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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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I just got back from the 3 different stores. Shelves are for the most part empty. I spoke to a clerk and they said people are getting there at 5 am and lining up and buying as much as they can without any regard for anybody else. It saddens me that people only think about themselves. Not the fact that there are many others who need to eat, buy essentials, and feed their animals. If we don't stop this selfishness, things are only going to get that much worse. This is one of the many reason we need a lockdown, otherwise, it's only a matter of time before our food supply runs short.

I agree 100%

I’m just trying to buy what I normally buy on any given week. I was unable to get any meats whatsoever, or bread. Luckily I can get by without it...but it’s annoying when all I would take was 1 package for my family.

What about the elderly who maybe are just now getting out to the store to get food? Shelves were bare again today. They would be without fresh meats and bread. Sure they could find something, but some basic essentials are sold out and continue to be.

People who take more to stock up are just selfish assholes and god will judge them. I don’t want to hear excuses about having a family and “getting enough for months just in case we are quarantined”

NEWS FLASH: we are not quarantined, and you don’t need ground beef and chicken breast to survive a quarantine.

Possess me off to no end. If you’re reading this and you bought excess food, just know someone is going WITHOUT because you chose to be selfish.

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I just got back from the 3 different stores. Shelves are for the most part empty. I spoke to a clerk and they said people are getting there at 5 am and lining up and buying as much as they can without any regard for anybody else. It saddens me that people only think about themselves. Not the fact that there are many others who need to eat, buy essentials, and feed their animals. If we don't stop this selfishness, things are only going to get that much worse. This is one of the many reason we need a lockdown, otherwise, it's only a matter of time before our food supply runs short.
Unfortunately, it’s every man for himself at this point. They will soon have to ration people. Many people have large families to feed. It’s going to be tough
I agree 100%

I’m just trying to buy what I normally buy on any given week. I was unable to get any meats whatsoever, or bread. Luckily I can get by without it...but it’s annoying when all I would take was 1 package for my family.

What about the elderly who maybe are just now getting out to the store to get food? Shelves were bare again today. They would be without fresh meats and bread. Sure they could find something, but some basic essentials are sold out and continue to be.

People who take more to stock up are just selfish assholes and god will judge them. I don’t want to hear excuses about having a family and “getting enough for months just in case we are quarantined”

NEWS FLASH: we are not quarantined, and you don’t need ground beef and chicken breast to survive a quarantine.

Possess me off to no end. If you’re reading this and you bought excess food, just know someone is going WITHOUT because you chose to be selfish.

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Whole heartedly disagree. Everyone had a chance to start preparing over a month ago. My mom and grandmother included. I told them. My brother told them. They chose not to. So now I will be providing for three households in this time of uncertainty. But I am able to do so..because I chose to prepare
Whole heartedly disagree. Everyone had a chance to start preparing over a month ago. My mom and grandmother included. I told them. My brother told them. They chose not to, so now I will be providing for three households in this time of uncertainty. But I am able to do so..because I chose to prepare

If you prepared over a month ago — you’re not part of the problem...unless you’re STILL running to the store buying all the meat and freezing it, this doesn’t include you.

I went to the store a few days ago and saw plenty of food. I’m not taking about a month ago, I’m literally talking about the last few days.
What @Jon said above reminded me of what my mom told me earlier today...

My parents went to Walgreens to get my mom's medicine this morning and to maybe grab a small package of toilet paper that doesn't mess up septic tanks as an emergency stash. Needless to say, they found another store that was cleaned out of toilet paper. In this case, the guy that my dad talked to said that a man with a big truck came and pretty much bought all the toilet paper they had, then took off. So, it wasn't even panic. It was irresponsibility there.

Our initial "emergency" deal is going to be using basic Kleenex for our business. We think it'll go down without clogging up the tanks.

