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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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So those people that live paycheck to paycheck no money for one month while in quarantine.
I think we focus on elderly in securing them. Not the younger working class. This virus is more deadly to elderly as we know. Let the younger work and continue on. Either way it’s a disaster. No matter what path we take. The world economies are going to crash. Hopefully everyone stays calm and we don’t end up having rioting, theft, and calamity.
If we could bail out banks we can bail out workers. The idea of anyone staying at home and getting paid bothers too many for this to happen but if it's a big bank or company it's ok
Here's what nobody is answering.... how do you find and test those individuals? Does the government force test every single person that has a cough? I'm not being sarcastic. My, 77 yr old stubborn as an ox and tougher than most mom, was sick 3 weeks ago. In the house for 6 days, low fever, aches, as she stated "felt like a mack truck had run over me". Never went to the Dr. because she didn't want to, she also didn't go anywhere because she has common sense and isn't dependent upon a government official to tell her how to live. I'm not trying to sound snarky really I'm not but all this talk of test now, widespread, test everyone, somebody explain to me the logistics of testing 331 million people in this free land.
We could start by testing everyone that doctors are asking to test
You can't catch everything. But what you can do is test everyone you can. There are going to be people that are stubborn and people who just downright don't care. You can't force them to come forward. But when you have 5000 people showing up sick and are only testing 100 of them, it's game over. On the other hand, if you have 4900 coming in and 4900 are being tested, you have a much better chance.

You have to do your best to encourage people to get tested and to self-isolate and to use good hygiene. And it can't be entirely on the government. If we all refuse to own this, then we are all going to reap the storm that comes down on us. Leadership needs to encourage the right action. And we, as responsible citizens, who care for our brothers and sisters, need to self-monitor and encourage others. If this approach is taken, you won't get everyone on the same page, but most people will be, and you'll stand a much better chance.
Maybe I just misread statements and intentions. My questioning the logistics of testing everyone is in no way an indication that I, us or anyone is refusing to own this and I agree 100% about looking out for one another. Encourage them to isolate, reassure and ensure they are well, especially the older population. Seems to me that part of the equation goes without saying but maybe not... idk
What about doctors and nurses? Do they get to stay home after having contact with someone? Or do they continue to work on patients who are not sick with coronavirus after being around a patient with the coronavirus?

Not to mention first responders, utility workers, public road maintenance crews, telecom field technicians, etc etc. Work from home simply isn't an option for millions of people.
Maybe I just misread statements and intentions. My questioning the logistics of testing everyone is in no way an indication that I, us or anyone is refusing to own this and I agree 100% about looking out for one another. Encourage them to isolate, reassure and ensure they are well, especially the older population. Seems to me that part of the equation goes without saying but maybe not... idk
Yeah, I didn't take it any way other than you talking about logistics. I agree with you on that. There is so much misinformation out there around this virus. We need a coherent message at all levels of government and from all authorities about what it is, what it isn't, what the signs and symptoms are, how they differ from the flu, a cold, allergies, etc., and what to do. We all need to work together to repeat that to those who aren't paying attention and be very vigilant. If we all do that, we'll catch the majority and hopefully be able to make a dent. I'm not saying you don't agree with that, and I do recognize the logistical issues.
Does anyone know if this test is foolproof? Like if someone has symptoms and they test negative is it for sure correct? Or if someone is tested that has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for it but that individuals test shows negative. Can they come back a few days later and test positive? Does it show it in their blood they have the virus even though no signs?
Does anyone know if this test is foolproof? Like if someone has symptoms and they test negative is it for sure correct? Or if someone is tested that has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for it but that individuals test shows negative. Can they come back a few days later and test positive? Does it show it in their blood they have the virus even though no signs?
One of the things I've heard about more than once is false negatives. But I don't know if that was due to a different type of test than we're developing or if it was more an attribute of this virus.
You have to do your best to encourage people to get tested and to self-isolate and to use good hygiene. And it can't be entirely on the government. If we all refuse to own this, then we are all going to reap the storm that comes down on us. Leadership needs to encourage the right action. And we, as responsible citizens, who care for our brothers and sisters, need to self-monitor and encourage others. If this approach is taken, you won't get everyone on the same page, but most people will be, and you'll stand a much better chance.

Bingo. One of the first things they teach you in FEMA ICS100 is the emergency management system pyramid - and individual citizens form the base of the pyramid.

