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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I talked to my mom today and she said that the last time they cancelled schools like they did now was during the Polio epidemic. She said that they has to start school in late October and lost their entire Spring and Christmas break. Luckily we have technology now and kids don’t need to worry about making up the days now.
I read up on polio. Total cases were lower than other epidemics, but a very high rate of permanent disability, and most were children. Thank god we eradicated that evil BS.
Closing up here see where we stand in 1 week. And if you don't like that it's a free country do as you please
Found it.

Thank you sir.

Netherlands is extremely close to France, so it could be that a new strain is in the midst of developing in that part of the world. We need to keep an eye on this.

(You also mixed up the Netherlands and Norway, but I'll let that slide this time. Just no more mention of the 'black death', k?) ?
We have a few on this board who can't admit they are wrong, just like a few of our leaders. I will take a scientists word on this subject over a grunt or a office worker. There was a lot of mocking and insults towards people who were worried about this a month ago and now that they look to have been right maybe some apologies are in order.
I don't understand why it has to be about right or wrong. NONE of us have a good understanding of this virus, including the scientists. I could just as easily say that some on this board seem to actually be angry with those that are cautioning against panic, calling them names, getting personal, implying that they don't care about others, and are selfish. I don't believe that for a second! The truth is we don't know each other, our histories, our backgrounds, or how we are with people and with our families. We are just a bunch of weather nerds who happen to have ideas and opinions on other issues. Pretty much all of us are intelligent people. And guess what? We aren't always going to agree. In truth, I think both perspectives are important here, even though I lean to one side. But this name calling and pure disrespect is very sad. Come on guys, lets be better and more mature than that.
FYI-if your health insurance or employer offers a tele-doc like MD Live, use them during this craziness! We have been using them for a couple years at times and every time it's awesome. Obviously, if you have serious medical conditions it might not be right for you8, but if you're like my family and not on any daily medications and in good health it's a God send. I needed a prescription refill and due to not wanting to take off work (new job) and not wanting to actually go to a clinic filled with germs, I took a chance and called. They get it. Period. Actually said the rules are relaxed right now. Wait time was supposed to 120 minutes. Received a call in 15 min. Was thanked for not going out, and my pharmacy texted me 10 min after the call ended to let me know they were working on my prescription. Just wow.
What were you diagnosed with & kicking its a$$ all over town for 10 years? I have leukemia, stage one and no spleen. Congrats on winning the battle.
Stage 1b testicular. Had vascular lymphatic invasion and I think my markers were 1000s to 10000s times above normal. Thankfully I caught it in time to avoid distant metastasis, the general progress is testicle, lymph nodes, lungs, then brain so it could have gotten much worse quickly. Best of luck with your fight, never give up!
Thank you sir.

Netherlands is extremely close to France, so it could be that a new strain is in the midst of developing in that part of the world. We need to keep an eye on this.

(You also mixed up the Netherlands and Norway, but I'll let that slide this time. Just no more mention of the 'black death', k?) ?
Sure. Only reason mentioned was because apparently several viruses have originated from that part of world. In no way was referring this viru to be anything like that.
Iran is finding out the hard way that "Herd immunity" doesn't really work to combat the coronavirus, at least over self-quarantine and social isolation measures

View attachment 37195

This could be a transfomative event for Iran; the regime was already unstable due to international sanctions and a growing opposition movement (the government killed 1,500 protestors in December). Coronavirus could be the tipping point that brings down the whole rotten edifice in Tehran...

About to head to our local grocery store that opens at 7:00 am to pick up a few things for my 87 year old Dad. What a different world we live in now than just a few days ago. Today is a National Day of Prayer and I plan to take part. Everyone stay safe. Take time to help your family and neighbors. Our local volunteer fire department is preparing sack meals for those elderly and children who need help, free of charge. This is the kind of community action that will help. God bless everyone and your families.
My daughter, who's a Senior in HS, was sick about 3 weeks ago...Had the flu symptoms: high fever, headache, body aches, cough, etc...Took her to the doctor and she tested negative for strep and the flu (both A & B)…Doctor couldn't tell me what she had...She missed a full week of school...I'm wondering now if maybe she didn't have it

Edit: Now I'm hearing Pink Eye can develop with Coronavirus (only like 1-3% of the cases)...My daughter got Pink Eye at the end which I thought was weird....I called the doctor, and she said it had just "settled into her eye"...She called her in a prescription...No big deal....I really think she did have it....She was pretty sick....Glad we kept her out of school for a full week...She was quarantined at home the whole time....She's fine now

Bump...Thought I'd bump this after finding out about the new Pink Eye info
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What does it mean for us if there’s a new strain in the neverlands?

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Stage 1b testicular. Had vascular lymphatic invasion and I think my markers were 1000s to 10000s times above normal. Thankfully I caught it in time to avoid distant metastasis, the general progress is testicle, lymph nodes, lungs, then brain so it could have gotten much worse quickly. Best of luck with your fight, never give up!

That is awesome man! Mine is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Stage 1 so it’s a wait and see kind of thing. Just do bloodwork every six months. I just have to be careful around people that are sick since I have this and lost my spleen last year. Thank you for the kind words. I’ll keep it fighting and never give up!!
Why is this tool even allowed to be involved in any of this? Nevermind I forgot he's married to Trump's daughter, he's qualified for anything
But on Friday, President Donald Trump inflated the concept far beyond reality. At a news conference in the Rose Garden, he said that the company was helping to develop a website that would sharply expand testing for the virus, falsely claiming that “Google has 1,700 engineers working on this right now” and adding that “they’ve made tremendous progress.”

