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Misc Conspiracy Theories

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All this talk about Covid, God, aliens, and JFK Jr in this thread is BS and ya'll know it. Let's talk about the REAL conspiracy. How come as guys get older, male pattern baldness sets in, but at the same time we start getting MORE nose and ear hairs? How the hell does that even make sense??
They terk er hairrrzzz

Jessy, as a fellow Christian I just want to encourage you to take some extra care in following these prophets you are talking about. You have to make your own decisions of course, but beware of people that may mislead.

Matthew 7:15 "Beware false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ferocious wolves."

Just be careful who you are following, the world is full of Heaven's Gate groups and Harold Campings. Your prophets may be genuine but "test everything."
Jessy, as a fellow Christian I just want to encourage you to take some extra care in following these prophets you are talking about. You have to make your own decisions of course, but beware of people that may mislead.

Matthew 7:15 "Beware false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ferocious wolves."

Just be careful who you are following, the world is full of Heaven's Gate groups and Harold Campings. Your prophets may be genuine but "test everything."
One of them is a convicted child molester
How about all the people who trusted God to protect them and they got Covid... got very sick and some of them died? These were faithful God loving people that I go to church with... what about them?
I think non Christians and Christians alike often mistake concepts regarding prayer and God's providence. Prayer for protection is fine but it certainly doesn't mean those prayers will always be answered as those persons wish; and in turn, doesn't mean those prayers were unheard or wasted.
In other words, just because God does not always deliver what one prays for, doesn't mean one was not sincere in faith, or that God does not or cannot answer prayer.
Free will and fallenness are part of our world and the decay of life and Earth are inevitable.
I don't think God allowing those praying for protection from COVID, or a car wreck, or a tornado, to suffer or die is a failure of either the person praying or of God. God, the world, and the attributes of eternal life are way beyond our comprehension and beyond our understanding of what is right, fair, and just. Our momentary glimpse of our reality is but a grain of sand on the beaches of time and wisdom.
I did see that deaths for middle aged and young adults has gone up actually . I have had this discussion before though. If I was part of a nefarious plot to depopulate the earth wouldn’t i prefer the survivors to be obedient to me ( aka the vaxxed people who listened ). So shouldn’t they have targeted the non vaxxed , troublemakers ( I’m non vaxxed)?
I understand your thought process. That's not quite their thought process. Have you seen the absolute full court press to try to mandate vaxxxines for everyone, including infants and children? Have you seen the absolute dessolation of God given rights that the governments have hijacked from people in the name of "health safety"? They goal was to innoculate every person on the planet with this. They want to 13 out of 14 people on earth gone (research the Georgia guidestones). They did not anticipate the hesitation out of so many people....this is why you saw so many "variants". The next variant was "worse" than the one before it, right? Fear is a powerful tool to control people and to get them to do what you want. When you have the mass media ran by the same people (again this is a complex answer, but it stems from those who control the pharma companies) that are mandating shots, you control people's psychology. This entire "pandemic" scenario was even "acted out" by the WEF a few years ago!!!! Good resources to look at Operation Lockstep and Event 201 here:

Here is a great video for you to watch to help answer your question of "will everyone who got the shot die". The answer is no. Just most of them. That's good enough for these people. Listen to this doctor tell you about the 4000 patients she has treated and the effects of the vaxxx.

Ask yourself....does she "really" sound like she is fabricating and making up this crap? Are you willing to look up the evidence that she mentions? I've looked at a lot of them. I've read studies of Remdesivir being used in Africa and being developed by Fauci. It killed half the people it was used on, and was pulled from the study because of the death rates. Guess what is #1 on treatment protocol by NIH and WHO???? It's Remdesivir. A drug that Fauci makes money off of and helped develop. Why did you hear about HCQ and Ivermectin "killing people" and being "horse paste" in the mass media???? Dr. Barac made it the cure! Did you know the man who invented Ivermectin won the Nobel Peace Prize for it's development and use in the world and is on the WHO's list of "most vital drugs on earth"???? Yet the media tells you it's "horse paste"???????? This ---- makes NO SENSE when you look at the facts.
he didn’t win the election it’s a scam election

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The Big Lie conspiracy is one of the biggest current conspiracies out there.....you guys will never ever be able to prove Biden stole the election because he didnt, instead like with all the other asinine conspiracies out there the goal post will simply be shifted again and again and again.....you cant ever be proven wrong in your incorrect beliefs because every single thing that disproves Trump won is either fake news or misinformation.

Even Mo Brooks one of the biggest Trump kool aid drinkers is on the outs with Trump because he told Trump it was time to move on....I wonder how long it will take for the MAGA folks to start calling Brooks a RINO.....oh immediately lol....

The Big Lie conspiracy is one of the biggest current conspiracies out there.....you guys will never ever be able to prove Biden stole the election because he didnt, instead like with all the other asinine conspiracies out there the goal post will simply be shifted again and again and again.....you cant ever be proven wrong in your incorrect beliefs because every single thing that disproves Trump won is either fake news or misinformation.

Even Mo Brooks one of the biggest Trump kool aid drinkers is on the outs with Trump because he told Trump it was time to move on....I wonder how long it will take for the MAGA folks to start calling Brooks a RINO.....oh immediately lol....

Biden didn’t get 81 million votes. If he did then all those people are responsible for everything. Inflation Gas and even Russia maybe Biden voters should pay for my gas when I fill up.

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The Big Lie conspiracy is one of the biggest current conspiracies out there.....you guys will never ever be able to prove Biden stole the election because he didnt, instead like with all the other asinine conspiracies out there the goal post will simply be shifted again and again and again.....you cant ever be proven wrong in your incorrect beliefs because every single thing that disproves Trump won is either fake news or misinformation.

Even Mo Brooks one of the biggest Trump kool aid drinkers is on the outs with Trump because he told Trump it was time to move on....I wonder how long it will take for the MAGA folks to start calling Brooks a RINO.....oh immediately lol....

Bah, Trump can say what he wants, but the reason he dropped Mo is because Mo was a one trick pony who was sinking quickly in the polls.
The Big Lie conspiracy is one of the biggest current conspiracies out there.....you guys will never ever be able to prove Biden stole the election because he didnt, instead like with all the other asinine conspiracies out there the goal post will simply be shifted again and again and again.....you cant ever be proven wrong in your incorrect beliefs because every single thing that disproves Trump won is either fake news or misinformation.

Even Mo Brooks one of the biggest Trump kool aid drinkers is on the outs with Trump because he told Trump it was time to move on....I wonder how long it will take for the MAGA folks to start calling Brooks a RINO.....oh immediately lol....


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