They're going for the big weekly shopping trip tomorrow. It's going to be very interesting to see if they can complete it with what they want. Dad makes out menus before he goes and shops off it, we'll see if he can buy everything (although, for the next two days he does have everything for our meals).

The difference is they *might* buy a few extra cans of soup if possible.
So, they close UF and tell all the kids to go home and do classes on-line. I go to Publix to grab a 12 of Corona light for the week. All sold out (though the rest of the beer was in full stock). Apparently all the frats decided to have a Corona party ... makes grouping of under 50 people seem to be a thing for the rest of us ... SMH ... ?
What @Jon said above reminded me of what my mom told me earlier today...

My parents went to Walgreens to get my mom's medicine this morning and to maybe grab a small package of toilet paper that doesn't mess up septic tanks as an emergency stash. Needless to say, they found another store that was cleaned out of toilet paper. In this case, the guy that my dad talked to said that a man with a big truck came and pretty much bought all the toilet paper they had, then took off. So, it wasn't even panic. It was irresponsibility there.

Our initial "emergency" deal is going to be using basic Kleenex for our business. We think it'll go down without clogging up the tanks.

They're going for the big weekly shopping trip tomorrow. It's going to be very interesting to see if they can complete it with what they want. Dad makes out menus before he goes and shops off it, we'll see if he can buy everything (although, for the next two days he does have everything for our meals).

The difference is they *might* buy a few extra cans of soup if possible.
There’s no meat here. Anywhere. I saw plenty of canned goods, but I wonder how much longer those are going to be available.
Part of freedom is being able to prepare and not prepare. My family chose to for quiet sometime.
There’s no meat here. Anywhere. I saw plenty of canned goods, but I wonder how much longer those are going to be available.
I am going to be positive and believe like others said on here. Plenty of food for everyone and the govt has everyone taken care of. No worries! Akudo Matata
There’s no meat here. Anywhere. I saw plenty of canned goods, but I wonder how much longer those are going to be available.

I think once the greedy folks get their freezers full it will be fine. It’s just annoying to see. I even see shelves of canned goods bare here in Raleigh, is panicked chaos. I asked the guy in the meat department and he said there’s no expected shortage of supply, they just have to adjust their order points. I’d assume people will clam down eventually. I have plenty of food just didn’t think about the whole bread thing, and like I said I can eat something else other than bread so I’m not starving.

Another problem is, healthcare workers can’t shop during the morning or during the day, when many are off work or now how flexible work from home schedules...so by the time we get off and get to the store it’s just before close — nothing left. Drive thru is open though!
If your just now trying to get stuff now, then that’s on you. I went to the store last Thursday after everything started to explode in scale. It was obvious that the public was going to freak out, and people would lose their minds. You have to be real with yourself and know that their are a ton of people in society that are scumbags and don’t care about anyone else. I had to wait in line for over an hour to get my groceries. I got enough to last me probably two weeks, which is typical. I didn’t get Toilet paper because I have no idea wtf people are panicking over that.
We start in January, buying sales at Publix, on non-perishables (meats, veggies, carbs) and stock up a little at a time, to have 3 weeks solid in place well before 'Cane season. Plus we keep a month of freeze-dried on stock, just in case. So we're good, except if we use it all up on this panic and 'Cane season starts early and likes N FL this year ... o_O
I think once the greedy folks get their freezers full it will be fine. It’s just annoying to see. I even see shelves of canned goods bare here in Raleigh, is panicked chaos. I asked the guy in the meat department and he said there’s no expected shortage of supply, they just have to adjust their order points. I’d assume people will clam down eventually. I have plenty of food just didn’t think about the whole bread thing, and like I said I can eat something else other than bread so I’m not starving.

