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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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It's become apparent that not all of the testing is catching it. Doctors misdiagnosing things as the flu, sinus infections.. lots of people go to the cheaper quick medical services that don't want to run the tests or even have them on hand.
Then if we already have mutations, the rapid tests might miss it all together..

It's kind of a screwed situation. I think we can safely assume that China has not been 100% honest, and there are other governments also not being 100% honest withe the predicted infection numbers. They've sent death vans/mobile crematoriams in parts of China already to deal with it..

I'm not sure we'll even know the true numbers.
In many cases, the tests are returning more than one false negative.
I'll be honest - I feel like some of this is overblown by the media. Now... I'm not a MAGA supporter so I still have faith in journalism. But I do want to acknowledge there's a lot of fear-mongering out there. People freaked out about swine flu back in 2009 and it turned out to be fine. You really only need to worry about CoV-19 if you're old or very young. The number of cases will level out eventually... as it always do.
This is normalcy bias. It will pass when quarantines start to go up. I don't mean that disrespectfully, but this is the first virus I can remember when entire cities have been quarantined and locked down...and not just in one place either. Unless the spread of this is magically arrested in the next few weeks, it will break out here. When it does, I would expect community disruptions just like we're seeing elsewhere. The CDC has already pretty much suggested this. People here are definitely going to have strong negative feelings about quarantines because nobody here has experienced them before en masse. Things are about to get very different, IMO.
They had me freaked out in 2009 and they have had months to hype this one. One of the reasons why I take everything said about the hype with a ton of salt. Now the incoming panic bothers me as I’ve said in the past.

I caught swine flu in 2009. Now, that was the worst flu I ever had... it left me on the couch for almost 2 weeks. But it actually made me stronger and I haven't had a flu since. So I just feel "meh" about coronavirus... morality rate is still 0.5% to 1% with the old and the young being most common victim groups... so it's not gonna kill me at my healthy age of 25 with access to some of best hospitals in region at UNC & Duke.
It remains to be seen how it does in a warm climate regarding HTH transmission and survival on various surfaces, I don't think we have enough data right now to definitively say one way or another how the HTH aspect is regarded.

Yes I said a 14 day incubation period, this is considered the standard protocol as noted here when considering quarantines and the general incubation period of highest probability for transmission, "The incubation period of the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is considered to be 14 days. Health authorities across countries are adopting a 14-day quarantine period, based on the World Health Organization guidelines." If you have an issue with the 14 day quarantine period and incubation period referenced then take it up with the WHO and other organizations.

If the virus is in those areas, whether they received it from somewhere else or not it still definitely means that the virus is capable of surviving in a warm/wet environment and making people sick. You can speculate on how much but it's pretty clear that just being in a warmer/wetter climate doesn't mean you're immune to the virus which is a conclusion some we're potentially coming to after reading earlier posts in this thread.

Huh? I never had an issue with the incubation period you provided, it definitely occurs with respectable frequency but it was not the norm or average. However, I do have an issue with you constantly trying to nit-pick and put a negative spin onto every little thing I say on this forum
Remember they were testing with someone temp. Which totally was unreliable. Being someone may not show symptoms for several days.
we can all agree to disagree. I say just read and listen to what everyone says. Don’t discard all info as panic.
One fact outta all of this no matter the outcome is there will be another vaccine along with the flu to be given. This virus will change every year. Many will die from it just like they do from the flu every year. It will never be not with us. So one day we will all be older with not as good immune system. Let that sink in.
I caught swine flu in 2009. Now, that was the worst flu I ever had... it left me on the couch for almost 2 weeks. But it actually made me stronger and I haven't had a flu since. So I just feel "meh" about coronavirus... morality rate is still 0.5% to 1% with the old and the young being most common victim groups... so it's not gonna kill me at my healthy age of 25 with access to some of best hospitals in region at UNC & Duke.

Correct. What we are seeing is a overreaction. The world isn’t going to end and 150 million people are not going to die. The flu kills more everyday then this virus has during the same timeframe.

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I caught swine flu in 2009. Now, that was the worst flu I ever had... it left me on the couch for almost 2 weeks. But it actually made me stronger and I haven't had a flu since. So I just feel "meh" about coronavirus... morality rate is still 0.5% to 1% with the old and the young being most common victim groups... so it's not gonna kill me at my healthy age of 25 with access to some of best hospitals in region at UNC & Duke.

