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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I am honestly trying to figure out what line the government and the Fed can't cross, in terms of amount of debt. Obviously, it's not billions or now even trillions. Is it hundreds of trillions? A quadrillion? I don't think there is any way to define an answer to this question. When it happens, we will know. But until then, I guess they will just print away.
By my way of study, we've been trying to figure that out since 1931 or so ...

... I had a row boat that I bass fished in ... it leaked but not enough to cause issues for years ... would just tar it ... until that leak suddenly got really, really bad when I was I was right out in the middle of the pond one nice afternoon ... got very wet ... and ... well, that row boat still exists ... in some old Kodachromes ...
has not been peer reviewed yet and also was not a double blind study. It’s basically junk. Also that guys work has been debunked several times.

Yeah without control groups there is no way to determine what effect the treatment is having.....none. So the findings of this study prove absolutely nothing. Heck 90% of all Covid patients recover with little to no medical intervention. There are some double blind studies being done in the USA and then we will see how much these drugs are actually helping, they probably are but they should be only used on those people who are in bad shape until they are fully understood.
Yeah without control groups there is no way to determine what effect the treatment is having.....none. So the findings of this study prove absolutely nothing. Heck 90% of all Covid patients recover with little to no medical intervention. There are some double blind studies being done in the USA and then we will see how much these drugs are actually helping, they probably are but they should be only used on those people who are in bad shape until they are fully understood.

Unless he just falsified his numbers, he obviously did something right as his 0.5% CFR in confirmed cases would be the best in the world.
the drug may work but his study isn’t really noteworthy.

His study isn't note worthy yet whatever he did had a 3.5% less CFR than the US has right now? Whether the drug works or not really doesn't matter, but unless his lied about his numbers whatever he did do saved a lot more people.
Unless he just falsified his numbers, he obviously did something right as his 0.5% CFR in confirmed cases would be the best in the world.

Maybe if he ran the test 4 or 5 times with similar patient pools then you could say that, otherwise I can just say it was luck or a fluke that he hit .5% CFR...they screened the people before hand as well, maybe he picked the ones he thought would respond the best, that is why they do double blind test. I think there is merit to this medication but until several peer reviewed and strictly adhered to test are completed we really don't know if its worth it or not.
His study isn't note worthy yet whatever he did had a 3.5% less CFR than the US has right now? Whether the drug works or not really doesn't matter, but unless his lied about his numbers whatever he did do saved a lot more people.

depends on who he administered the drugs to. Lots of folks have mild cases and I disagree the CFR is 3.5%. Again it depends on who he allowed in the test. This is why we need peer review and double blind study. You just can’t make much of his work. Also he has been discredited before
Maybe if he ran the test 4 or 5 times with similar patient pools then you could say that, otherwise I can just say it was luck or a fluke that he hit .5% CFR...they screened the people before hand as well, maybe he picked the ones he thought would respond the best, that is why they do double blind test. I think there is merit to this medication but until several peer reviewed and strictly adhered to test are completed we really don't know if its worth it or not.

Could have definitely been a fluke, but considering the fact that nearly every state is well over 0.5% CFR as is every country, obviously something he did worked that or he hit the very high odd jackpot.
depends on who he administered the drugs to. Lots of folks have mild cases and I disagree the CFR is 3.5%. Again it depends on who he allowed in the test. This is why we need peer review and double blind study. You just can’t make much of his work. Also he has been discredited before

I don't think the CFR is 3.5 either, but amoung confirmed cases it is 4% in the US. Sure he could have weeded out people with health problems, but even then to get to 0.5% CFR based on what we know would be a stretch with a median age in the mid-40s. If he his wrong he must have lied about his numbers.
depends on who he administered the drugs to. Lots of folks have mild cases and I disagree the CFR is 3.5%. Again it depends on who he allowed in the test. This is why we need peer review and double blind study. You just can’t make much of his work. Also he has been discredited before

Do we really need to run the risk of using control groups and placebo's? Is all that really needed? 970+ people lived, whether it's from the drugs or placebo affect.
Do we really need to run the risk of using control groups and placebo's? Is all that really needed? 970+ people lived, whether it's from the drugs or placebo affect.

Yes you need to run control groups and placebo's its how science works.....there is no "risk" of using control groups those people are already sick and your not changing anything for them that you would not already be doing.
Yes you need to run control groups and placebo's its how science works.....there is no "risk" of using control groups those people are already sick and your not changing anything for them that you would not already be doing.

The Risk is that someone doesn't get the drugs and dies when they could HAVE gotten the drugs and lived!

All for the name of Medicine and Science, tho.
The Risk is that someone doesn't get the drugs and dies when they could HAVE gotten the drugs and lived!

All for the name of Medicine and Science, tho.

Without a double blind study you have no idea if the drug is doing anything to help.....or maybe even hurting.....

