Do any of those articles you linked demonstrate a direct historical relationship between the unemployment rate and the deficit, or nah?
Yeah, but here's another one...
The U.S. is currently experiencing a disastrous “new normal”: The economy is booming at the same time that government debt and deficits are exploding. That scenario is a radical departure from the normally healthy, self-correcting interplay between economic growth and budget shortfalls—and its likely long-term consequences are worth losing sleep over.
In almost every other period in recent history, U.S. deficits have been counter-cyclical. When growth weakens, unemployment rises, so that fewer people are paying taxes. Falling profits shrink revenues from corporate levies, and the government frequently enacts emergency spending measures to recharge the economy. The shrinking tax receipts and temporary outlays swell the deficit. When the economy revives, in contrast, an expanding workforce and a surge in earnings lifts revenues and narrows the budget gap.

America's Disastrous New Normal: A Booming Economy and Soaring Deficits
It's an unprecedented combination, and a really unhealthy one.
That was January a year ago. It's gotten worse.