For me the Swine Flu was the weakest flu I’ve ever had, but everyone is different.

Right now I believe the cruise ship is still the best example about the coronavirus. It has somewhere around 693 reports, with over half without symptoms, 25 or so in serious condition and 4 deaths that were all in their 80’s. That rate in a cruise ship with a high percentage of older adults from all ethnicities bodes well unless the hospitals just become completely overwhelmed and even in SK they will have to have a big jump in daily cases to pull that off
Remember they were testing with someone temp. Which totally was unreliable. Being someone may not show symptoms for several days.
we can all agree to disagree. I say just read and listen to what everyone says. Don’t discard all info as panic.
One fact outta all of this no matter the outcome is there will be another vaccine along with the flu to be given. This virus will change every year. Many will die from it just like they do from the flu every year. It will never be not with us. So one day we will all be older with not as good immune system. Let that sink in.

You can also have the flu and not show any symptoms for days. Thats common.

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He will also be dead soon anyway (and I would be lying if I said I will miss him).
“Soon” is a relative word. We’ll all be dead soon
You can also have the flu and not show any symptoms for days. Thats common.

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I had the flu 3 years ago and it came on in a matter of about 30 seconds. I remember being fine them BAM sick as a dog. I fought it from home and was fine in about 5 days.
This is normalcy bias. It will pass when quarantines start to go up. I don't mean that disrespectfully, but this is the first virus I can remember when entire cities have been quarantined and locked down...and not just in one place either. Unless the spread of this is magically arrested in the next few weeks, it will break out here. When it does, I would expect community disruptions just like we're seeing elsewhere. The CDC has already pretty much suggested this. People here are definitely going to have strong negative feelings about quarantines because nobody here has experienced them before en masse. Things are about to get very different, IMO.

Even if it's spreading, morality rate is still 0.5% and aimed at the old/young. I feel confident I'd survive it if I ever catch it. So I'm not too worried about it. But I'm still all for prevention and trying to contain it because, like you said, it could disrupt communities. So don't take my "meh" for suggestion to do nothing about it.

It's possible to feel "meh" and fearless about it... and still take actions to put a stop to coronavirus.
Remember they were testing with someone temp. Which totally was unreliable. Being someone may not show symptoms for several days.
we can all agree to disagree. I say just read and listen to what everyone says. Don’t discard all info as panic.
One fact outta all of this no matter the outcome is there will be another vaccine along with the flu to be given. This virus will change every year. Many will die from it just like they do from the flu every year. It will never be not with us. So one day we will all be older with not as good immune system. Let that sink in.

I think we need to wait and see before we conclude that is the case.
I caught swine flu in 2009. Now, that was the worst flu I ever had... it left me on the couch for almost 2 weeks. But it actually made me stronger and I haven't had a flu since. So I just feel "meh" about coronavirus... morality rate is still 0.5% to 1% with the old and the young being most common victim groups... so it's not gonna kill me at my healthy age of 25 with access to some of best hospitals in region at UNC & Duke.
Same here, worst flu I’ve ever gotten
“Soon” is a relative word. We’ll all be dead soon

I had the flu 3 years ago and it came on in a matter of about 30 seconds. I remember being fine them BAM sick as a dog. I fought it from home and was fine in about 5 days.

When my daughter got Flu A a few weeks ago the doc said you can have the flu 7- 10 days before symptoms start to show. So I’m sure you caught it a few days before. Glad you made it!

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Another thing to consider as hype grows people will increase hygiene, slow down travel and stay home. That alone will limit the infection rate drastically.
He will also be dead soon anyway (and I would be lying if I said I will miss him).

Very mature post. Not needed. Cancer sucks and won’t wish it on my worst enemy. Watching my grandma slow die right now is heartbreaking knowing doctors or medications can’t save her.

