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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I posted an article the other day where they believe the first confirmed case in China was in mid-November.
That seems plausible to me, and likely accurate.

But I'm talking about a source arguing we've experienced an earlier onset of coronavirus that's proliferated and spread already. So much that some of us already came down with it and recovered enough to generate 'herd immunity'.

If there's a new theory by experts that this could be as early as Nov in WA due to higher flu symptoms but tested negative for flu, then that would be a bombshell with lots of implications. Do we have an expert suggesting this yet, or are we speculating based on interpretations of existing data we have, along with anecdotal evidence?
Just left church probably 50 or so people showed up. But we prayed about the virus. And the pastor had a very good message about faith over fear. But it’s important to point out in Pickens county sc there are zero known cases. Schools are out till Wednesday for teachers in service but as of now I’d expect school to resume Wednesday. I guess anything can change and it’s a day by day thing.

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There's a new theory about this virus that epidemiologists are floating. They think that this virus might have been going around in China as early as mid-October. There was a major spike of flu cases in Washington in November and there's been an unusual amount of flu-like respiratory cases that have tested negative for influenza across the country.

If so, that's actually relatively comforting. That would also back up that testing for antibodies for coronavirus would be interesting for likely several people. There's no telling who had this virus.
This is a thought my household explored recently. Because there was a sketchy virus going around not too long ago that my fiancé had as well as many others at her work. I had it to a lesser degree. My brother also had it and had pneumonia as well. I’m starting to lean on the belief that this thing might have circulated once already. Might be time to load the truck with some oversold stonks in the coming weeks if/when this becomes the consensus thinking. This could be why the current administration hasn’t seem worried all along. Maybe they know this thing has already made its rounds this past winter and they don’t want to admit it was missed. Maybe many of this winter’s “flu” deaths were actually from the virus. Something to consider as a real possibility imo.
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This is a thought my household explored recently. Because there was a sketchy virus going around not too long ago that my fiancé had as well as many others at her work. I had it to a lesser degree. My brother also had it and had pneumonia as well. I’m starting to lean on the belief that this thing might have circulated once already. Might be time to load the truck with some oversold stonks in the coming weeks if/when this becomes the consensus thinking. This could be why the current administration hasn’t seem worried all along. Maybe they know this thing has already made its rounds this past winter and they don’t want to admit that it was missed and maybe many of this winter’s “flu” deaths were actually from the virus. Something to consider as a real possibility imo.
I believe this is highly likely. I dont trust the Chinese at all to be honest regarding the early stages of this
National Day of Prayer and this is an excellent one:

Father God,

In a world of famine, floods, and fire; disease, death, and the disruption of our everyday activities, on this day when the President has called for a National Day of Prayer, we choose to look up…from our knees. We see You seated on the throne of glory, in control of all things.[1] All things. We know that You are a God of mercy, of grace, of faithfulness, of loving-kindness.[2] So we reject fear of the coronavirus and its impact on our lives, and instead, place our faith in You. You have said that Your ears are open to our cry,[3] that Your eyes are upon us,[4]and that Your arms are long enough to reach us[5] and strong enough to hold us.[6] Hold us now. Hold us close. Quiet our racing hearts. Breathe Your Spirit of peace into the fear and turmoil within us.

Even as I pray for Your peace, I wonder…could this wicked, insidious, evil virus be the trigger that sparks a spiritual awakening in our beloved nation? Are You trying to get our attention, demanding that we wake up in our relationship with You? I know we desperately need to wake up.

We have legalized defiance of Your institution of marriage; we celebrate relationships that contradict Your instructions; we exterminate life that You created and that bears Your image…for our own convenience; we have become so secularized we don’t even acknowledge You exist, much less reverence or obey You.

