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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Its not going to do much when everything is closed etc....this is the wrong approach, this is Trump trying to help the market....putting a few extra hundred in everyones pocket wont stimulate much if everything is closed.
I’m not saying I fully support this plan but It will help pay the power bill, rent or mortgage, car payments, etc. Then when things get back to normal people will have extra spending money rather than being behind in other payments. Also it would help mentally when everyone is freaking out

Helping the market is not a bad thing. Majority of working people have retirement money tied up in stocks. And businesses take their cue from the market about hiring and production
Its not going to do much when everything is closed etc....this is the wrong approach, this is Trump trying to help the market....putting a few extra hundred in everyones pocket wont stimulate much if everything is closed.

A payroll tax suspension and/or cut has a positive impact on businesses as well as workers - employers match employee FICA contributions. The cut would give companies greater liquidity to prevent layoffs in the short term.
Its not going to do much when everything is closed etc....this is the wrong approach, this is Trump trying to help the market....putting a few extra hundred in everyones pocket wont stimulate much if everything is closed.
Please tell us what you recommend? What steps should he be taking? Let’s say your the president so please tell us what all you would do!
Please tell us what you recommend? What steps should he be taking? Let’s say your the president so please tell us what all you would do!

First setup and distribute as many test as I can.....test as many people as we can.....there are thousands of people right now walking around this country positive for corona with no idea they have it. The more of these people we can get self quarantined the better....that's the single biggest thing we can as a country do right now to try and control this outbreak, its no longer about stopping it, its about managing it to prevent what happened in Italy and China from happening here.
The situation in Italy keeps going from bad to worse.

Please tell us what you recommend? What steps should he be taking? Let’s say your the president so please tell us what all you would do!
I'll take a stab.
  1. Rapid and widespread testing. Stop making excuses and start testing.
  2. Quarantine anyone who tests positive for 1 month.
  3. Conduct widespread contact-tracing.
  4. Quarantine anyone who is known to have come in contact with someone who tests positive for one month.
  5. Use technology to alert people to locations where a person who has tested positive has been.
  6. Rapid construction of offsite medical facilities.
  7. Immediate bipartisan relief package to help businesses and individuals impacted by the virus.
  8. Halt all international and inter-state leisure travel.
  9. Declare a national emergency.
  10. Identify shortages of medical equipment and source them immediately.
  11. Urge the cancellation of all structured public gatherings (sporting events, schools, concerts, etc.).
Those are a few quick things that should be done ASAP. They will cause some pain, but they will slow and halt the spread of the virus and save a lot of lives.
Meh it just seemed like he was still playing the blame game.....calling it a foreign virus and playing up how effective the China ban was....even though the virus is here and spreading but whatever.....he brought nothing to the table that is going to help slow the rate of spread in the country....we needed him to take bigger steps....they will happen eventually anyways but it will be too late for many by then.
He banned travel cause we were getting infected by people who went from China to Europe to the USA .. Europe DIDNT have the sane restrictions for China that we had earlier .. it will certainly help areas of the US to not outbreak as quickly .. but spread is inevitable we’re just giving ourselves some lead time
I'll take a stab.
  1. Rapid and widespread testing. Stop making excuses and start testing.
  2. Quarantine anyone who tests positive for 1 month.
  3. Conduct widespread contact-tracing.
  4. Quarantine anyone who is known to have come in contact with someone who tests positive for one month.
  5. Use technology to alert people to locations where a person who has tested positive has been.
  6. Rapid construction of offsite medical facilities.
  7. Immediate bipartisan relief package to help businesses and individuals impacted by the virus.
  8. Halt all international and inter-state leisure travel.
  9. Declare a national emergency.
  10. Identify shortages of medical equipment and source them immediately.
  11. Urge the cancellation of all structured public gatherings (sporting events, schools, concerts, etc.).
Those are a few quick things that should be done ASAP. They will cause some pain, but they will slow and halt the spread of the virus and save a lot of lives.
So those people that live paycheck to paycheck no money for one month while in quarantine.
I think we focus on elderly in securing them. Not the younger working class. This virus is more deadly to elderly as we know. Let the younger work and continue on. Either way it’s a disaster. No matter what path we take. The world economies are going to crash. Hopefully everyone stays calm and we don’t end up having rioting, theft, and calamity.
Just unbelievable people... we are like a damn 3rd world county

The CDC website shows the number of tests for coronavirus in the US have gone down in the past few days. VP Pence says the numbers "may not be complete because we don't necessarily collect today all the information from state laboratories about the tests that are being done.