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I like to debate and argue because I'm a scientist by practice and nature unlike the vast majority of the rest of the forum, and we're supposed to be inherently skeptical and constantly questioning new ideas, hypotheses, and statements, especially to ones like yours that aren't supported by any actual, hard evidence wrt CoV-19. If you make claims without substantial evidence and data to back them up & don't consider potential confounding variables, then they certainly will be perceived as hasty or rash in many circles, and will be open to scrutiny like this in a scientific setting, getting really upset over that is unprofessional on your end. Implying that I argue w/ those on this forum on any other grounds other than this is the way I naturally think & approach a problem, esp wrt to a personal attack (which is where you seem to be aiming at here) would be a severe misjudgement on your part.

Ok this is where I stop. No hard feelings I think it was just a misunderstanding but I stand by my statements. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best! Time will tell how she turns out.

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When my daughter got Flu A a few weeks ago the doc said you can have the flu 7- 10 days before symptoms start to show. So I’m sure you caught it a few days before. Glad you made it!

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Very mature post. Not needed. Cancer sucks and won’t wish it on my worst enemy. Watching my grandma slow die right now is heartbreaking knowing doctors or medications can save her.

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I’m sorry to hear that. I lost my grandpa, and best friend, to pancreatic cancer in 2015. Diagnosed on the Monday after Christmas and died the following Monday. I’m grateful it didn’t have a chance to rob him of his dignity.
I'll be honest - I feel like some of this is overblown by the media. Now... I'm not a MAGA supporter so I still have faith in journalism. But I do want to acknowledge there's a lot of fear-mongering out there. People freaked out about swine flu back in 2009 and it turned out to be fine. You really only need to worry about CoV-19 if you're old or very young. The number of cases will level out eventually... as it always do.
The problem is with 20ish% needing hospital care. It spreads like the flu then the healthcare systems get overwhelmed,many more could die as a result
Correct. What we are seeing is a overreaction. The world isn’t going to end and 150 million people are not going to die. The flu kills more everyday then this virus has during the same timeframe.

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I'm sure it's no worse than the flu, China shuts down cities and factories all the time.
If the virus is in those areas, whether they received it from somewhere else or not it still definitely means that the virus is capable of surviving in a warm/wet environment and making people sick. You can speculate on how much but it's pretty clear that just being in a warmer/wetter climate doesn't mean you're immune to the virus which is a conclusion some we're potentially coming to after reading earlier posts in this thread.

Huh? I never had an issue with the incubation period you provided, it definitely occurs with respectable frequency but it was not the norm or average. However, I do have an issue with you constantly trying to nit-pick and put a negative spin onto every little thing I say on this forum

I'm not speculating here, I said the map you posted doesn't offer any insight as to whether HTH transmission is reduced or not in warmer climates. That's it. I also never said being in a warmer climate makes a person immune to this particular virus or any other, only that the data from the map does not indicate anything useful in determining how HTH is affected if any by a warmer climate. From looking at the map we simply don't know how many of the cases in warmer climates are via HTH transmission in that warmer climate (if any) or if they occurred elsewhere in another region or cooler area. I'm not trying to argue this here but just pointing out the map doesn't really offer us any helpful insight into HTH transmission in warmer climates. There may be other data out there which helps but the map itself doesn't provide the necessary context or information to figure out how a warmer climate affects HTH transmission or if those cases are simply people who caught the virus elsewhere before returning to a warmer climate/region.

I'm not sure what you are trying to make a point of with regards to the 14 day incubation period. I never claimed it was the norm or average, my original statement was "It supposedly has a 14 day incubation period where people can be contagious and not know it" to which you responded "The virus does not have an average 14 day incubation period" and "I never had an issue with the incubation period you provided, it definitely occurs with respectable frequency but it was not the norm or average." I never claimed or asserted whatsoever the 14 days was an average in my original or subsequent posts.
The fact that it’s a new virus that’s unknown to people and came from a place where stats can’t be trusted is freaking people out, along with the insane conspiracy theories that pop up, also it’s rate* of spread and so far its mortality rate, which I think will drop a bit
I’m sorry to hear that. I lost my grandpa, and best friend, to pancreatic cancer in 2015. Diagnosed on the Monday after Christmas and died the following Monday. I’m grateful it didn’t have a chance to rob him of his dignity.

Thanks buddy, she is 82 and lost grandpa last November. She was diagnosed last week with stage 4 thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs, breast. She has Dementia so she has no idea what she has and doesn’t remember anyone. It kills me when I visit her. I stop by the center every weekend. Yea I’m a grandma boy!

