If the Chinese have known about this since December, where are their vaccines and antiviral treatments?
Chinese universities are working on vaccines.
Chinese drug companies have partnerships with US companies and are working collectively on a vaccine.
A vaccine will probably take 8-12 months, best case, not 2 months to make.
They have suggested antivirals that already exist for US physicians and MDs around the world to use to fight it. (Ex. Lopinavir/ritonavir, Chloroquine, Tocilizumab, etc) Without their suggestions, death tolls around the world would be substantially higher.
Where is their partnership and cooperation with the USA and the rest of the world on solutions to eradicate COV-19?
China has been helping the world since this begun. They’ve done more to help with this than any country.
The reason why is this is Chinese Bio-Economic-Warfare designed to destabilize economies with political intent.
Why do we trust them to manufacture our pharmaceuticals?
It’s Chinese bio warfare but shut down their own country and manufacturing when they were doing just fine? It would make sense (maybe) if they were in a recession or collapsing as a country but that’s not the case so the conspiracy theory doesn’t check out.
We trust them to manufacture because Americans want too much money and big pharma is greedy. It’s the USA’s fault by allowing API facilities outside the country and outsourcing jobs. “China just said ok we’ll take the jobs” How can you blame them? India and the rest of the world actually beat China with API manufacturing. So as a pharmacist, most drugs I see are actually manufactured in India or China, but I see a higher percentage from India.
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