Just got email that a teacher at one of our county elementary schools tested positive. It’s our first official reported case.
Agree. Just very sad.The banning of funerals is likely why we saw mass graves being dug in Iran
They are going to be the ones that cause a total nationwide shut downCannot understand why the beaches along the gulf coast have not decided to close.
I am legend![]()
We will see what happens. What happened today was pretty close to a lock down as is. Groups of no more than 10 people (down from 100), voluntary 15 day guidance to stay at home, etc. He's not the type of person that would make this up or try to scare people and he has only told extremely close family/friends about it so they can be prepared. I'm already stocked up so it doesn't really affect me either way as I'm prepared for the possibility.
Schools out for summer, maybe not the whole country but all the big district
Pennsylvania just closed all liquor stores indefinitely![]()
Cool. It wasn’t directed at you personally and I hope you know that. We’ve had very good discussions in the past and I’d like to keep us friendly.
That is crazy. Good grief.Pennsylvania just closed all liquor stores indefinitely ?
Fox business says businesses will be closed across nation shortly because most businesses have more than 10 working in an area.
Luckily in Rocky River valley our liquor stores never closePennsylvania just closed all liquor stores indefinitely ?
If liquor stores close here, I'm heading your way. Either that or fire up a still. lolLuckily in Rocky River valley our liquor stores never close
Pennsylvania just closed all liquor stores indefinitely ?
Coronavirus in NY: Cuomo plans to turn college dorms, former nursing homes into medical facilities
If COVID-19 cases keep surging in New York it will overwhelm hospitals, Cuomo said. Here's what state government is doing if feds fail to
Meanwhile in West Virginia
Is this for real?
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Meanwhile in West Virginia
Another headline. Most airlines are going to file bankruptcy by May. Also the 50 billion they asked for because of virus is 3x more than bailout after 9/11.
Casinos will be also getting bailouts along with most businesses Fox business is reporting. In other words #2020theyearofbailouts
Just stating what fox business said. I know the airlines is asking for 50 million. Not sure what casinos will ask.Where in the hell is all this money going to come from? You can’t just print money and hand it out. The Confederacy proved that. It won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on.
Well I’m enjoying a nice meal at Bob Evans. If I get sick can I sue the governor? ??Just stating what fox business said. I know the airlines is asking for 50 million. Not sure what casinos will ask.
Not surprising at all. That’s just how society is now a days. A lot of people only care about themselvesI just got back from the 3 different stores. Shelves are for the most part empty. I spoke to a clerk and they said people are getting there at 5 am and lining up and buying as much as they can without any regard for anybody else. It saddens me that people only think about themselves. Not the fact that there are many others who need to eat, buy essentials, and feed their animals. If we don't stop this selfishness, things are only going to get that much worse. This is one of the many reason we need a lockdown, otherwise, it's only a matter of time before our food supply runs short.