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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Please that is ridiculous to accuse me of morbid obsession of letting people die. If not letting anyone die then let’s lockdown for the flu also. No more driving cars. No more alcohol. So many things could be said we are letting people die. You do realize some have lost or will lose a family member and lose their job and possibly their home. People die every day and it’s sad no doubt but suffering in poverty and homelessness is awful also and longer lasting. In a short time a hard choice is going to have to be made. Either try an open up or totally ruin millions of lives of families. Where suicides will explode. So do you have a morbid obsession of letting people suffer? No I know you don’t so please don’t accuse me of being some sick individual.
All the ways people die you just listed would be worse if there were no safety laws or support system in place. I don't understand the obsession with suicide, it's not contagious like this virus but is just as preventable. There is better chance for a depression if we open too early and we have a bigger spike. I will admit some loosening on restriction could be appropriate but concerts,sports,malls,movies and other large gathering can't happen for a long while and there is no way around it.
All the ways people die you just listed would be worse if there were no safety laws or support system in place. I don't understand the obsession with suicide, it's not contagious like this virus but is just as preventable. There is better chance for a depression if we open too early and we have a bigger spike. I will admit some loosening on restriction could be appropriate but concerts,sports,malls,movies and other large gathering can't happen for a long while and there is no way around it.
I don’t understand suicides either but we have half a population on medicines for depression and other illnesses. Some feel the meds make it worse. I’m not a doctor so I’m not going to comment yay or nay. I understand the not having concerts, sporting events and etc. Do I agree with them staying closed? Not after end of April no. If we are not going to have them then we need to close down for flu next fall/winter because it kills thousands also. I know this virus is more contagious than the flu but someone dying from the flu when it can be prevented also by social distancing. To think we could have this virus and the flu together in the fall/winter. If there is no vaccine.
I don’t understand suicides either but we have half a population on medicines for depression and other illnesses. Some feel the meds make it worse. I’m not a doctor so I’m not going to comment yay or nay. I understand the not having concerts, sporting events and etc. Do I agree with them staying closed? Not after end of April no. If we are not going to have them then we need to close down for flu next fall/winter because it kills thousands also. I know this virus is more contagious than the flu but someone dying from the flu when it can be prevented also by social distancing. To think we could have this virus and the flu together in the fall/winter. If there is no vaccine.
If you think concerts and other big gathering will be allowed in May you are in for a rude awakening. Zero chance of anything large all summer
If you think concerts and other big gathering will be allowed in May you are in for a rude awakening. Zero chance of anything large all summer
I don’t think they will be nor sporting events. Even though SK has started back their pro b-ball league. New cases are now happening there again so I’m guessing they will close down again.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.
Man, sorry to hear that, Jon. We'll keep you in our prayers, man. I hope you feel better soon!
Yikes—this illustrates just how contagious this virus is:

Just imagine if the NCAA tourny went on as scheduled. The regional games would have brought in people from all over the country into the same arenas for 2 rounds of games. After which everyone would travel back to their regions of origin spreading this like a wildfire.

That was one of the earliest decisions and I believe has proven critical in keeping this somewhat contained. We are talking 10s of thosuands of travellers airports, hotels all with major spread.
Just imagine if the NCAA tourny went on as scheduled. The regional games would have brought in people from all over the country into the same arenas for 2 rounds of games. After which everyone would travel back to their regions of origin spreading this like a wildfire.

That was one of the earliest decisions and I believe has proven critical in keeping this somewhat contained. We are talking 10s of thosuands of travellers airports, hotels all with major spread.
If that had happened Atlanta would be right behind New York in cases.
I would say any flights out of this country are pretty much not going to happen for the next six months at least. Lots of rental properties and hotels going to be bankrupt and available. Those beach front rentals will be bankrupt all over.
A friends wife said her company has told them to pay $375 for the virus test. Also the test is only 80-90% accurate.
Models project now 62,000 hospitialzations due to corona

Last year flu caused 500,000
Year before over 800,000

Whole push of shutdown was to not over run hospitals. Bend the curve. Bending the curve is not a cure, fact it pro longs the length of time dealing with corono verse Herd immunity approach. Vacvine is 6 to 12 months most likely away. Only half Americans take flu vaccine. So im guessing only half would take corono if available.

The Cocktail has turned out to be a game changer. Not 100 percent,but cures around 90 percent of hospitialized cases due to corono.
It was estimated as many as 1 to 2 million deaths would have occured,had we not impossed travel bans and shut down. Now its estimated that we may not get to 50 to 75,000

My opinion is its time to open back up. May 1 should start the transition and we all will still need to practice 6 feet, hand washing etc. The elderly,nursing homes will still need to isolate as is till vaccine. The deaths from cocktail of hospitilized corono still falls out at 4 %. Its ages 74 and up.

Awesome job by American Citizens making a massive sacrifice. Also kudos to potus and wh corono team. Made a bridge for us to walk across from mid March to May.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.
Did you have any foot rashes? Saw some article saying that was another common symptom. Taste and smell is well documented. Just curious and praying for you. Thanks for answering the bell with your profession meeting the citizens of your community needs.
Models project now 62,000 hospitialzations due to corona

Last year flu caused 500,000
Year before over 800,000

Whole push of shutdown was to not over run hospitals. Bend the curve. Bending the curve is not a cure, fact it pro longs the length of time dealing with corono verse Herd immunity approach. Vacvine is 6 to 12 months most likely away. Only half Americans take flu vaccine. So im guessing only half would take corono if available.