A Brazilian study testing the antimalarial drug chloroquine for COVID-19 had to be stopped early in one group of patients taking a high dose of the drug, after some patients in this group developed dangerous heart rhythm problems.
Yeah, this getting kind of ridiculous. I mean, you can sit there and say pretty much any symptom can be a precursor to something else.

That's a good point, but I am not quite sure what foot aches have to do with a respiratory infection. Not a Dr. or anything, but it's kinda bizarre. But hey, if it is mutating and changing symptoms, maybe that's a sign that this less of respiratory and becoming something less serious?
Actually the virus does a real number on the body. So it's not surprising that it would cause other things to hurt, ect. The receptor the virus binds to is in a lot of our major organs. This is why it's been attacking the heart, kidneys, liver, etc besides the lungs.
Without a double blind study you have no idea if the drug is doing anything to help.....or maybe even hurting.....

A Brazilian study testing the antimalarial drug chloroquine for COVID-19 had to be stopped early in one group of patients taking a high dose of the drug, after some patients in this group developed dangerous heart rhythm problems.

No one said there weren't possible side affects, and this is why physician's monitor patients when using drug therapies.

One shoe doesn't fit all, But at least those patients were given a chance at the drug.

People want to run these trials, but it's always on "Someone Else" If there is ANY chance this drug combo is saving lives, do you want to risk with-holding it when it's YOUR loved one? I know I sure a ---- don't.
A greenville city bus driver tested positive. His bus route serves 125 to 150 people per day. He last worked a few days before testing positive. So depending on how long he was asymptomatic but still contagious he could be a mass spreader.

If we wanted to end these shutdowns every person who rode that route would be tested ALREADY and being isolated for 14 days. Instead these people will continue to spread it and we will see this rolling outbreak that will keep these lockdowns in place.

We are being reactive versus proactive.
“I will be speaking to all 50 governors very shortly,” Trump said, “And I will then be authorizing each individual governor of each individual state to implement a reopening and a very powerful reopening plan of their state at a time and in a manner as most appropriate.”

Interesting statement, as it's not up to the president at all.
I expect Alabama will drop the stay at home order early I. may and maybe drop certain other restrictions, such as restaurant dining rooms, in mid May. We're not doing very much testing but it seems that we aren't having strong increases in cases.
Furlough I know doesn't equal laid off but it might as well. 51k employees for Best Buy. I wonder how much longer this shutdown can last when stuff like this keeps happening...

Infuriating. Thanks a lot, China.


Infuriating. Thanks a lot, China.

View attachment 39567

Almost sounds a lot like what happened over here but since our healthcare systems are better equipped we mostly avoided a complete nightmare. Can't say that for NY though. We as a nation were trying to curb panic but failed at informing Americans, which is part of why some people are still taking this lightly and not caring.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.

Sorry to hear man. I read in a study those who lose their sense of smell and taste most often have lesser symptoms overall.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.

Feel better soon!
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Furlough I know doesn't equal laid off but it might as well. 51k employees for Best Buy. I wonder how much longer this shutdown can last when stuff like this keeps happening...

Exactly. Yes cases may spread but you still have 98-99% that survive and are fine. Any death is sad but if the economy total collapses then that 1% deaths will seem small to what happens.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.
Feel better soon Jon!
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.
Sorry to hear, feel better soon.
Exactly. Yes cases may spread but you still have 98-99% that survive and are fine. Any death is sad but if the economy total collapses then that 1% deaths will seem small to what happens.

I really don't know where your morbid obsession of letting people die comes from, but I would suggest getting help.
I really don't know where your morbid obsession of letting people die comes from, but I would suggest getting help.
Please that is ridiculous to accuse me of morbid obsession of letting people die. If not letting anyone die then let’s lockdown for the flu also. No more driving cars. No more alcohol. So many things could be said we are letting people die. You do realize some have lost or will lose a family member and lose their job and possibly their home. People die every day and it’s sad no doubt but suffering in poverty and homelessness is awful also and longer lasting. In a short time a hard choice is going to have to be made. Either try an open up or totally ruin millions of lives of families. Where suicides will explode. So do you have a morbid obsession of letting people suffer? No I know you don’t so please don’t accuse me of being some sick individual.
Well as a healthcare provider my fear has been realized. I was tested Easter Sunday due to coming down with symptoms and I’m positive for Covid-19. It’s a risk we take in this field and I’m doing well. The oddest symptom I have is complete loss of sense of smell & taste. It came on suddenly. No fever and in fact I’m running low (97). Just shows how odd the symptom profile is for this virus.
Hope you feel better. My wife and I never ran more than a 99 but we were never tested.
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It’s a nice store I buy all my discounted candles there for emergencies. 82464DAD-EBB2-49DE-9FBD-BE7D444FC9D2.jpeg
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