That's kind of the point though of doing everything we can to contain the virus rather than being worried about opening the economy back up asap, if we know the system was already close to capacity, any additional instability would cause severe disruption. Our economy will recover in due time and will be much stronger than ever before be rest assured of that, you can't replace or put a price tag on human life. Unfortunately, a lot of innocent people are going to die because of sheer ineptitude and lack of general preparedness from top to bottom in handling this crisis.
Could you imagine where we'd be right now if most of us actually adequately prepared for this virus right from the very outset, like having enough tests available, masks and other medical supplies, instituting social distance measures considerably earlier, etc. instead of worrying about how much the liberal media was hyping this up?
As a scientist, this sort of incompetence early on from in large part, those in the Republican party (esp Trump), and a considerable sector of the public, makes you want to bang your head against the wall.