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Misc All Things Religious

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They can derived from just the human experience without any divine bases. I know this is hard for christians tomaccept but it is the raw truth. I'll give you an example.

Between the ages of 15 and 18 I had a pretty steady girlfriend. The summer I graduated high school I screwed up and cheated on her wiith her step sister. I ended up getting mono which is how I got caught. Now according to you I should have feared god for my sin and how I wronged her. In reality having to talk to her and see her devastation and heartache as JUST a human being was enough to solidify a moral in me never to do that to anyone again. Just a simple human trait not instilled by my fear of god as I was athiest already at that point. The fact that i see everyone as just human being woth human feeling and emotions is enough for me to not ever willingly deceive or betray them (with exceptions for truly evil people).

I, according to your doctrine i owed my girlfriend nothing. No apology, no explanation, no remorse to her personally but to god instead. As long as I shut my eyes and said "Jesus forgive me" all was good right?

Once had a friend say he feared athiest because we could do anything without fear of god. I said I fear christians because they can do whatever they want and simply ask for forgiveness to some god and instantly absolve themselves of their behavior. They could cheat 100 times and as long as they ask for forgiveness all is good.
Just about every point you are trying to make about Christianity is completely wrong. You haven't understood anything that anyone has been trying to tell you.
I have no clue how he arrives at the conclusions he does.

When you are determined to be against something, you will be against it no matter how goofy your arguments actually are. It’s the whole “If you believe God flooded the earth, how did he get all the animals on the ark?” argument,
Just need to say this with all that is going on. Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem are all part of Israel and always will be. The UN really disgusts me sometimes.
No that’s not what I’m saying. What I am saying is it sure is unfair for a murderer to get off free while their victim suffers
Its unfair for any of us to "get off free". Nothing we can do saves our sinfull souls. its only because of the one who paid the penalty for us on that cross. Laid his life down for anyone who accepts his free gift. If I had to count on me, id be in a world of hurt.

This may help. Funny,but nails it. Shortened down to 60 seconds

Little longer version.
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Its unfair for any of us to "get off free". Nothing we can do saves our sinfull souls. its only because of the one who paid the penalty for us on that cross. Laid his life down for anyone who accepts his free gift. If I had to count on me, id be in a world of hurt.

This may help. Funny,but nails it. Shortened down to 60 seconds

Little longer version.

So what about the humans who lived before Jesus or people who have zero access to Christianity ever? They don't get the same reward?
Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made Heaven and earth of nought
And with his blood mankind hath bought
Noel Noel Noel Noel
Born is the King of Israel!
Noel Noel Noel Noel
Born is the King
Born is the King
Born is the King of Israel!
So what about the humans who lived before Jesus or people who have zero access to Christianity ever? They don't get the same reward?
That's a great question...... The folks, before Jesus, believed in the coming of the Messiah. They put their faith in what He (Jesus) was going to do. That was their path to Salvation.
As for folks that never heard the Gospel, I believe everyone is given the chance to decide what path they want to follow. Your access to Salvation may be dependent on whether or not you seek the knowledge. I am sure that there will be people in Hell who did not know God's exact plan of salvation. However, I refuse to believe that God would punish someone if they were not given an opportunity to choose right from wrong or if they didn't have the mental capacity to make a decision.
That's a great question...... The folks, before Jesus, believed in the coming of the Messiah. They put their faith in what He (Jesus) was going to do. That was their path to Salvation.
As for folks that never heard the Gospel, I believe everyone is given the chance to decide what path they want to follow. Your access to Salvation may be dependent on whether or not you seek the knowledge. I am sure that there will be people in Hell who did not know God's exact plan of salvation. However, I refuse to believe that God would punish someone if they were not given an opportunity to choose right from wrong or if they didn't have the mental capacity to make a decision.
The Christian bible says you have to go "through" Jesus to get the kingdom and that's the ONLY WAY according to what we're told. Lots of humans never come to know Jesus, the bible or Christianity yet many of those very same people live a more "godly" life than some folks who supposedly follow the plan to a "T". Whatever label one gives to the divine creator, I just don't see judgement and vengeance coming to good people because they aren't "religious" or choose not to be in favor of spirituality
The Christian bible says you have to go "through" Jesus to get the kingdom and that's the ONLY WAY according to what we're told. Lots of humans never come to know Jesus, the bible or Christianity yet many of those very same people live a more "godly" life than some folks who supposedly follow the plan to a "T". Whatever label one gives to the divine creator, I just don't see judgement and vengeance coming to good people because they aren't "religious" or choose not to be in favor of spirituality

The question always goes back to what exactly is “good”.
The question always goes back to what exactly is “good”.
That is exactly right. "Good" only matters at all if everybody can agree on what "good" is and not just now, but for all time. And then, assuming you could get everyone to agree on the definition of "good", you have to define what "good enough" means. This is an impossible thing to do without a standard.