You have my attention. Therefore, like the prophet Daniel of old, I turn to You in humility and shame as I confess on behalf of America some of the national sins that come to mind…[7]

  • I confess national addiction to sex. To money. To pleasure. To entertainment. To pornography. To technology. To drugs. To alcohol. To food. To television. To popularity. To ourselves.
  • I confess our foolishness of denying You as the one, true, living God, our Creator to whom we are accountable, living as though our lives are a cosmic accident with no eternal significance, purpose or meaning.
  • I confess our greed that has run up trillions of dollars of national debt.
  • I confess our arrogance and pride that has led us to think we are sufficient in ourselves.
  • I confess to believing that the prosperity of our nation is because we are great while refusing to acknowledge that all blessings come from Your hand.
  • I confess that we depend upon our military might and our weapons systems to protect us from harm and danger while denying, defying, and ignoring You.
  • I confess that we have succumbed to the pressure of pluralism in our desire to be inclusive so that we honor other gods as though You are just one of many.
  • I confess that we have allowed the material blessings You have given us to deceive us into thinking we don’t need You.
  • I confess that we live as though material wealth and prosperity will bring happiness.
  • I confess that we have marginalized truth and mainstreamed lies.
  • I confess that we have become one nation under many gods, divided and polarized, with license to sin and justice that no longer follows the rule of law.
Holy Spirit of the living God, convince us of the need to turn away from our sin and get right with You.[8]

Lord God, have mercy on us! As we repent of our sin and return to You, return to us! There is no one like You to help the powerless against this mighty disease. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on You and in Your name we come against this vast, invisible enemy.[9]

Once again, we hold You to the promise you gave to King Solomon. You said, When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land, or send a plague among My people, You said if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, You said then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. You said, Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers…[10]

We hold You to Your word as we plead with You. Hear our prayer. Forgive our sin. Heal our land. We are standing in the gap for our nation.

We pray in the name of the One who is Our Deliverer. Our Beautiful and only Savior. Lord of the nations. Son of God and Son of Man. The living, reigning, soon to return Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus Christ.

In His name and for His glory we pray,


[1] Isaiah 6:1

[2] Ephesians 2:4; 2 Corinthians 9:14; Exodus 34:6.

[3] Psalm 4:3

[4] Psalm 33:18

[5] Isaiah 59:1

[6] Psalm 139:7-10

[7] Daniel 9:1-19

[8] John 16:8

[9] 2 Chronicles 14:11

[10] 2 Chronicles 7:13-15

I don't mean to sound insensitive or anything, but can we keep the religious talk in the proper thread?
Sorry for telling it like it is? The government bans large public gatherings for your own safety and people keep going to them anyway. You can’t fix stupid
No you can't but at the same time if people choose to be part of the problem instead of the solution you just have to leave them be. No amount of reasonably rational thought is going to change their mind. Darwinism will win
Reading several stories this morning that Ohio Gov. says it’s absolutely possible that Ohio schools remain closed for the rest of the school year. Anyone else seeing articles of similar thoughts from different states? What’s your thoughts?
Just left church probably 50 or so people showed up. But we prayed about the virus. And the pastor had a very good message about faith over fear. But it’s important to point out in Pickens county sc there are zero known cases. Schools are out till Wednesday for teachers in service but as of now I’d expect school to resume Wednesday. I guess anything can change and it’s a day by day thing.

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Governor speaking today will likely close schools for at least 2 weeks so I doubt they’re going back Wednesday.
So just reading through some of the posts here cut the -------- from both sides. I have no idea why everyone has to be so opinionated and correct and can't just have a discussion. ---- like this is why things fall apart in a crisis good god almighty. Id hate to go into a panic room with some of you we would spend the entire time arguing about how to get out.

As an additional note we will start giving time outs from this thread at our descretion going forward if we deem something out of line. This is everyone's LAST warning.
I was supposed to go to Chicago this weekend for St. Patrick’s Day, but I ended up canceling last-minute to be safe. I still went out yesterday, but stuck to open areas so hopefully that helped...
I’m not at all trying to downplay this but keep in mind that some of this daily rapid increase in cases being reported in the US is due to a rapid increase in testing, which in itself is obviously a very important thing to do.

Edit: Does this mean that it isn’t an apples to apples comparison to Italy’s rapid rate of increases? When did Italy really ramp up their testing? Opinions?
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Sorry for telling it like it is? The government bans large public gatherings for your own safety and people keep going to them anyway. You can’t fix stupid

The churches that I know of that stayed open today were smaller churches, under 100, which is actually in compliance with the governors request. Furthermore the churches that had service today implemented multiple precautionary measures like no hand shakes, hand sanitizer everywhere, little to no socialization after the service, etc. It’s no more risky, and probably less so, than a person going to a grocery store to get groceries or going to work (for the places that still are open as usual).
I’m not at all trying to downplay this but keep in mind that some of this daily rapid increase in cases being reported in the US is due to a rapid increase in testing, which in itself is obviously a very important thing to do.