Another problem is, healthcare workers can’t shop during the morning or during the day, when many are off work or now how flexible work from home schedules...so by the time we get off and get to the store it’s just before close — nothing left. Drive thru is open though!
That’s actually encouraging
I’ve been preparing and stocking gradually for over a month now, buying a few extra cans and packages of meat and TP before the panic hit. Now I’m well stocked so I can just go to the store and get what I can for the week and if I can’t find anything I’m still good. At the local food lion most of the fresh meats were gone but they had plenty of bacon, ham, ribs and some steak still left.
What @Jon said above reminded me of what my mom told me earlier today...

My parents went to Walgreens to get my mom's medicine this morning and to maybe grab a small package of toilet paper that doesn't mess up septic tanks as an emergency stash. Needless to say, they found another store that was cleaned out of toilet paper. In this case, the guy that my dad talked to said that a man with a big truck came and pretty much bought all the toilet paper they had, then took off. So, it wasn't even panic. It was irresponsibility there.

Our initial "emergency" deal is going to be using basic Kleenex for our business. We think it'll go down without clogging up the tanks.

They're going for the big weekly shopping trip tomorrow. It's going to be very interesting to see if they can complete it with what they want. Dad makes out menus before he goes and shops off it, we'll see if he can buy everything (although, for the next two days he does have everything for our meals).

The difference is they *might* buy a few extra cans of soup if possible.

I do the same thing your dad does. I make a menu for the week on Sunday morning and then make a shopping list for food for the week. I also buy a few extra things like a couple of extra pounds of ground beef, chicken breast, and pork chops. Of course there is always a gallon of milk, loaf of bread, boxes of cereal, and Ramen always to be bought each week.
If your just now trying to get stuff now, then that’s on you. I went to the store last Thursday after everything started to explode in scale. It was obvious that the public was going to freak out, and people would lose their minds. You have to be real with yourself and know that their are a ton of people in society that are scumbags and don’t care about anyone else. I had to wait in line for over an hour to get my groceries. I got enough to last me probably two weeks, which is typical. I didn’t get Toilet paper because I have no idea wtf people are panicking over that.

I got toilet paper weeks ago because of the outages occurring in Japan. Girlfriend thought I was nuts....she’s happy now. Lol.

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BTW, all local stores here are sold out of Ramen and Cup O Noodles. We usually buy a couple of cartons a month because my kids love that crap. Glad I got a months worth last week. It’s all gone now.
Went to my Doctor today for a yearly physical and he told me some new things I had not heard

1. The virus can live on untreated surfaces for 3 days
2. Not one health care worker who has treated a caronavirus patent that wore a mask has been infected.
3. There are 2 drugs which seem to help those that have already been infected and minimize symptons

Point 2 is not true.


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Part of freedom is being able to prepare and not prepare. My family chose to for quiet sometime.


We did slowly over the last 3-4 weeks. I do hope the elderly can get everything they need. My grandmother uses shopt delivery and they were only missing a few items on the last delivery. Hopefully that's true on the next one too or I`ll be taking over some food and leaving it in the driveway.
If your just now trying to get stuff now, then that’s on you. I went to the store last Thursday after everything started to explode in scale. It was obvious that the public was going to freak out, and people would lose their minds. You have to be real with yourself and know that their are a ton of people in society that are scumbags and don’t care about anyone else. I had to wait in line for over an hour to get my groceries. I got enough to last me probably two weeks, which is typical. I didn’t get Toilet paper because I have no idea wtf people are panicking over that.

The very instant that it became obvious how contagious this was in Wuhan (in January), we began making trips to BJs and Lowes and some other stores and began making a list of all the things we would need or want if we were forced to be inside our home, unable to leave, for 3 months. And we began urging our friends and family to pay close attention and start thinking. Few did. Mostly lols, no big deals, won't happen heres. I tell ya, normalcy bias is a tough nut to crack.

Anyway, preparing over the course of 2 months gives you so much more time to think and go get the things you forgot the first few trips. No crowds, no shortages of anything, and very low risk of being around a lot of infected people. Now, we can help our family and the only things we need are the nice to haves, like ice cream and snack things.