The Cocktail has turned out to be a game changer. Not 100 percent,but cures around 90 percent of hospitialized cases due to corono.
It was estimated as many as 1 to 2 million deaths would have occured,had we not impossed travel bans and shut down. Now its estimated that we may not get to 50 to 75,000

My opinion is its time to open back up. May 1 should start the transition and we all will still need to practice 6 feet, hand washing etc. The elderly,nursing homes will still need to isolate as is till vaccine. The deaths from cocktail of hospitilized corono still falls out at 4 %. Its ages 74 and up.

Awesome job by American Citizens making a massive sacrifice. Also kudos to potus and wh corono team. Made a bridge for us to walk across from mid March to May.
I agree open up May 1! Be ready to be labeled as morbid obsession of letting people die person. Also be told you need help.
Did you have any foot rashes? Saw some article saying that was another common symptom. Taste and smell is well documented. Just curious and praying for you. Thanks for answering the bell with your profession meeting the citizens of your community needs.

No foot rashes and thank you!

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I’m a bit concerned the tail on the distribution may have a flatter slope than depicted on the Washington model a lot of us have been referencing. Europe’s experience seems to reflect this. Thus, the death toll may end up being higher than forecasted and we may be stuck with this even longer. Nate Silver had a discussion about this today and it seems convincing, but we’ll see how it develops.

Also, it seems likely we (and the rest of the world) are undercounting the death count to a significant degree (as much as by a factor of 2, possibly?), although that’s baked in so it doesn’t change our future prospects much.

I still remain hopeful for an opening at the end of May. I’m not sure how much longer we can go on than that.
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I’m a bit concerned the tail on the distribution may have a flatter slope than depicted on the Washington model a lot of us have been referencing. Europe’s experience seems to reflect this. Thus, the death toll may end up being higher than forecasted and we may be stuck with this even longer. Nate Silver had a discussion about this today and it seems convincing, but we’ll see how it develops.

Also, it seems likely we (and the rest of the world) are undercounting the death count to a significant degree (as much as by a factor of 2, possibly?), although that’s baked in so it doesn’t change our future prospects much.

I still remain hopeful for an opening at the end of May. I’m not sure how much longer we can go on than that.

There's al 100% chance that we, but mostly the rest of the world, is undercounting by a significant amount. Japan and Sweden for instance have adopted a herd immunity strategy for fighting coronavirus, and both have decided to restrict testing policies to falsely demonstrate to the world that the policy works.

For instance, Japan only tests the elderly people showing a fever for four straight days, and there have been reports showing that they don't even test some of those people. They have only tested 7% of the people that South Korea has tested, despite having more than double. Japan doesn't even confirm cases of deaths that were likely caused with people having covid-19 symptoms.

Additionally, Sweden isn't providing tests for many of its citizens, and only confirms cases through laboratory tests. They are refusing to ask people that want the test even when they have symptoms.

In contrast to Japan and Sweden, some countries aren't testing, or are restricting tests, for the Covid-19 due to the short-supply, especially in the European region. Some places are testing, but aren't confirming cases until a laboratory confirms the case, or failing to test patients post-mortem that may have died in their homes. For example, a country like Italy demonstrated that post-mortem tests picked up a significant amount of Covid-19 deaths, explaining one of the reasons the death rate is so much more significant than in Germany.
Looking like this whole thing started in a Chinese Laboratory after all. Called it from the beginning. I even got backlash for saying it. This is my victory lap

??‍♂️ ??‍♂️ ??‍♂️ ??‍♂️ ?
Well I got strangers advice I’m mentally sick ????. This virus is definitely showing us what matters!

#Toilet paper!!!!!
Looking like this whole thing started in a Chinese Laboratory after all. Called it from the beginning. I even got backlash for saying it. This is my victory lap

??‍♂️ ??‍♂️ ??‍♂️ ??‍♂️ ?

Any scientific backing and data to support this. I believe it's possible to have happened but we need to be sure.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that there are some that think that the Wuhan wet market was actually not the origination point of this virus, not that there isn't problems with wet markets. I would not consider this to be confirmation, in fact, it would not surprise me if it's years before anything gets confirmed. Of course, in those years, it would not surprise me if we see hundreds of thousands have COVID-19 antibodies and for the CFR to drop...
Any scientific backing and data to support this. I believe it's possible to have happened but we need to be sure.
You don't need data to support the obvious.... Remember Occam's razor..... The simplest solution is that it came from the research lab in Wuhan.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. The fact that a few belittled anybody who said this could've possibly escaped from a laboratory just goes to show..

Rocks and glass houses; gotta love it...
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. The fact that a few belittled anybody who said this could've possibly escaped from a laboratory just goes to show..

Rocks and glass houses; gotta love it...
I think the debate early on was whether or not it was a bioweapon. From what it sounds like, yes it came from a lab but it wasn't a bioweapon deployment like many thought early on.
I think the debate early on was whether or not it was a bioweapon. From what it sounds like, yes it came from a lab but it wasn't a bioweapon deployment like many thought early on.
We do not know for sure at this point. It totally could have been. Could have been a population control measure that got out of hand. We just dont know yet, but we will.
I think the debate early on was whether or not it was a bioweapon. From what it sounds like, yes it came from a lab but it wasn't a bioweapon deployment like many thought early on.

Maybe a small part however I don't remember a debate which is a nice word, I remember belittling of anybody who said this could've escaped from a laboratory. It was the wet market, it was the wet market; yada, yada, yada...

Given the jury is still out wouldn't be surprised there was some bio-engineering involved however that's sheer speculation at this point; the duck analogy applies..
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