Read NASCAR plans to make an announcement at 1:00 today regarding the schedule. There supposed to race here in Atlanta this weekend and yesterday they said no changes would be made, but got to believe after last nights NBA decision, that NASCAR would follow suit?
US does not have a system in place to test like foreign countries, lawmakers told

Several members emerged from a House briefing on the coronavirus pandemic saying that they were told that tests would increase — but that the briefers acknowledged that the US system is trying to catch up to other countries like South Korea.
“I don’t think anyone is going to leave that briefing satisfied with what’s going on with testing right now," Democrat Rep. Mike Quigley said. "Bottom line, you leave that briefing and we are not where we need to be and not sure when we are going to get there. We are flying blind.”
He added: “I think the first thing they said was we don’t have a system that works like it does in other countries to adequately test at this time."
Rep. Jan Schawkowsky said that they were told 7,300 tests have been conducted by the public sector and 3,800 tests by private labs.

“I think everyone leaving that briefing is feeling more confused than ever and disappointed in the numbers that we heard — that we really don’t have a system that tests are being distributed and tests are being given,” Schakowsky said
Read NASCAR plans to make an announcement at 1:00 today regarding the schedule. There supposed to race here in Atlanta this weekend and yesterday they said no changes would be made, but got to believe after last nights NBA decision, that NASCAR would follow suit?
The Miami race on March 22 has been "postponed" but I believe they're going to try and run w/out fans
I feel like we hit a tilting point yesterday with folks like Tom Hanks and Rudy Gobert having the virus, the NBA season postponed, and the NCAA tourney going on without fans. I hope folks are taking it seriously now. It isn't just about yourself, either. A person could have the virus and not even realize it. That person could be fine, but then could spread it to someone else that ends up getting really sick from it. And on and on. That's the danger in all this.
I feel like we hit a tilting point yesterday with folks like Tom Hanks and Rudy Golbert having the virus, the NBA season postponed, and the NCAA tourney going on without fans. I hope folks are taking it seriously now. It isn't just about yourself, either. A person could have the virus and not even realize it. That person could be fine, but then could spread it to someone else that ends up getting really sick from it. And on and on. That's the danger in all this.

Agreed. On a national scale it seems to have shifted. Even from the top finally. It's been interesting even watching the people on this board coming to the realization of how serious this is. I think there is no more denying it or trying to trivialize it.
Agreed. On a national scale it seems to have shifted. Even from the top finally. It's been interesting even watching the people on this board coming to the realization of how serious this is. I think there is no more denying it or trying to trivialize it.
Its never been a matter of the seriousness of it. Its the OVERREACTION by some people to the seriousness of it. Im almost tempted to find somebody with it, hug them and go lock myself in the barn for 2 weeks to get it the @#$% over with.
Agreed. On a national scale it seems to have shifted. Even from the top finally. It's been interesting even watching the people on this board coming to the realization of how serious this is. I think there is no more denying it or trying to trivialize it.
Which it's about time they did. I'm glad that everyone is waking up to the reality that we have a fast spreading virus that could kill a lot of at risk people unless measures are put in place to spread out the blow it would otherwise deliver to the medical system.
Its never been a matter of the seriousness of it. Its the OVERREACTION by some people to the seriousness of it. Im almost tempted to find somebody with it, hug them and go lock myself in the barn for 2 weeks to get it the @#$% over with.

It has a higher death rate than the flu. And there is no vaccine for it. I think it's pretty serious, especially for the elderly and those with other health issues. It shouldn't be only about you.
OMG I feel like I'm living in bizarro world when I read these articles. You weren't talking about red tape a week ago? You said 1 Million test kits by last weekend and another million by this weekend.

“We’re clearing the red tape out of the way. That’s going to be the way that in the days ahead we’re going to have a broad-based test available across the country," he said.

It has a higher death rate than the flu. And there is no vaccine for it. I think it's pretty serious, especially for the elderly and those with other health issues. It shouldn't be only about you.
Quick question....If your house catches on fire in the middle of the night, do you calmly call the fire department and get your family out or do you run around screaming fire with a water house in your hand while everyone burns up?

Its gonna be ok.
OMG I feel like I'm living in bizarro world when I read these articles. You weren't talking about red tape a week ago? You said 1 Million test kits by last weekend and another million by this weekend.

“We’re clearing the red tape out of the way. That’s going to be the way that in the days ahead we’re going to have a broad-based test available across the country," he said.

Did you really believe them?
Quick question....If your house catches on fire in the middle of the night, do you calmly call the fire department and get your family out or do you run around screaming fire with a water house in your hand while everyone burns up?

Its gonna be ok.

Again, you are talking about how it directly affects you.
OMG I feel like I'm living in bizarro world when I read these articles. You weren't talking about red tape a week ago? You said 1 Million test kits by last weekend and another million by this weekend.

“We’re clearing the red tape out of the way. That’s going to be the way that in the days ahead we’re going to have a broad-based test available across the country," he said.

"Red tape" = federal and state laws & regulations. Those simply can't be swept aside with the wave of a hand (especially state laws; Washington DC has little power over those).
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