Vice President Mike Pence said the US was "working on making tests broadly available across the country," in an interview on CNN's New Day Thursday.

"One of the things we are working on is a central reporting website," he added.
So those people that live paycheck to paycheck no money for one month while in quarantine.
I think we focus on elderly in securing them. Not the younger working class. This virus is more deadly to elderly as we know. Let the younger work and continue on. Either way it’s a disaster. No matter what path we take. The world economies are going to crash. Hopefully everyone stays calm and we don’t end up having rioting, theft, and calamity.
See point number 7.
The situation in Italy keeps going from bad to worse.

Unfortunately in this case they have one of the oldest populations on earth. Tight quaters in spots, so its the perfect storm.
Let's keep this party neutral, please.

Virtually no country reacted properly to this from the get-go. People were more concerned about economics and perception than they were about a possible pandemic. It's unfortunate that this was the case and now we will deal with the fallout. I really hope they can get at least a treatment together in the short term. I feel like a vaccine is going to take a long time, even with all of the hype about it being just around the corner.
Please pass this along to your friends on SM and so forth. This is a great explanation of what's happening:

THIS is why things are being cancelled due to #COVID19 in one perfect picture. It is NOT because people are getting hysterical or because they believe the virus is so deadly they are panicking. It is because we only have so much capacity to deal with lot of very sick people. If we can delay the spread by keeping people away from each other, we have a chance to help more people effectively and not overwhelm hospitals and infrastructure. There are only so many nurses, doctors, hospital beds and pieces of equipment to help people that may eventually get virus related pneumonia.

PLEASE SHARE so that people understand this is public health strategy by the CDC, not mass hysteria or over reaction.

AND, keep washing your hands because the soap will kill the virus better than anything else!

Please pass this along to your friends on SM and so forth. This is a great explanation of what's happening:

THIS is why things are being cancelled due to #COVID19 in one perfect picture. It is NOT because people are getting hysterical or because they believe the virus is so deadly they are panicking. It is because we only have so much capacity to deal with lot of very sick people. If we can delay the spread by keeping people away from each other, we have a chance to help more people effectively and not overwhelm hospitals and infrastructure. There are only so many nurses, doctors, hospital beds and pieces of equipment to help people that may eventually get virus related pneumonia.

PLEASE SHARE so that people understand this is public health strategy by the CDC, not mass hysteria or over reaction.

AND, keep washing your hands because the soap will kill the virus better than anything else!

View attachment 37101
Great chart.....The CDC isn't the entity that is panicking. Its our neighbors that have lost their minds!
Let's keep this party neutral, please.

Virtually no country reacted properly to this from the get-go. People were more concerned about economics and perception than they were about a possible pandemic. It's unfortunate that this was the case and now we will deal with the fallout. I really hope they can get at least a treatment together in the short term. I feel like a vaccine is going to take a long time, even with all of the hype about it being just around the corner.

I hope we are taking notes as a world connected by constant travel in short periods of time. This is a nasty bug but still not a very deadly one for most. One day one of these will break out and have a death rate at 50% and we need to learn now how to stop these things from going global in 2 months.
Professor Abu Hilal, who used to work for Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, is now chief of the department of surgery at Poliambulanza Institute Hospital Foundation, Brescia.

He penned: 'Form Brescia north of Italy : to my friends accross the glob !COVID19 is serious, feels to be in a war! People are dying, not only elderly.

