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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Governor Cooper is expected to announce Walmart employee testing this afternoon.
I'll reply just once because I don't want to turn this into a political thread.

Like I said above, the first thing he should have done is taken a different tone publicly. He could have also used the time to make sure that our country had all the resources needed (tests; PPE, etc), and prepared the nation psychologically for what was coming. He--and others--were caught flat-footed. I think that is more than fair to say.

Some say it's unfair; that no one could have seen it coming. Perhaps. But in the end, this is price of leadership, rightly or wrongly. And I speak as someone who is the leader of an organization.

I don't think we were caught flat-footed. The response was intentional. To what end, I don't know. There is no way you could have possibly said in January that there would be no reall issues here in the US, especially with the intelligence apparatus that we have. Even a knucklehead like me could see that a pandemic was coming a mile away.

So, you could make the argument that the public comments were meant to soothe the public or businesses or equity markets or whatever, while behind the curtain, lots of preparations were taking place. However, that all falls apart when it is apparent that very few things started actually happen until things started getting serious here.

That's when we started getting a better response and saw much more positive action taking place. Even then, things started happening slowly and there was lots of disorganization.

So, either, our government is completely clueless at every level, or

Some people tried to warn leadership early on and were dismissed, or

People and experts were intentionally trying to mislead the leadership early on, saying there was no problem, or

All levels of government from Trump down the line knew it was going to be a problem and the response flow evolved as it did....denial followed by acceptance with no plan followed by positive action and response after a crisis was unfolding.

The WHO did virtually the same thing. It's hard for me to believe that this is all just a coincidence and that everyone was just old grandpa joe behind the curve and slow on the draw. No, everyone knew what was going on and what was coming.

So why did we get the initial reactions we got from governments and health organizations? I have no idea, but I do fully believe it was intentional, and not because everyone was just clueless.
He implemented travel restrictions against China on Jan. 31st, and declared a national Public Health Emergency the same day. What more were you wanting prior to Feb?

EDIT: I almost forgot - even prior to Jan. 31st, the administration ordered American diplomats and citizens to depart Wuhan on Jan. 23rd.

He and The WH corono team is where the states got their lead,info and assistance on a whole plethora in regards to supplies and logistics. Been a great team effort country wide save a few who didnt want to waste the crisis for political gain. Excellent job. Lets attack this next crisis (unemployment) while staying vigillant after the Wuhan Bug. Once we get everyone rolling again,opened up. We need to get these supply chains fixed, get back to fixing the rest of these trade deals that caused the self inflicted wounds to Small town America and the blue collar and middle class.
This could be huge. Makes you have to completely rethink the stay at home orders and may add to the NYC numbers of by far most hospitalized coming from those at home. It may also explain why southern and western states are much less impacted.

This could be huge. Makes you have to completely rethink the stay at home orders and may add to the NYC numbers of by far most hospitalized coming from those at home. It may also explain why southern and western states are much less impacted.

This may be one reason why viruses are worse in winter.

By the way, I take 2,000 units per day of vitamin D orally.
So, you could make the argument that the public comments were meant to soothe the public or businesses or equity markets or whatever, while behind the curtain, lots of preparations were taking place. However, that all falls apart when it is apparent that very few things started actually happen until things started getting serious here.

That's simply not accurate. Look at the timeline of actions in January (I've already mentioned a few of these):

Jan. 7th: CDC established an Incident Management System to closely monitor "a reported cluster of pneumonia of unknown etiology (PUE) with possible epidemiologic links to a large wholesale fish and live animal market in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China".

Jan. 10th: CDC announced it would begin screening airline passengers for symptoms at JFK, SFO and LAX airports.

Jan. 17th: the CDC issued criteria to guide "evaluation of patients under investigation (PUI) for 2019-nCoV, prevention and infection control guidance"

Jan. 21st: CDC activated their Emergency Operations Center on the same day that the first case of the virus was diagnosed in the US.

Jan. 23rd: the State Department issued a Level 4 (Do Not Travel) Advisory for Wuhan, advising American citizens of "an ongoing outbreak of pneumonia first identified in Wuhan, China, caused by a novel (new) coronavirus".

Jan. 31st: the White House issued a "Proclamation on Suspension of Entry" for "all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States" - this was done contrary to WHO guidance, btw ("In fact, we oppose it" the WHO Director General said at the time).