Here’s an interesting thought. What if this has been circulating in the US since December, when we didn’t even really know it was here or in other countries? Assuming the articles are correct that say this started in China in October or November, this thing likely spread all over the world unchecked for a few months before anyone realized it was here. Could the vast increases in Italy simply be because it’s been there for a few months longer than is known? Several on this thread have mentioned too people who came down with things similar to the flu but tested negative for it which could also indicate this has been here longer than originally thought.
So any mention of the economy associated with the virus will be deleted in this thread? So they are not connected? So I guess don’t mention any shutdowns only cases being reported. Nothing to discuss then.
Pretty bare, apparently they forgot the restocking part of closing last night

if its like Walmart we flat out ran out of stuff

people were buying stuff off pallets not even stocked in a flash and once it was gone it was gone
So any mention of the economy associated with the virus will be deleted in this thread? So they are not connected?
The wording on your post was more in line with political than the virus. It was fine until you brought the government funding into the picture and the "no worries right" line.
The wording on your post was more in line with political than the virus. It was fine until you brought the government funding into the picture and the "no worries right" line.
I respect the rules and appreciate your explanation but is it not getting a little bit nit picking. Is a thread not for discussions and opinions and gathering info and thoughts?
At main Google website for those who haven’t seen it yet: (I first saw it last night)

“Do the five
1HANDS Wash them often
2ELBOW Cough into it
3FACE Don't touch it
4FEET Stay more than 3ft apart
5FEEL sick? Stay home”
That seems plausible to me, and likely accurate.

But I'm talking about a source arguing we've experienced an earlier onset of coronavirus that's proliferated and spread already. So much that some of us already came down with it and recovered enough to generate 'herd immunity'.

If there's a new theory by experts that this could be as early as Nov in WA due to higher flu symptoms but tested negative for flu, then that would be a bombshell with lots of implications. Do we have an expert suggesting this yet, or are we speculating based on interpretations of existing data we have, along with anecdotal evidence?

I see no evidence of any real expert saying there was community spread in a November in the US. That’s complete and utter BS. The genome of tested samples have been traced back to China. There would have been more antigenic drift than what is currently showing if it has been around that long. It’s just random folks brainstorming, no data supports that at all.
I’m not at all trying to downplay this but keep in mind that some of this daily rapid increase in cases being reported in the US is due to a rapid increase in testing, which in itself is obviously a very important thing to do.

Edit: Does this mean that it isn’t an apples to apples comparison to Italy’s rapid rate of increases? When did Italy really ramp up their testing? Opinions?

To add to what I mentioned previously, here’s the article citing mid November as the date for “patient zero” while also suggesting cases could go back even further. If this is true, this was likely passing person to person unchecked and unknown for quite awhile. Also we know doctors in Washington suggested it had been there for 6+ weeks earlier than the first confirmed case. Perhaps the explosion in Italy is due to it hitting the peak as a result of this being undetected a month or two before it was considered to be in the country?

I’m not at all trying to downplay this but keep in mind that some of this daily rapid increase in cases being reported in the US is due to a rapid increase in testing, which in itself is obviously a very important thing to do.

Edit: Does this mean that it isn’t an apples to apples comparison to Italy’s rapid rate of increases? When did Italy really ramp up their testing? Opinions?

Agree 100%. Italy just recently ramped up testing. For a while they were only testing the worst off.

Edit: I wanted to add I believe Italy’s outbreak started much earlier than they say. I mean people were getting it in Italy and bringing it home in other counties or exporting it before it really had many cases confirmed.
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I respect the rules and appreciate your explanation but is it not getting a little bit nit picking. Is a thread not for discussions and opinions and gathering info and thoughts?
You need the government's support right now in your preparations to protect yourself. This is what government is actually for. Protecting its citizens. You do your part, they do their part
I just got off the phone with my mom a few minutes ago.

The Food Lion nearby (this one takes a drive though unlike the Dollar General, although that was cleaned out 2 days after I said it was fine) is cleaned out. There's no toilet paper. They're trying Family Dollar but I'm kind of dubious they see anything there either.

They did, as an emergency alternative, pick up plain Kleenex.
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