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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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This right here... at this point it's pretty much logistically impossible IMO to do the testing needed with how widespread this is. The issue isn't just in the US but also globally with people flying in/out... not to mention who they may be in contact with during that time on those flights, at airports, restaurants, etc. I said it a few days ago, I think this is too widespread at this point to effectively do anything about it outside of testing those who are showing symptoms and doing what is possible to keep them from spreading it to those most at risk. Furthermore, even people who have been quarantined have not been following it in some areas. The only option would be to basically shut everything down for 3-4 weeks, which still likely would not work since this is global, and the economic effects of that could possibly be far more harmful than the coronavirus itself. JMO on it but I think the US is taking the approach of letting this run its course now that this is so widespread globally while trying to contain those who are displaying symptoms as much as possible.

So, China can do it but we can't because?... America? I keep coming back to this line from the WHO:

“We are in uncharted territory. We have never before seen a respiratory pathogen that is capable of community transmission, but which can also be contained with the right measures,” he said.

It seems to me that it's the will of the American people lacking here to take the "right measures". Or, just ineptness by our leaders. Hard to tell day to day.
Well yep that didn't take long, 2nd NC case and it's not related to the first one...
He did travel to Italy

"A North Carolina man from Chatham County traveled in late February to an area in Italy that now has a COVID-19 outbreak. He had two days of mild, flu-like symptoms while in Italy. His fever resolved and symptoms were improving, and he flew back to the United States the following day. This person was a contact to a case in Georgia and the Georgia Department of Health notified North Carolina health officials"

If it wasn't for the guy in Georgia saying I bet I got it from this guy and they contacted NC officials, this idiot would have spread it around even more. Sadly he's already done it for a while.
In a nutshell: yes. A communist dictatorship can take draconian actions that would be illegal in a democratic republic.

They can also build hospitals in 2 weeks. lol I'd rather not make this political. Let's compare to S. Korea.

The nation is capable of conducting as many as 10,000 tests per day and has built drive-thru testing clinics that can detect coronavirus cases in just 10 minutes. Officials say the clinics can reduce testing time by a third.

This quick response has allowed South Korea to detect more than 6,000 coronavirus patients, around 35 of whom have died. That means the country's fatality rate — the number of deaths out of the total number of infections — is around 0.6%.

Why is it taking so long for people to come forward? Fear?

Probably just not realizing they had it. I just dealt with a 8-9 day cold. Sinus pressure, fatigue, headache and at the end a little tightness in my chest. My cold in no way warranted a dr visit as did the “flu” that hit my sister in laws house. If that guy had a fever for two days and then fully recovered, why would he go to the doctor?
We are a day late and a dollar short at any attempt to limit the virus in America.....once these finally available test start getting used the number of cases will shoot up and so will the closing of schools and businesses etc.

I think the panic will hit for a day or so and as the shear numbers of how many people has had it and recovered comes out, the fear will drop like a rock.
Probably just not realizing they had it. I just dealt with a 8-9 day cold. Sinus pressure, fatigue, headache and at the end a little tightness in my chest. My cold in no way warranted a dr visit as did the “flu” that hit my sister in laws house. If that guy had a fever for two days and then fully recovered, why would he go to the doctor?
Right and I think some are teetering on the idea of forcing the testing of individuals... this goes down an entirely different road, but swabbing the inside of one's mouth, nose, etc is invading personal privacy and has to be consent to do so.

The logistics of testing are far more complicated then just simply saying "why aren't we testing more people?"
They can also build hospitals in 2 weeks. lol I'd rather not make this political. Let's compare to S. Korea.

The nation is capable of conducting as many as 10,000 tests per day and has built drive-thru testing clinics that can detect coronavirus cases in just 10 minutes. Officials say the clinics can reduce testing time by a third.

This quick response has allowed South Korea to detect more than 6,000 coronavirus patients, around 35 of whom have died. That means the country's fatality rate — the number of deaths out of the total number of infections — is around 0.6%.

Seems like we need to get something like this setup and get to it.
??? It's down over 500 pts as I type this
Let's see how the day goes. It was down over 800 before. Currently, -456 at 11:40 am ET. Last Friday is a good analog to today.