Also Jan. 31st: the Administration declares a national Public Health Emergency (just one day after WHO's PHEIC declaration).
So with the confirmed case from an outside vendor our plant does the "smart" thing. They start temp checking......bit late for that.......then they are making everyone come in one entrance and through 1 tunnel with 1 door. So roughly 100 to 200 people depending on day or night shift will all touch the SAME DAMN DOORKNOB. If the 2nd person in line is asymptomatic the other 98 will come in contact with the virus because it's one door one way in and out.
So with the confirmed case from an outside vendor our plant does the "smart" thing. They start temp checking......bit late for that.......then they are making everyone come in one entrance and through 1 tunnel with 1 door. So roughly 100 to 200 people depending on day or night shift will all touch the SAME DAMN DOORKNOB. If the 2nd person in line is asymptomatic the other 98 will come in contact with the virus because it's one door one way in and out.
around here most doors now got the push lever with your foot. That occurred back in late March.
Interesting report here in the New York Times; apparently the chains of infection within most regions of the US (including four-fifths of the cases in the Southeast) originated in NYC.


Brazil and Russia are having a coronavirus outbreak.
Brazil - 9,635 new cases and 709 new deaths. Total number: 145,328 cases and 9,897 deaths.
Russia - 10,699 new cases and 98 new deaths. Total number: 187,589 cases and 1,723 deaths.
Drive through testing at Walmart parking lots will be coming soon to several counties this month. Including Guilford & Wilkes.
Interesting report here in the New York Times; apparently the chains of infection within most regions of the US (including four-fifths of the cases in the Southeast) originated in NYC.

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remember Trump wanted to seal NYC off but the NY politicians said that would be racist

Coronavirus: Trump 'considering quarantining New York' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52079121
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Just more data (without editorial comment) ...


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Just by my observation of this chart it shows a huge exponential growth in March when we had a lack of testing. This makes me wonder if Florida may have hit their peak earlier than believed and that possibly the graph should be extended earlier to show a more gradual peak.
Interesting report here in the New York Times; apparently the chains of infection within most regions of the US (including four-fifths of the cases in the Southeast) originated in NYC.

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My son believes he became infected on a trip to NYC and the positive antibody test he had backs this up. Of course there are some on this board that says it was impossible for him to have been infected in NYC in December... so I guess his illness and lab results were imaginary.
Calling @Rain Cold

Now now, Shaggy. I'm sure it was some kind of special Mutara Nebula holiday or something like that. We all know that this novel, super contagious, deadly SARS 1-like Coronavirus came from the wet market just down the street.
Now now, Shaggy. I'm sure it was some kind of special Mutara Nebula holiday or something like that. We all know that this novel, super contagious, deadly SARS 1-like Coronavirus came from the wet market just down the street.

Yeah butthe article shows just how flawed that "research" was. They claim a conference was cancelled when it wasnt. Theres no reason to believe that research at all.
Yeah butthe article shows just how flawed that "research" was. They claim a conference was cancelled when it wasnt. Theres no reason to believe that research at all.
I don't much believe any research around this. Too many rumors and bad "research". My instinct is that we're going to one day learn definitively that it accidentally got out of that lab and definitively that the initial story being told about it came from someone eating a snake was a lie. I don't guess any of that really matters, because we already know everyone lies and the virus is already endemic.

I mean, everyone pretty much agrees that the Chinese lied about/covered up the extent of the expansiveness and the seriousness of the virus from the get-go. We all know they lie all the time. But this one time, we should believe them about the origin of this thing? Yeah ok. I'll take a hard pass on that option.
I don't much believe any research around this. Too many rumors and bad "research". My instinct is that we're going to one day learn definitively that it accidentally got out of that lab and definitively that the initial story being told about it came from someone eating a snake was a lie. I don't guess any of that really matters, because we already know everyone lies and the virus is already endemic.

I mean, everyone pretty much agrees that the Chinese lied about/covered up the extent of the expansiveness and the seriousness of the virus from the get-go. We all know they lie all the time. But this one time, we should believe them about the origin of this thing? Yeah ok. I'll take a hard pass on that option.

Yeah I'm 50/50 on the natural transmission. It's really not a stretch for it to be either one. Viruses have jumped species naturally since the beginning of time. We also know this lab was doing research on these exact type of viruses. I could believe either one with the proper evidence.
I don't much believe any research around this. Too many rumors and bad "research". My instinct is that we're going to one day learn definitively that it accidentally got out of that lab and definitively that the initial story being told about it came from someone eating a snake was a lie. I don't guess any of that really matters, because we already know everyone lies and the virus is already endemic.

I mean, everyone pretty much agrees that the Chinese lied about/covered up the extent of the expansiveness and the seriousness of the virus from the get-go. We all know they lie all the time. But this one time, we should believe them about the origin of this thing? Yeah ok. I'll take a hard pass on that option.

A lab accident looks more and more likely.


