency alternative, pick up plain Kleenex.
Yea, I haven't found anything either.?
I'm not against idle speculation and even some unorthodox thinking. But I'm concerned the early onset theory is more grounded on hope than what the data suggests is the most likely outcome.
Meh. Yeah I wouldn’t say it’s the coronavirus “instead” of the flu. Just not sure I would completely write off the idea that maybe this thing has been circulating well before it was picked up by the media and various health organizations around the world.
Well we do have a pretty good idea it was in Washington for 6+ weeks before the first confirmed case. This would also fit the timeline of it being in China 4-6 weeks earlier than first reported by the Chinese government.
So why didn't we see a higher death rate in elderly starting after Christmas? Why did WA suddenly start having all these deaths in nursing homes?
If the virus is responsible for all of these anectodal stories we're hearing of people getting sick weeks ago and getting over it, why haven't we seen more nursing home deaths before a few weeks ago?
I mean, I get it. I would love this theory to be true, and that I don't have to worry as much about my mother in her seventies, or tens of my aunts and uncles, and that we're taking precautions for something that has already proliferated. But we have got to see more data first. And it would help if a disease expert came out in support of this theory of general population spread since December. Think of the career implications for the first expert that correctly predicted this was happening. I'm sure the rewards would be quite lucrative.
I'm not completely opposed to the idea, but even accounting for the very limited testing early on, almost all of the initial cases were of people who had just traveled in from an area where the virus was or were associated directly with someone who came from there.Meh. Yeah I wouldn’t say it’s the coronavirus “instead” of the flu. Just not sure I would completely write off the idea that maybe this thing has been circulating well before it was picked up by the media and various health organizations around the world.
Yeah we need more data but I wouldn’t be surprised if this entered the US in early January or late December based on the China timeline and how they tried to cover it up. If I understand correctly, many of the coronavirus deaths are due to the pneumonia it causes? If so, it’s possible there have been some deaths in nursing homes attributed to pneumonia or the flu that actually were due to coronavirus but since it wasn’t known or expected in the US they simply didn’t test for it. I believe the CDC also mentioned a few flu cases were actually coronavirus and they would have to go back and analyze some of the data.
At this point it is what it is. We'll see in the next few weeks how well we prepared for itI think all of us likely agree on when it got here, but just disagree on the timeline of how it spread, and how much it spread once it got here up till now.
And dang it, if we had more testing now, then we'd know for sure. Until then, here we are speculating.
Work at Harris teeter has been a living hell this week. I’ve already accepted my fate in that I will almost certainly contract the coronavirus at some point given how much exposure I have with customers.![]()
My Walmart bread aisle.
Pasta aisle
Ramen aisle
Canned meats like spam etc
Frozen processed chicken freezers
Work at Harris teeter has been a living hell this week. I’ve already accepted my fate in that I will almost certainly contract the coronavirus at some point given how much exposure I have with customers.
I think all of us likely agree on when it got here, but just disagree on the timeline of how it spread, and how much it spread once it got here up till now.
And dang it, if we had more testing now, then we'd know for sure. Until then, here we are speculating.
Just drove my forklift down to the loading dock to place some loads in staging and an over the road trucker was standing there coughing. Normally would never of noticed but now..... the shipping clerk was about to chase him down with lysol lol.
‘Shut It Down’: Colorado Woman In Italy Issues Stark Warning On Coronavirus
From her home in Italy, a CU graduate and former Colorado resident has a harsh warning for Colorado residents: “Don’t do anything -- don’t go to the cinemas, stay home, shut it down.”
The statistics all show that they breed and survive longer when it's cold and dry," Myers said. "So, when it's warmer and more humid and there's a lot of sunshine, the statistics on all of the others show a virus is less lethal, it spreads less efficiently and less effectively among humans."
"It really doesn't have anything to do with the warmth, but it has to do with the length of the day and the exposure to sunlight, which inactivates the virus through UV light," Fair, who is an MSNBC science contributor, said during an appearance on the network. "We expect a dip in infections as we would see with the cold and flu in the spring and summer months.
Buying my groceries at pickup, no desire to shop inside a store. Pick up has gotten quite busy, week + wait at Walmart.I think it's going to get much worse before it gets better. I love my neighbors but they're out shopping at the home depot like it's no big deal. Until it really hits the fan a lot of Americans just aren't going to take it serious. We see it with weather. I'm still reading, even in this thread, that it will probably blow over in 2 weeks even though all the science and data says the opposite. The answers and experiences are right in front of us. Maybe it's too difficult for some to believe it can happen here. I'm not sure why. My family is staying home as of this past Friday when school got cancelled. We've got no plans to leave for the next 7 days either. After that, we will reassess. But I doubt we go anywhere until we need a food pickup which would be several weeks away. We are "hunkered down Dawgs" like the late great Larry Munson would say.