'Beds are full. Goverments must shut down everything, prepare beds, ventilators , antivirals, doctors and nurses. People should stay at HOME! [sic]'

I'll take a stab.
  1. Rapid and widespread testing. Stop making excuses and start testing.
  2. Quarantine anyone who tests positive for 1 month.
  3. Conduct widespread contact-tracing.
  4. Quarantine anyone who is known to have come in contact with someone who tests positive for one month.
  5. Use technology to alert people to locations where a person who has tested positive has been.
  6. Rapid construction of offsite medical facilities.
  7. Immediate bipartisan relief package to help businesses and individuals impacted by the virus.
  8. Halt all international and inter-state leisure travel.
  9. Declare a national emergency.
  10. Identify shortages of medical equipment and source them immediately.
  11. Urge the cancellation of all structured public gatherings (sporting events, schools, concerts, etc.).
Those are a few quick things that should be done ASAP. They will cause some pain, but they will slow and halt the spread of the virus and save a lot of lives.
Here's what nobody is answering.... how do you find and test those individuals? Does the government force test every single person that has a cough? I'm not being sarcastic. My, 77 yr old stubborn as an ox and tougher than most mom, was sick 3 weeks ago. In the house for 6 days, low fever, aches, as she stated "felt like a mack truck had run over me". Never went to the Dr. because she didn't want to, she also didn't go anywhere because she has common sense and isn't dependent upon a government official to tell her how to live. I'm not trying to sound snarky really I'm not but all this talk of test now, widespread, test everyone, somebody explain to me the logistics of testing 331 million people in this free land.
Here's what nobody is answering.... how do you find and test those individuals? Does the government force test every single person that has a cough? I'm not being sarcastic. My, 77 yr old stubborn as an ox and tougher than most mom, was sick 3 weeks ago. In the house for 6 days, low fever, aches, as she stated "felt like a mack truck had run over me". Never went to the Dr. because she didn't want to, she also didn't go anywhere because she has common sense and isn't dependent upon a government official to tell her how to live. I'm not trying to sound snarky really I'm not but all this talk of test now, widespread, test everyone, somebody explain to me the logistics of testing 331 million people in this free land.

Anyone who wants a test should be able to get one. Any doctor that wants to recommend a test should be able to and not refused by the CDC. This is for people who actually go to the doctors office, clinic, etc. Nobody is trying to drag your Mom out of bed to get her tested.
Here's what nobody is answering.... how do you find and test those individuals? Does the government force test every single person that has a cough? I'm not being sarcastic. My, 77 yr old stubborn as an ox and tougher than most mom, was sick 3 weeks ago. In the house for 6 days, low fever, aches, as she stated "felt like a mack truck had run over me". Never went to the Dr. because she didn't want to, she also didn't go anywhere because she has common sense and isn't dependent upon a government official to tell her how to live. I'm not trying to sound snarky really I'm not but all this talk of test now, widespread, test everyone, somebody explain to me the logistics of testing 331 million people in this free land.
You can't catch everything. But what you can do is test everyone you can. There are going to be people that are stubborn and people who just downright don't care. You can't force them to come forward. But when you have 5000 people showing up sick and are only testing 100 of them, it's game over. On the other hand, if you have 4900 coming in and 4900 are being tested, you have a much better chance.

You have to do your best to encourage people to get tested and to self-isolate and to use good hygiene. And it can't be entirely on the government. If we all refuse to own this, then we are all going to reap the storm that comes down on us. Leadership needs to encourage the right action. And we, as responsible citizens, who care for our brothers and sisters, need to self-monitor and encourage others. If this approach is taken, you won't get everyone on the same page, but most people will be, and you'll stand a much better chance.
Here's what nobody is answering.... how do you find and test those individuals? Does the government force test every single person that has a cough? I'm not being sarcastic. My, 77 yr old stubborn as an ox and tougher than most mom, was sick 3 weeks ago. In the house for 6 days, low fever, aches, as she stated "felt like a mack truck had run over me". Never went to the Dr. because she didn't want to, she also didn't go anywhere because she has common sense and isn't dependent upon a government official to tell her how to live. I'm not trying to sound snarky really I'm not but all this talk of test now, widespread, test everyone, somebody explain to me the logistics of testing 331 million people in this free land.