We live right on the line between order and chaos -- things working and things completely falling apart. That line is thinner than most realize. It's normal to feel like there is a backstop for everything. There isn't. The more we understand that, the more self-reliant and self-sustaining we can be.

This is just a virus. Worse things can happen. And they will. It's pobably a good idea to contemplate that and to understand the mechanisms that allow life to work the way it does and then think about how to respond when it no longer is capable of working that way.
I work at home. Day 1 of home school did NOT happen. Could not happen because my husband was on shift at the FD. Thankful they're safe, but my kids are starting night school and they aren't pleased ? Honestly, this is the only thing stressing me out. School is so damn competitive, the repercussions of so many kids falling behind is mind boggling. And what about the upcoming ACT and SAT's?
The very instant that it became obvious how contagious this was in Wuhan (in January), we began making trips to BJs and Lowes and some other stores and began making a list of all the things we would need or want if we were forced to be inside our home, unable to leave, for 3 months. And we began urging our friends and family to pay close attention and start thinking. Few did. Mostly lols, no big deals, won't happen heres. I tell ya, normalcy bias is a tough nut to crack.

Anyway, preparing over the course of 2 months gives you so much more time to think and go get the things you forgot the first few trips. No crowds, no shortages of anything, and very low risk of being around a lot of infected people. Now, we can help our family and the only things we need are the nice to haves, like ice cream and snack things.

We live right on the line between order and chaos -- things working and things completely falling apart. That line is thinner than most realize. It's normal to feel like there is a backstop for everything. There isn't. The more we understand that, the more self-reliant and self-sustaining we can be.

This is just a virus. Worse things can happen. And they will. It's pobably a good idea to contemplate that and to understand the mechanisms that allow life to work the way it does and then think about how to respond when it no longer is capable of working that way.

The people cracking me up on social media are the ones all pissed cause they can't buy TP for their bunghole while still claiming it's not as bad as the flu.
The people cracking me up on social media are the ones all pissed cause they can't buy TP for their bunghole while still claiming it's not as bad as the flu.


They can do this.
Well he must live in WV

I was expecting some off the wall tinfoil theory but it was actually reasonable, he did give the virus it's proper respect in terms of encouraging people to take precautions and stating that people will indeed suffer from this.
181,562 cases in the World so far since late November. Total Deaths so far 7,100 dead. Over 70,000 recovered.
7.53 billion is the earths population.

If you really think about this. It’s really tiny number compared to the overall population of the world. At this point 500k people may not even be affected

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Thank goodness for Dr. Fauci! He’s absolutely amazing and a great asset to have in this fight. And I’m not saying this just because of his vast knowledge, experience, and intelligence. It is also because of his great ability to communicate with the American people.
181,562 cases in the World so far since late November. Total Deaths so far 7,100 dead. Over 70,000 recovered.
7.53 billion is the earths population.

just curious why add the world population to your post? Are you insinuating something you would like to explain further?
I can't help but notice the similarly in the argument about this virus and climate change. I'm sure it's the wrong thread but both issues seem to be clear in that by the time you see the problem at your house it's too late. I don't want to derail this thread with yet another topic, just making a point. If everyone just calmed down and actually tried to do their part both issues would be less of a problem. If everyone got on the same page and addressed this virus it will be over sooner than later.
just curious why add the world population to your post? Are you insinuating something you would like to explain further?
My guess is just a little perspective, basically at this time roughly .0024% of the earth's population is infected.
Thank goodness for Dr. Fauci! He’s absolutely amazing and a great asset to have in this fight. And I’m not saying this just because of his vast knowledge, experience, and intelligence. It is also because of his great ability to communicate with the American people.

Its pretty obvious the Dr Fauci smacked some sense into Trump, he is the right guy to have running point.....Trump has been wrong on this since day 1 so it was a relief to see him actually say the things he should have been saying for a month at least. Maybe it will be enough to avert a major disaster.....
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