I just got back from the 3 different stores. Shelves are for the most part empty. I spoke to a clerk and they said people are getting there at 5 am and lining up and buying as much as they can without any regard for anybody else. It saddens me that people only think about themselves. Not the fact that there are many others who need to eat, buy essentials, and feed their animals. If we don't stop this selfishness, things are only going to get that much worse. This is one of the many reason we need a lockdown, otherwise, it's only a matter of time before our food supply runs short.
I agree 100%
I’m just trying to buy what I normally buy on any given week. I was unable to get any meats whatsoever, or bread. Luckily I can get by without it...but it’s annoying when all I would take was 1 package for my family.
What about the elderly who maybe are just now getting out to the store to get food? Shelves were bare again today. They would be without fresh meats and bread. Sure they could find something, but some basic essentials are sold out and continue to be.
People who take more to stock up are just selfish assholes and god will judge them. I don’t want to hear excuses about having a family and “getting enough for months just in case we are quarantined”
NEWS FLASH: we are not quarantined, and you don’t need ground beef and chicken breast to survive a quarantine.
Possess me off to no end. If you’re reading this and you bought excess food, just know someone is going WITHOUT because you chose to be selfish.
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