It's like a guy at the front door of a nightclub saying, "Hey man, I know we have a long line here, but you can get into the club if you have enough units", and then he walks away.

Everybody likes to try use their own experience, their own wisdom to determine what "good" is and then construct an ideologyaround that. It keeps you from having to face the possibility that there is a higher authority that has to be ultimately answered to, which is quite uncomfortable when you start to think deeply about it.

And I also completely reject the commonly-used example of "there are so many non-Christians that are better than Christians, in terms of their character and behavior. Does the idea ever occur that maybe the "Christians" aren't really Christians? Going to church and saying, "I'm a Christian" doesn't make one a Christian.
That is exactly right. "Good" only matters at all if everybody can agree on what "good" is and not just now, but for all time. And then, assuming you could get everyone to agree on the definition of "good", you have to define what "good enough" means. This is an impossible thing to do without a standard.

It's like a guy at the front door of a nightclub saying, "Hey man, I know we have a long line here, but you can get into the club if you have enough units", and then he walks away.

Everybody likes to try use their own experience, their own wisdom to determine what "good" is and then construct an ideologyaround that. It keeps you from having to face the possibility that there is a higher authority that has to be ultimately answered to, which is quite uncomfortable when you start to think deeply about it.

And I also completely reject the commonly-used example of "there are so many non-Christians that are better than Christians, in terms of their character and behavior. Does the idea ever occur that maybe the "Christians" aren't really Christians? Going to church and saying, "I'm a Christian" doesn't make one a Christian.
From my view atop the mountain looking down, heaven is going to be a very lonely place if this is the case because I don't see very many people who follow the teachings of Jesus actually following them. Not to get personal but what would you say your odds are at this point in your life of getting through unscathed and sent to the pits? I've done a lot of "biblical sinning" in my life and at the worst levels. I'm most likely going to the firey pits myself (per the bible) so I might as well stop worrying over it and go straight to the source to beg forgiveness once. If I have to confess and beg forgiveness everytime I F up I'm most likely not living according to the word and that's about 99.99999% of those living as a Christian based on my perspective
From my view atop the mountain looking down, heaven is going to be a very lonely place if this is the case because I don't see very many people who follow the teachings of Jesus actually following them. Not to get personal but what would you say your odds are at this point in your life of getting through unscathed and sent to the pits? I've done a lot of "biblical sinning" in my life and at the worst levels. I'm most likely going to the firey pits myself (per the bible) so I might as well stop worrying over it and go straight to the source to beg forgiveness once. If I have to confess and beg forgiveness everytime I F up I'm most likely not living according to the word and that's about 99.99999% of those living as a Christian based on my perspective
These discussions are almost always fruitless because they go in circles. Everybody sins and needs forgiveness. If you accept Jesus Christ, truly, you will be changed. You will still sin, but the blood the Jesus paid covers your sin. If you truly accept Christ, you will concurrently have a desire to be more like him and earnestly try not to sin. You will never be perfect, but you will grow in your walk.

But the point i made earlier is that according to the "I'll just be good" method, there is no way to ever know what good is and how good you need to be. I can't imagine how it must really feel to have to guess at it like that.
These discussions are almost always fruitless because they go in circles. Everybody sins and needs forgiveness. If you accept Jesus Christ, truly, you will be changed. You will still sin, but the blood the Jesus paid covers your sin. If you truly accept Christ, you will concurrently have a desire to be more like him and earnestly try not to sin. You will never be perfect, but you will grow in your walk.