They're not going to want it to go down and close below some key technical levels, going into the weekend. They want people to go into the weekend feeling good. I mean, tell me, who would want to do a bunch of buying on Friday afternoon, headed into a weekend filled with uncertainty? But watch the tape surge this afternoon anyway.

Plus, so far, there's no really selling pressure in the cash market. All of the big selling was premarket.
Probably just not realizing they had it. I just dealt with a 8-9 day cold. Sinus pressure, fatigue, headache and at the end a little tightness in my chest. My cold in no way warranted a dr visit as did the “flu” that hit my sister in laws house. If that guy had a fever for two days and then fully recovered, why would he go to the doctor?

Lets just say however that the 8-9 cold you have is/was Corona....and you are out and about cause its just a "cold. Then some older person with lung problems touches something you did in the grocery store or drugstore and ends up hospitalized because for them its much worse....that why SK and other places are handling it better, if you could have easily been tested to make sure it was "just a cold" and found out it was corona then you would have self quarantined. This is why easy quick testing is something that should have been widely available in the US a month ago much less now.
You're saying people have come forward, with symptoms and told medical professionals that they traveled to Italy or China, etc and nobody wants to test them?
I've read that some people have been around people that presumably tested positive for the virus, have symptoms, and follow CDC instructions as per site, and get nowhere
Probably just not realizing they had it. I just dealt with a 8-9 day cold. Sinus pressure, fatigue, headache and at the end a little tightness in my chest. My cold in no way warranted a dr visit as did the “flu” that hit my sister in laws house. If that guy had a fever for two days and then fully recovered, why would he go to the doctor?
Mainly because the guy just got back from Italy. Red flag. I would’ve wanted to know. If I’m in an area with no outbreak and haven’t traveled somewhere that there is an outbreak, then I wouldn’t go get checked out for cold symptoms, no.

And for context this was the case I was referring to:
"A North Carolina man from Chatham County traveled in late February to an area in Italy that now has a COVID-19 outbreak. He had two days of mild, flu-like symptoms while in Italy. His fever resolved and symptoms were improving, and he flew back to the United States the following day. This person was a contact to a case in Georgia and the Georgia Department of Health notified North Carolina health officials"
Mainly because the guy just got back from Italy. Red flag. I would’ve wanted to know. If I’m in an area with no outbreak and haven’t traveled somewhere that there is an outbreak, then I wouldn’t go get checked out for cold symptoms, no.

The problem is you don't know if other people in your area have been to places with active cases....just because you haven't been to Seattle doesn't mean the guy if front of you in line sneezing wasn't just there. Because there have been limited test kits available there is really no way to know how widespread the US infection rate is, but looking at the map and the fact that cases are spread out all over the country you got to think there are probably hundreds if not thousands of people walking around with Corona spreading it because they have no idea they have it.
So, China can do it but we can't because?... America? I keep coming back to this line from the WHO:

“We are in uncharted territory. We have never before seen a respiratory pathogen that is capable of community transmission, but which can also be contained with the right measures,” he said.

It seems to me that it's the will of the American people lacking here to take the "right measures". Or, just ineptness by our leaders. Hard to tell day to day.

China failed to contain it too. They basically shut everything down and it still got out globally. I just don’t think containing this is feasible with how easily it spreads. It can be slowed down some but not contained especially now that this is global.
Lets just say however that the 8-9 cold you have is/was Corona....and you are out and about cause its just a "cold. Then some older person with lung problems touches something you did in the grocery store or drugstore and ends up hospitalized because for them its much worse....that why SK and other places are handling it better, if you could have easily been tested to make sure it was "just a cold" and found out it was corona then you would have self quarantined. This is why easy quick testing is something that should have been widely available in the US a month ago much less now.

And I don’t necessarily disagree with you but the logistics of such are impossible in the US( much more widely spaced than SK) and our culture is very different. For instance how many flu cases are missed in our country because people just ride it out at home? The only way you get flu tested us if you go to the doctor and pay your fee and most Americans are not gonna do that unless they have too. (Now that may be a case for government healthcare but that is a different conversation for a different time).

