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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I think it's possible, but if cases are in the thousands already, it is a good sign so far that it may not be as bad as feared.

I look at it more from a quarantine standpoint, if they start testing and finding hundreds of new cases and they run down all the contacts from those people suddenly you going to have 100's of thousands Americans that have been known to have been exposed so what do we do. The CDC and WHO say if you have been exposed you need to self quarantine for 14 days...
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Guessing it will be at or close to green by then. I think they are trying to paint the tape so the weekly charts don't look as bad. Like I said before, who would be buying on a Friday afternoon, going into a weekend when you're likely to get nothing but worse and worse news?
If I were a gambling man with millions at my disposal I would buy around 3:15 today and bank on another Monday rally. Sell at the end of the day Monday and do it all over again next week.
China failed to contain it too. They basically shut everything down and it still got out globally. I just don’t think containing this is feasible with how easily it spreads. It can be slowed down some but not contained especially now that this is global.

I guess we have a different definition of containment at this point. Maybe I, We, They should have said "manage" or "control" or some other word. No, you're not going to stop 100% of the virus from spreading and it's ridiculous to even consider the notion imo. You can slow it down a lot. Being aggressive with testing, quarantine, travel restrictions, etc. could save 100's, 1000's maybe more lives. We just don't know yet. There is a lot we do know though.

“We scrutinized this data and we believe this decline is real,” she said, adding that the extraordinary measures undertaken in China — including the unprecedented lockdown of more than 60 million people — had a significant role in changing the direction of the outbreak.

Emergency medicine physician Dr. Leana Wen, a public health professor at George Washington University, said widespread quarantines, lockdowns and travel bans of the sort ordered by China’s regime are unlikely to be used in other countries. How those less-aggressive approaches will play out is unclear, she said.
Not done either ? Don’t buy yet! Hold the line! Monday is payday

I wouldn't count on it. Equities are following bonds right now. There is probably another easy 10 - 15% down from here. Look at European and Asian markets. A lot of speculation now that we could get back to 2016 levels. That's about another 20% drop from here.
"The President is no longer traveling to Atlanta today," a White House official said. "The CDC has been proactive and prepared since the very beginning and the President does not want to interfere with the CDC's mission to protect the health and welfare of their people and the agency."
But Trump contradicted that message later Friday morning, telling the press he might still go.

"We may go. They thought there was a problem at CDC, somebody that had the virus," Trump said in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, during a signing of bill to spend more than $8 billion to fight the virus. Trump added that the person in question at the CDC has tested negative for the virus.
"They've tested the person very fully and it was a negative test," Trump said. "I may be going. They're going to see if they can turn it around with Secret Service."

There's our well-oiled machine at work folks. Doesn't it give you all the confidence in the world?
Our GDP is 77.4% comprised of the Service Sector. What happens when everyone stays home?

Maybe we can cut taxes? Nope. Already done that. Cut rates? Sure, already done that and already at historical lows though. QE? They're already easing just by a different name.

And we've got a $1Trillion deficit this year when unemployment is the best it's been in over 70 years?

Consumer confidence the only thing pushes this last boom. Perfect storm folks.
I wouldn't count on it. Equities are following bonds right now. There is probably another easy 10 - 15% down from here. Look at European and Asian markets. A lot of speculation now that we could get back to 2016 levels. That's about another 20% drop from here.
Can you believe the 10yr got under 0.7% today? That is a 30 bps move in 1 day!!
The amount of gloves and hand sanitizer being purchased right now is unreal. Literally have more quantity on open sales orders than I have in stock on order+on order+available from suppliers.

Now there is an empty container shortage.
-783 at 3:00 pm. Gonna need to muscle up.
The amount of gloves and hand sanitizer being purchased right now is unreal. Literally have more quantity on open sales orders than I have in stock on order+on order+available from suppliers.

Now there is an empty container shortage.
I read that Costco is out of toilet paper. Just crazy. I still think this is the tip of the iceberg...in terms of the reaction by people that is coming.
Can you believe the 10yr got under 0.7% today? That is a 30 bps move in 1 day!!

No, I'm refinancing my house right now from a 30 year mortgage to a 20 year and the payment is basically the same. And I've only been in this one for 1 1/2 years. Crazy rates right now and could get better. Saying now the market is pricing in another 75bps Fed Drop. Hard to imagine but I guess we'll see. Anybody with a mortgage should make a call to your broker. Rule of thumb is a 1/2 point reduction in your rate is worth a refi. I'll be dropping .9125
No, I'm refinancing my house right now from a 30 year mortgage to a 20 year and the payment is basically the same. And I've only been in this one for 1 1/2 years. Crazy rates right now and could get better. Saying now the market is pricing in another 75bps Fed Drop. Hard to imagine but I guess we'll see. Anybody with a mortgage should make a call to your broker. Rule of thumb is a 1/2 point reduction in your rate is worth a refi. I'll be dropping .9125

Im seriously considering going with another 30 been here 2 years but I'll gladly take the extra savings
The deficit is a function of spending exceeding revenues; there's no direct correlation to the unemployment rate.

Maybe not direct in a literal sense but historically unemployment (and payroll taxes) have always been tied to revenues. Yes? One wouldn't have to be an economist to assume your deficit should be lower at full employment when compared to high unemployment.

For example, the last time our budget was balanced was the year 2000. That was also the last time unemployment was 4%.
I read that Costco is out of toilet paper. Just crazy. I still think this is the tip of the iceberg...in terms of the reaction by people that is coming.
On the bright side goods are starting to move out of China again, so we should start seeing those at port in about 2 weeks. Since this isn't a US only deal we might not have the ridiculous port delays we had with the tariff so maybe by early april some goods will be coming back on line.
No, I'm refinancing my house right now from a 30 year mortgage to a 20 year and the payment is basically the same. And I've only been in this one for 1 1/2 years. Crazy rates right now and could get better. Saying now the market is pricing in another 75bps Fed Drop. Hard to imagine but I guess we'll see. Anybody with a mortgage should make a call to your broker. Rule of thumb is a 1/2 point reduction in your rate is worth a refi. I'll be dropping .9125

I'm looking into it as well right now....Just seeing what happens for a little while
Maybe not direct in a literal sense but historically unemployment (and payroll taxes) have always been tied to revenues. Yes?

Only very roughly - and (as the science-minded folks in this forum know very well) correlation =/= causation.
Only very roughly - and (as the science-minded folks in this forum know very well) correlation =/= causation.

LOL OK Agree to disagree. ?

We just refinanced a year ago. Should we do it again?
We did a refi 2 yrs ago for 15 yrs..... I'm seriously contemplating it but I like the idea of having it paid off in 13 too. If I could refi for 10 with a minimal monthly payment increase that might be the way to go for me. Certainly the silver lining in the market woes right now, usually how things work... bad one area, good another. You know, cold/snowy in the west and warm/dry in the east and vice versa
Margin calls and covers to finish the week. Same as last Friday. I wouldn't take it as a sign it's going back up. Anything can happen over the weekend and on Monday.
The Dow closed 1,400 points above the lows that occurred intrasession last Friday. The total drop from the all-time high to last Friday’s low was 5,000 points. So, today’s close represents a recovery of 28% of that 5K point drop.
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