Well as more test roll out more cases are being found....shocking....there is talk that there are 6-10 people in isolation at the local hospital....
You don't have to see it for experts to see itI don’t see it but I guess we could.
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Worst case scenarios laid out by scientists are even worse than what I posted. There are facts and if requested I can link some tweets and such that support what worst case looks like. We are lagging about ten days behind Italy. It’s full on Wuhan measuses over there now. Sure I could be wrong but I don’t think opinions are banned from this thread. If so I’ll adjust my postings in the future.
You don't have to see it for experts to see it
And that is if the vaccine work and even if it’s 50-50 is not going to be goodAccording to what the experts say, we are around 18 months away from a vaccine.
A federally mandated lockdown is similar to what new york is already doing. Travel restrictions mainly
Like I said it’s not a virus I’m worried about is the economic impactI don't think anyone has issues with people expressing their opinions. However, creating mass panic and fear-mongering is dangerous too. Yes, scientists and the CDC have presented worse case scenarios for the US. But they do that every year, whether it be the flu or something else entirely. Point is, we need to stay aware. And listen to local, state, and national officials. I honestly feel like we just need to shut EVERYTHING down at this point, though. Full lockdown until we can get this under control. The only places that need to stay open are pharmacies and healthcare facilities. Have the gov't work with Amazon to get food and supplies to American's. Get local National Guard units to assist as well. If we can manage that, I feel we can significantly reduce those numbers. We all have to work together though.
They are “educated” guesses. Which are slightly better than those of the “wild” variety. Not by much though.True. Experts aren’t always right. We will see.
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Like I said it’s not a virus I’m worried about is the economic impact
All these people with no income that live paycheck to paycheck do we really think the government has the money or the power to force businesses to pay people that loss of wages
They are “educated” guesses. Which are slightly better than those of the “wild” variety. Not by much though.
I doubt that would happen. Food producers and grocery stores and truckers would likely be deemed essential and still have to work.So, what happens when there is no food or other supplies at stores because nothing was done to limit people from buying as much as they could?
That means some people failed to prepare. It’s unfortunate but those that saw it coming (the eventual panic) aren’t necessarily worried about the supply chain at the moment.So, what happens when there is no food or other supplies at stores because nothing was done to limit people from buying as much as they could?
Wow.Feds cut the interest rate to zero .....
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That means some people failed to prepare. It’s unfortunate but those that saw it coming (the eventual panic) aren’t necessarily worried about the supply chain at the moment.
I filled 2 separate 3 month prescriptions of the same drugs in less than two weeks this month. Don’t ask me how ?
It’s because at this point everyone is panic buying at the same time. There’s no good time to go. When you spread it out and prep over a span of 4-5 weeks it’s much more manageableI disagree. There would not be enough supplies for everyone anyway if everyone went out and bought a month or two worth of supplies. I doubt the stores will close. And it would not be a big risk for people to go to the stores and shop as usual. If people would have just shopped as usual, everything would be fine. It's people buying everything at once that causes the supply problems.
It’s because at this point everyone is panic buying at the same time. There’s no good time to go. When you spread it out and prep over a span of 4-5 weeks it’s much more manageable
So we have bars restaurants closing in OH & IL. So no wages for those people. How many are independents that will go under because no money coming in. How many employees can’t pay bills now. All this just keeps adding to the pile of iou the govt will have to bail out. So obviously airlines, cruise lines, automotive dealerships will be some big ones to bail out.Every day in Italy around 1700 people die. They had 360 die today from covid+19.
Well one thing is for certain. Taxes will be going up when this is over to replace the rainy day funds the state govts are using up.Third economic relief bill already in the works
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Even a month or two will absolutely crush the economy. No matter how one looks at it.I can't imagine these conditions will last longer than a month or two, unless we're following Italy's path than that's a different story.
Okay, so... Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I have had a series of emotions. Ranging from denial to downright terrifying moments. And to be honest, it's been the latter. However, it only took me one day of hanging out with some amazing people to realize that worrying is the last thing I should be doing. So much information has been tossed around. From the news to social media. There is so much to decipher right now. I tend to be a worrisome individual. But today, I decided to try and deviate away from all this negativity... If you're scared, that's okay... you're human. If you're sad, for the lives that have been taken, that's okay as well. My point is, no matter what emotions you may be experiencing, are completely normal. I am nowhere near a professional when it comes to the human psyche. However, I will say this: Check-in on your neighbors, especially ones that may be in the higher risk category. Let's try to separate politics and personal beliefs and unite as a country. If you feel overwhelmed, take a walk and absorb nature. If you're fearful, talk about it with family or friends. Let's take this experience and continue to prosper, learn, and grow as humans, Afterall, none of us are perfect. Don't let yourself succumb to all the negativity. We got this!
This is a good post from you. At BUDS we used to run miles with a backpack full of bricks. Those bricks represent the stress you carry with you. Its ok to be afraid. Fear is a good thing. It makes you stop and think clearly if you learn to accept it and control it. Stress IS something you can control. You have full control over those bricks on your back at all times. One thing that helps reduce that stress is TRUST! Trust yourself and those around you. Stay positive because negativity drives fear and creates stress. If YOU present positivity it will reflect on those around you......Okay, so... Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I have had a series of emotions. Ranging from denial to downright terrifying moments. And to be honest, it's been the latter. However, it only took me one day of hanging out with some amazing people to realize that worrying is the last thing I should be doing. So much information has been tossed around. From the news to social media. There is so much to decipher right now. I tend to be a worrisome individual. But today, I decided to try and deviate away from all this negativity... If you're scared, that's okay... you're human. If you're sad, for the lives that have been taken, that's okay as well. My point is, no matter what emotions you may be experiencing, are completely normal. I am nowhere near a professional when it comes to the human psyche. However, I will say this: Check-in on your neighbors, especially ones that may be in the higher risk category. Let's try to separate politics and personal beliefs and unite as a country. If you feel overwhelmed, take a walk and absorb nature. If you're fearful, talk about it with family or friends. Let's take this experience and continue to prosper, learn, and grow as humans, Afterall, none of us are perfect. Don't let yourself succumb to all the negativity. We got this!