Not to mention seasonal allergies are about to boom. Do they expect everyone with allergies to test as well? I understand the frustration about scarcity of tests but its not like test manufacturers saw this coming and had them waiting around. The reality is some people arent going to accept anything being done and insist that we should have control over everything.
A payroll tax suspension and/or cut has a positive impact on businesses as well as workers - employers match employee FICA contributions. The cut would give companies greater liquidity to prevent layoffs in the short term.
As a small business owner myself, relief from payroll taxes would be a definite and immediate help for my business. Would help allow me to continue to pay my employees if we should miss work. If you have never had to make payroll 52 times a year any relief would be welcome.
I keep trying to find that. Where did you see it?
Dr. John quoted it out of a paper out of Italy that he was reading in one of his videos yesterday. I also heard it mentioned a couple of days ago as well.
Not to mention seasonal allergies are about to boom. Do they expect everyone with allergies to test as well? I understand the frustration about scarcity of tests but its not like test manufacturers saw this coming and had them waiting around. The reality is some people arent going to accept anything being done and insist that we should have control over everything.
People need education around the symptoms of Cov vs other things, like allergies. If it creates a little paranoia, that's an acceptable piece of collateral damage, IMO.
Dr. John quoted it out of a paper out of Italy that he was reading in one of his videos yesterday. I also heard it mentioned a couple of days ago as well.

All I can find by searching online and twitter(snicker) is still way weighed to over 70 and almost zero below 50.
People need education around the symptoms of Cov vs other things, like allergies. If it creates a little paranoia, that's an acceptable piece of collateral damage, IMO.
But then you have people suffering from allergies essentially wasting a chunk of the limited tests. Many with allergies will have symptoms very similar to the early symptoms of covid 19.

Expecting everyone with symptoms to test and quarantine is completely unrealistic and unnecessary in my opinion. Save the tests for the most at risk and the quarantine procedure for the most at risk and the ones who are closest to them.
Heard on radio: Hope i remember this correctly.
The US has 2.8 Hospital Beds per 1,000 citizens.
1 million hospital beds nationwide.
65% are filled at any given time.
That leaves roughly close to 350-400,000 available.

We probably have 2,000 people in this country posotive for coronovirus today. Most likely higher. But this is good conservative figure.

This thing doubles every 6 days number of folks who become contagious. With that in mind we will have 1 million of us infected by 1st week of April, 2 million by first week of May. Eventually the disease doubles every 2 days down the road, but we will stick with 6 days.

In Italy 10% of those tested pos cases end up / need hospital. Big Problem in Italy,Iran,China is not enough Hospital beds. So the longer you slow this,the better.
LOL its not free, but sometimes the government has to step in to make it possible to do things we dont normally do....in this case we need to let people who have corona or contact with people that have it the ability to stay home from work for weeks at a time, so they need to stay home, but like you said many live check to check so due to the nature of the problem we have to protect them, that's why the Federal government should make it so they reimburse companies for sick time for corona infected workers or they setup some kind of unemployement package to help those people. I fail to see how any of that is a bad thing. What do you suggest we do let corona positive people go to work? IF the answer to that is no how do we prevent check to check people from having problems other than ensuring they get paid for that lost time....I am all ears.
What about doctors and nurses? Do they get to stay home after having contact with someone? Or do they continue to work on patients who are not sick with coronavirus after being around a patient with the coronavirus?
Expecting everyone with symptoms to test and quarantine is completely unrealistic and unnecessary in my opinion. Save the tests for the most at risk and the quarantine procedure for the most at risk and the ones who are closest to them.

How do you think other countries, like South Korea, are able to test 10,000 - 15,000 people a day? They are getting a handle on the virus because of their testing.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Italy wasn't prepared (like US) and now they are suffering the consequences.

There are 2 easy examples to compare happening right now in front of us. I don't understand why it's that hard for some to understand.
Anyone who wants a test should be able to get one. Any doctor that wants to recommend a test should be able to and not refused by the CDC. This is for people who actually go to the doctors office, clinic, etc. Nobody is trying to drag your Mom out of bed to get her tested.
Nor did I suggest that.... (she isn't nor was she bed ridden, sheesh)
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