Yeah I'm 50/50 on the natural transmission. It's really not a stretch for it to be either one. Viruses have jumped species naturally since the beginning of time. We also know this lab was doing research on these exact type of viruses. I could believe either one with the proper evidence.
I don't disagree with you on the surface. I mean, there are really smart people who are experts on this subject and can make a case for either option. But in the absence of real evidence that is put out in the light of day by joint, reputable sources, given the lying and the circumstances, I strongly feel like the lab path is the most likely. But, the other option is possible. There's no way not to acknowledge that.

The bigger question for me is, if it came from a lab, was it manipulated? I don't know and I don't know if it's possible for us regular people to ever know for certain. We do know that research and experiments are done on these things all the time. But hopefully that's not the case here. I'm not advocating that it is, although I wouldn't totally rule out the possibility.
I don't disagree with you on the surface. I mean, there are really smart people who are experts on this subject and can make a case for either option. But in the absence of real evidence that is put out in the light of day by joint, reputable sources, given the lying and the circumstances, I strongly feel like the lab path is the most likely. But, the other option is possible. There's no way not to acknowledge that.

The bigger question for me is, if it came from a lab, was it manipulated? I don't know and I don't know if it's possible for us regular people to ever know for certain. We do know that research and experiments are done on these things all the time. But hopefully that's not the case here. I'm not advocating that it is, although I wouldn't totally rule out the possibility.

A big red flag is their unwillingness to allow a team in to investigate. I'm of the firm belief that innocent people dont stop investigations that prove their innocent.
A big red flag is their unwillingness to allow a team in to investigate. I'm of the firm belief that innocent people dont stop investigations that prove their innocent.

No doubt. Beijing recently threatened economic blackmail against Australia and the EU for pursuing a probe into the initial outbreak and China's related actions afterwards.

No doubt. Beijing recently threatened economic blackmail against Australia and the EU for pursuing a probe into the initial outbreak and China's related actions afterwards.

I'm also of the firm belief that we should wipe dollar for dollar our debt from this off our books on what we owe China.
Yeah I'm 50/50 on the natural transmission. It's really not a stretch for it to be either one. Viruses have jumped species naturally since the beginning of time. We also know this lab was doing research on these exact type of viruses. I could believe either one with the proper evidence.

There was a MD, PhD professor NYU Langone I believe in the Dept of Pathology that said it’s pretty much 100% likely it came out of the lab. Reason being is even though Coronaviruses jump species, the odds of SARS-2 jumping so quickly to humans after SARS-1 is zero. Basically, to occur naturally, she said it takes hundreds of years for that to happen. I wish I can remember her name, just searched the entire faculty directory in pathology and nothing rings a bell...but wanted to share.

With that said, it seems pretty obvious where it came from. She also said it likely wasn’t “engineered”, even if the leak was purposeful it doesn’t point to an altered virus, and she believed that a purposeful leaking at the epicenter isn’t logically sound, so she’s on the accidental leak train which is what I agree with.

A few other tidbits she added going off memory here,

She works in vaccine research, specifically of SARS-CoV-1 and now SARS-CoV-2. She said the only hard thing about making a vaccine is supply chain issues.

She said the way the vaccine will be made for RNA viruses is they’ll inject mRNA into the body which then produces proteins and antibodies to fight CoV-2.

She said people are overstating the difficulty of producing such a vaccine just because “it hasn’t been done before” doesn’t mean it’s “hard to do”.

She said the global demand for this type of vaccine never existed, so that’s why. Not because it’s rocket science.

She also said there isn’t another “strain” of the viruses, and strains take years to develop after flowing through the population after substantial antigenic drift and mutations. That because this was just introduced into the human population, it simply hasn’t had enough time to produce another strain like influenza has, and she said it will be “Easy” when making the vaccine to find the virus genomes you’ll want to protect against. Simply because it’s one strain. She used another word other than strain, says she hates the word strain because it provides a false narrative of concern.

I came out of that interview very confident in our ability to produce a vaccine that works decently, the issue seems more to be supply chain and timing. Also getting people to take a vaccine that was hurried...already hear a lot of people saying they won’t take it unless forced.

Cc: [mention]Rain Cold [/mention]
My brother in law still can’t breath on his on. Now my nephew woke up sick this morning and they are gonna test him right away. I have multiple family members sick on both sides that don’t ever come in contact. I guess it’s all better at once while I’m not at work versus this dragging out the whole year.
I'm also of the firm belief that we should wipe dollar for dollar our debt from this off our books on what we owe China.

Private individuals, class action plaintiffs, and even governments are already trying to seek monetary damages from the PRC for this debacle.

Idk what’s going on here. We have the best Walgreens ever IMO that’s 24/7 and they just shut their doors down till Tuesday. Along with Tyson. Both very essential and perhaps the most essential in the county and people are starting to freak out.
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