In truth, the project at Verily — which has a total of about 1,000 employees — is in its infancy. A pilot program is planned for the San Francisco area, but a website has yet to be unveiled. Testing locations have not been identified, and the coronavirus tests themselves are not yet widely available.

The president’s effort to sell the website as a significant response to an urgent public health crisis came amid a national outcry over the administration’s repeated failures to deliver on promises to quickly expand access to testing for the virus. The disconnect between Trump’s exuberant comments and the project’s more modest expectations was the latest example of the president exaggerating, overselling or making wholly inaccurate statements about his administration’s response to the virus, even as facts on the ground contradicted his rosy assessments of progress.
Why is this tool even allowed to be involved in any of this? Nevermind I forgot he's married to Trump's daughter, he's qualified for anything

This belongs in the politics thread; in any event there's nothing unusual (let alone nefarious) about utilization of crowd-sourcing by government & businesses. And it was VP Pence's chief of staff who asked Kushner to get involved.

Here's a less histrionic recounting of events from Politico.

This belongs in the politics thread; in any event there's nothing unusual (let alone nefarious) about utilization of crowd-sourcing by government & businesses. And it was VP Pence's chief of staff who asked Kushner to get involved.

Here's a less histrionic recounting of events from Politico.

I don't see why it needs to be in a different thread. There has to be more qualified and experienced people available to advise the president on this pandemic.
Thanks for this, I'm still somewhat skeptical however because this 30-50N corridor also happens to be precisely where a relatively large proportion of the world's population lives (as they allude to in the paper) and normalizing wrt pop density as a function of latitude would be both potentially more revealing and convincing. The spread of the virus has not been entirely forestalled even in areas where they're just coming out of summer (& are still very warm compared to normal) which also means we'll probably have to deal with this in some shape or form in the summer even as this initial wave of cases runs its course (although the potential for reinfection is somewhat disconcerting). I certainly don't disagree that the weather will help in some regard here in the SE US because even countries like Australia, Iran, etc that become very warm later in the year are also pretty arid.

"although the current correlations with latitude and temperature seem strong, a direct causation has not been proven and predictions in the near term are speculative and have to be considered with extreme caution."

A nagging concern this paper touched on and one you've touted time & time again and are well aware of obviously, is the potential for a new strain to emerge in the coming fall & winter as cases likely increase in the southern hemisphere given their current descent towards fall/winter, hopefully it's much less virulent or non-existent.

Yeah. I’m more concerned about a more severe outbreak next fall. Here are the scenarios:
- No vaccine
- vaccine made but it’s not ready in time (we need two weeks to build immunity to a vaccine, so timing will be important)
- vaccine is made and on time (highly unlikely), but is a poor match (in general, flu shots are 50% effective when we are talking best-case scenario)

The most unlikely scenario:
- vaccine is made on time and is a decent match (50% effective)

What I’m hoping and we can all hope though, is that a lot of us will be exposed and have a natural, baseline immunity. If we get the virus with or without symptoms and recover, we will have antibodies to SARS-COV-2. I don’t want to say that’s more helpful than a vaccine, but it has similar benefit.

What’s scary is no one can say for sure how next fall and winter will unfold. We need to spend the summer months preparing our health system and getting it ready for round two.
But on Friday, President Donald Trump inflated the concept far beyond reality. At a news conference in the Rose Garden, he said that the company was helping to develop a website that would sharply expand testing for the virus, falsely claiming that “Google has 1,700 engineers working on this right now” and adding that “they’ve made tremendous progress.”

Figured it might be worthwhile to post a fact-check of the "fact-check".

Figured it might be worthwhile to post a fact-check of the "fact-check".

That wasn't the point I was trying to get across at all. Who cares who is making it anyway? It's the fact that it isn't anywhere close to be rolled out nationwide. The company building it didn't expect him to say that. So one of the parts of Fridays presser that laid the foundation for the next steps was completely exaggerated.
I don’t know about anyone else but I’m going to church. God is bigger then the Caronavirus! Seems like church is the place to be.

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Just don't forget that sometimes, God sends the boat and the helicopter.
Figured it might be worthwhile to post a fact-check of the "fact-check".

I have always said this: There are THREE sides to every story. The right, the left, and the middle ground. The truth lies in the middle ground. Take a little from the right, a little from the left, add them together and you get a more real picture of the story. There is so much media hatred for President Trump you almost can’t trust what you hear. Then you take the right sided talking heads and they are like sycophants that believe that everything the President says is gospel. You have to actually hear things for yourself to make a educated decision on what was actually said.

I’m no Trump fan, but that doesn’t mean I baselessly follow the media. I have to actually see the press conferences (not just snippets that can be taken out of context by BOTH SIDES) and withdraw what I can from them.
I just hope this is over sooner rather than later. Anyone that thinks this could not lead to total collapse of America let alone the whole worlds economies is living in utopia. Money can’t be printed for what is being lost from companies down to the actual every working individual that has to pass their bills. Will the food sources be able to continue keeping up with demand? Will hospitals be able to keep up with the sick? As Jon stated above what if it comes back next fall/winter? Can America stand another wave? Am I panicking no. Does it scare me to get the virus not really. It’s not the virus itself that worries me. It’s the possibility of economic collapse and civil unrest that could unfold from it that does.
That wasn't the point I was trying to get across at all. Who cares who is making it anyway? It's the fact that it isn't anywhere close to be rolled out nationwide. The company building it didn't expect him to say that. So one of the parts of Fridays presser that laid the foundation for the next steps was completely exaggerated.
Then why was the Google representative was there?
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