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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I continue to believe Trump is allowing individual states to shutdown at a state by state level. If states don’t do so then president Trump may have to shutdown nation wide. But I believe states will continue to do it without Trump having to do that. Hoping that makes since. This is best way to keep panic down

Trump has no choice but to wait for the states to act on such things; a POTUS doesn't have any statutory authority to regulate commerce within a state (commercial air transportation is a different matter, however).
Florida gonna have to shutdown beaches or people will go down there. And go back to other states then it’s a mess.

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And that situation down there could be enough for trump to pull the trigger and do it his damn self. I’m really torn over this whole thing. Big government is strangling the private sector. But it’s all necessary..right? I just don’t know. A lot of this doesn’t pass the smell test for me personally. But we have to stop this before the US turns into Italy. I think
And that situation down there could be enough for trump to pull the trigger and do it his damn self. I’m really torn over this whole thing. Big government is strangling the private sector. But it’s all necessary..right? I just don’t know. A lot of this doesn’t pass the smell test for me personally. But we have to stop this before the US turns into Italy. I think

You live in South Carolina. Do you believe our schools reopen March 31st?

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Florida gonna have to shutdown beaches or people will go down there. And go back to other states then it’s a mess.

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Hahah we were planning on going to the beach this coming weekend since our cruise was canceled . I guess I better just get a truck load of sand dumped in the front yard and turn on the hose

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There are 10's of thousands with it in the US right now, the sad part is 6 months from now when the country if returning to normal and the infection and death numbers are not to bad a lot of people will say " see it was all for nothing" not realizing that the reason it is like that is because of the things we are doing now.

I think that is when people will die. Whether the isolation of people or just from a very low mortality rate for “most” people, a lot of people will realize it just won’t bother them and go back to normal life. Then when 60-100k die in nursing homes and the like, everyone will be shocked.
Hahah we were planning on going to the beach this coming weekend since our cruise was canceled . I guess I better just get a truck load of sand dumped in the front yard and turn on the hose

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I had a beach trip planned with some friends in May, but that isn’t looking too good now.
This bad dream is quickly turning into a nightmare. In the words of Ron Burgandy “that escalated quickly”

I ask Georgians to continue to follow best practices - washing their hands regularly, isolating the elderly and chronically ill, and avoiding large events in the days and weeks ahead. We are in this together. Hunker down and let's stop COVID-19 in Georgia. #gapol


11:08 AM · Mar 17, 2020·Hootsuite Inc.

Our Gov latest, no indication of closing things
We have a presumptive positive here at work. Waiting on the test results and this is in Greenville. Not going to name the company yet but it’s likely in an office of at least 250 people in tight cubicles. This is getting serious here now.
This is what is happening in my backyard.

While the hospital systems said testing for everyone was a goal, there are too few tests to go around and hospitals face a shortage of protective gear that staff must wear when testing or treating patients.

“The national message is there are millions of these tests out there and the reality is very far from that, at least here in Georgia,” said Dr. Jonathan Lewin, CEO of Emory Healthcare, which operates 10 metro area hospitals.
While I think the death rate of 3% being thrown around is likely very inflated, it is a dangerous and selfish thing to brush this off because 99% of the population will not be effected in a serious manner physically. Not taking it seriously is what will make this worse for the vulnerable. It’s just a no win situation no matter what you do, however saving as many at risk lives should be the priority regardless of the effect on the population as a whole. It’s an unfortunate situation. We all should be looking out for one another right now and stop the panicked shopping (excluding needed preparations) and doing other selfish actions.
This is what is happening in my backyard.

While the hospital systems said testing for everyone was a goal, there are too few tests to go around and hospitals face a shortage of protective gear that staff must wear when testing or treating patients.

“The national message is there are millions of these tests out there and the reality is very far from that, at least here in Georgia,” said Dr. Jonathan Lewin, CEO of Emory Healthcare, which operates 10 metro area hospitals.
Doctor finally called my wife and said he just suspects another virus and to try home remedies for now.
Latest daily status report from the Georgia Dept. of Public Health - the percentage of confirmed cases in Georgia for people under 60 now exceeds that of people over 60.

Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 11.44.20 AM.png

Why not package up EBT boxes of food instead of adding money to their card when they can’t use it with shelves empty? Would help slow the virus too and ensure kids eat something nutritional. Keep politics out when replying to this comment.
GA confirmed cases rose 25 from 121 to 146.

Fri 42
Sat 66 (+24)
Sun 99 (+33)
Mon 121 (+22)
Tue 146 (+25)

Map of counties:


How many actual cases do we have in the United States? Is it higher then the 4600 confirmed? If not it kinda seems social distancing is already working. Because if it wasn’t the number of 4600 would be much higher!

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How many actual cases do we have in the United States? Is it higher then the 4600 confirmed? If not it kinda seems social distancing is already working. Because if it wasn’t the number of 4600 would be much higher!

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According to Worldometer, the total number of cases are 5,686 cases, or 1,023 new cases today.
How many actual cases do we have in the United States? Is it higher then the 4600 confirmed? If not it kinda seems social distancing is already working. Because if it wasn’t the number of 4600 would be much higher!

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I’d say a lot higher, like the article Nerman shared, some places are telling people with mild symptoms to not get tested
Kudos to Trump as well for taking a more serious tone and apparently listening to their advice in recent days. Very good PC so far from what I've heard.

Reports are the other day a School in London released some research that stated 510k dead in the UK and 2.2 million dead in America if they did not change course. Once this hit trumps admin Fauci and Birx probably looked at trump and agreed and scared him straight. Huge shift in response to this emergency.
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