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I think Rush is saying this to try to help prop up the stock market to help his buddy, Trump.
No, I think hes just voicing his true independent opinion. Nothing wrong with doing that. Ill admit I waffle on this issue in trying to discern information,its source etc. Right now Im like a lot of folks in wait n see mode.
The stock market and economy will be fine after this passes. Long term ,like the tarriffs,trade deal re-nogiations , this situation will hopefully turn a negative into a posotive by having companies re- examine their supply chains
Thanks buddy, she is 82 and lost grandpa last November. She was diagnosed last week with stage 4 thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs, breast. She has Dementia so she has no idea what she has and doesn’t remember anyone. It kills me when I visit her. I stop by the center every weekend. Yea I’m a grandma boy!

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Sorry to hear that. It's been a bad year lost my grandfather and my dad 1 year ago.

prayers bud
No, I think hes just voicing his true independent opinion. Nothing wrong with doing that. Ill admit I waffle on this issue in trying to discern information,its source etc. Right now Im like a lot of folks in wait n see mode.
The stock market and economy will be fine after this passes. Long term ,like the tarriffs,trade deal re-nogiations , this situation will hopefully turn a negative into a posotive by having companies re- examine their supply chains
I dont think your seeing the full scope of how this effects our economy. I would be willing to bet the china government has lost most of the ppl support or trust.(that's is if they really had any to begin with)
I'm not speculating here, I said the map you posted doesn't offer any insight as to whether HTH transmission is reduced or not in warmer climates. That's it. I also never said being in a warmer climate makes a person immune to this particular virus or any other, only that the data from the map does not indicate anything useful in determining how HTH is affected if any by a warmer climate. From looking at the map we simply don't know how many of the cases in warmer climates are via HTH transmission in that warmer climate (if any) or if they occurred elsewhere in another region or cooler area. I'm not trying to argue this here but just pointing out the map doesn't really offer us any helpful insight into HTH transmission in warmer climates. There may be other data out there which helps but the map itself doesn't provide the necessary context or information to figure out how a warmer climate affects HTH transmission or if those cases are simply people who caught the virus elsewhere before returning to a warmer climate/region.

I'm not sure what you are trying to make a point of with regards to the 14 day incubation period. I never claimed it was the norm or average, my original statement was "It supposedly has a 14 day incubation period where people can be contagious and not know it" to which you responded "The virus does not have an average 14 day incubation period" and "I never had an issue with the incubation period you provided, it definitely occurs with respectable frequency but it was not the norm or average." I never claimed or asserted whatsoever the 14 days was an average in my original or subsequent posts.

Let me just be clear here, I never was concerned about HTH transmission only if the virus is capable of surviving in a warm/wet climate and it clearly is because people are getting sick from it left & right south of China even if they received it elsewhere, you speculated on possible avenues how it could have gotten there but you or no one else knows all of those details.

Also, given I nearly have a masters degree in atmospheric science, I'm pretty sure I can read and I know what I said to you wrt incubation period, it was a misunderstanding from both you and me I don't know why you continue to stubbornly go on & on about it. I think you're arguing for the sake of arguing at this point because you like to interject and cherry pick every teeny, minute detail of everything I say on this forum and spin it in a negative light.

I'm truly done arguing with you and consider yourself blocked by me.
Interested to see where we finish the next few days, if we fall off at least 10% from peak values earlier this year it would officially qualify as a "correction"
someone has been pumping last few days in the am
the bio stock i had avg 1mill vol daily thats dropped to 200k today with most movement being selling glad i dropped out a few weeks back. on a good note tax returns just entered my account!
No, I think hes just voicing his true independent opinion. Nothing wrong with doing that. Ill admit I waffle on this issue in trying to discern information,its source etc. Right now Im like a lot of folks in wait n see mode.
The stock market and economy will be fine after this passes. Long term ,like the tarriffs,trade deal re-nogiations , this situation will hopefully turn a negative into a posotive by having companies re- examine their supply chains

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he really believes that this is no worse than a common cold, then maybe he really is an idiot on this subject after all. :confused: But I still don't believe that he's that stupid and still think he's protecting Trump/stock markets and not being honest at all.
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