The only way you catch this at this point is to have testing stations at major roads and force all people to be tested and that isn’t happening in our country.
They can also build hospitals in 2 weeks. lol I'd rather not make this political. Let's compare to S. Korea.

What's "political" about pointing out the fact that China is a communist dictatorship? And the comparison to SK is a specious comparison: we're talking about a geographically isolated country of 52 million covering a surface area smaller than the state of Kentucky, versus a continental nation of 330 million.
The problem is you don't know if other people in your area have been to places with active cases....just because you haven't been to Seattle doesn't mean the guy if front of you in line sneezing wasn't just there. Because there have been limited test kits available there is really no way to know how widespread the US infection rate is, but looking at the map and the fact that cases are spread out all over the country you got to think there are probably hundreds if not thousands of people walking around with Corona spreading it because they have no idea they have it.

The doctors who treated the first patient in Washington state agrees that the number of US cases is likely in the 10s of thousand cases.

If they are right then that's good news because we arent seeing massive hospitalizations and deaths like Italy and Iran..........yet.
And I don’t necessarily disagree with you but the logistics of such are impossible in the US( much more widely spaced than SK) and our culture is very different. For instance how many flu cases are missed in our country because people just ride it out at home? The only way you get flu tested us if you go to the doctor and pay your fee and most Americans are not gonna do that unless they have too. (Now that may be a case for government healthcare but that is a different conversation for a different time).

The only way you catch this at this point is to have testing stations at major roads and force all people to be tested and that isn’t happening in our country.

Which is why things are going to go to hell in a hand basket over the next 30-60 days...the only real hope we have is warmer weather shuts it down, and that the overall background health of our people help limit the really bad cases. Still we could easily see a period of widespread closings of schools and industries that have huge ramifications on our economy etc.
Some WHO researchers bullet points on what they found in China.

As a father, this section of the article is encouraging.

"For people under 18 years old, "there is a relatively low attack rate." The report found that there were no positive cases of coronavirus in children in November, December, or the first two weeks of January.

People interviewed for the report "could not recall" instances where a child transmitted the virus to an adult."
As a father, this section of the article is encouraging.

"For people under 18 years old, "there is a relatively low attack rate." The report found that there were no positive cases of coronavirus in children in November, December, or the first two weeks of January.

People interviewed for the report "could not recall" instances where a child transmitted the virus to an adult."
That seems hard to believe. What other natural viruses operate this way?
China failed to contain it too. They basically shut everything down and it still got out globally. I just don’t think containing this is feasible with how easily it spreads. It can be slowed down some but not contained especially now that this is global.

It had already got out before those plans were put into place. Their containment plan worked out pretty well as infections went down substantially there. They couldn't do anything about what had already got out.
Let's see how the day goes. It was down over 800 before. Currently, -456 at 11:40 am ET. Last Friday is a good analog to today.

They're not going to want it to go down and close below some key technical levels, going into the weekend. They want people to go into the weekend feeling good. I mean, tell me, who would want to do a bunch of buying on Friday afternoon, headed into a weekend filled with uncertainty? But watch the tape surge this afternoon anyway.

Plus, so far, there's no really selling pressure in the cash market. All of the big selling was premarket.
- 365 at 1:25 ET :)
And they also claim it just all of a sudden slowed down greatly about the time it went global, leaving only their hardest hit areas.

I've heard it is possible, but this could be China's way of trying to explain the complete disaster in Wuhan. "We didn't do anything wrong, it was just a much more deadly strain that hit this area."

Yep...Wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese aren't talking out of their you know what trying to cover up their incompetence
Which is why things are going to go to hell in a hand basket over the next 30-60 days...the only real hope we have is warmer weather shuts it down, and that the overall background health of our people help limit the really bad cases. Still we could easily see a period of widespread closings of schools and industries that have huge ramifications on our economy etc.

I think it's possible, but if cases are in the thousands already, it is a good sign so far that it may not be as bad as feared.
Which way does it go at 3 pm is the real question.....
Guessing it will be at or close to green by then. I think they are trying to paint the tape so the weekly charts don't look as bad. Like I said before, who would be buying on a Friday afternoon, going into a weekend when you're likely to get nothing but worse and worse news?
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