But the point i made earlier is that according to the "I'll just be good" method, there is no way to ever know what good is and how good you need to be. I can't imagine how it must really feel to have to guess at it like that.
I "accepted" him about 45 years ago but there is a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. This is really the problem that led me down a different path. If I accept him and accept his sacrifice to cover my sin you know what I'm gonna do? Sin....why? Because I'm human. I can strive all I want to be more like Jesus until I'm blue in the face but that's a level I can't even get close to. As I have stopped putting everything in a box and labeling it I have become more compassionate and closer to "my idea" of how my creator expects me to be. Judgement and retribution are just 2 of the labels I removed
Righteous people went to what's called Paradise, before Jesus. And when Jesus went to hell after he died on the cross he let them out to go to heaven. The Bible verse that talks about the rich man in hell able to see the poor man in heaven and wanted a drink of water makes perfect sense with what I said above. Paradise was close to hell in the center of Earth.
So what about the humans who lived before Jesus or people who have zero access to Christianity ever? They don't get the same reward?
Ive asked myself this many years ago and dont mind answering. But it would take 30 mins typing. So here is a decent summary. The bible answers this question very plainly. Its a great question sandbar and forgive me, give me a pass for being to lazy to type it all out. We dont agree on several things in here, but I still respect you and we all certainly I hope appreciate your service and your sons currently.

Romans 1:20
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
Its important to remember Jesus died for all our sins. Past,present future. The bible says when we confess them, repent ,God forgets them as far as the east is from the west.

True repentance is doing a 180 degree turn. Dont lose sight of that when confessing sin.
Also dont lose sight of the fact we still live in our human sin nature shell down here.
1 john 1:8-9
8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Jesus knows what we deal with,feel,expierence. He knows us better than we know ourselves. As we celebrate his miraculous birth, remember he was 100% human and 100% God at the same time, while on this earth for 33ish years. Unlike us ,he never sinned. But he knows we are 100% incapable of living a perfect sinless life here on earth. Why he said he didnt come to this world to condem the world,but that the world could be saved through him . John 3:17
Its important to remember Jesus died for all our sins. Past,present future. The bible says when we confess them, repent ,God forgets them as far as the east is from the west.

True repentance is doing a 180 degree turn. Dont lose sight of that when confessing sin.
Also dont lose sight of the fact we still live in our human sin nature shell down here.
1 john 1:8-9
8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Jesus knows what we deal with,feel,expierence. He knows us better than we know ourselves. As we celebrate his miraculous birth, remember he was 100% human and 100% God at the same time, while on this earth for 33ish years. Unlike us ,he never sinned. But he knows we are 100% incapable of living a perfect sinless life here on earth. Why he said he didnt come to this world to condem the world,but that the world could be saved through him . John 3:17
How do you "know" all of this? Because the bible is 200% spot on and can't be wrong or off in any way, shape or form because it was "divinely" inspired despite being written by fallable men? What makes any other religious dogma wrong? I mean there are other books out there that were divinely inspired as well. What makes you or anyone else who prescribes to a strict dogma right over anyone else? Like I said before I have engaged many, many, many times in the ultimate sin according to the bible, I killed human beings that according to the bible were "created in gods image". If all I have to do is proclaim someone as my savior and ask for forgiveness for killing another human that sounds pretty lazy and easy to me. I'm not trying to undermine you guys in any way but stealing a pack of gum or lying to your spouse about where you were last night isn't quite the same experience with "sin" as what I have been through. It makes a difference when you speak of these things. What changed me was being told for the 100k time in my life to put my troubles in his hands because God had full control as I squeezed that trigger yet again. It was 100% me then and it's 100% in MY HANDS now.
How do you "know" all of this? Because the bible is 200% spot on and can't be wrong or off in any way, shape or form because it was "divinely" inspired despite being written by fallable men? What makes any other religious dogma wrong? I mean there are other books out there that were divinely inspired as well. What makes you or anyone else who prescribes to a strict dogma right over anyone else? Like I said before I have engaged many, many, many times in the ultimate sin according to the bible, I killed human beings that according to the bible were "created in gods image". If all I have to do is proclaim someone as my savior and ask for forgiveness for killing another human that sounds pretty lazy and easy to me. I'm not trying to undermine you guys in any way but stealing a pack of gum or lying to your spouse about where you were last night isn't quite the same experience with "sin" as what I have been through. It makes a difference when you speak of these things. What changed me was being told for the 100k time in my life to put my troubles in his hands because God had full control as I squeezed that trigger yet again. It was 100% me then and it's 100% in MY HANDS now.
Honestly you remind me of a combat vet I worked with fifteen years ago. He stated he was ex-Navy seal and from being around him I didn’t doubt it. He went from trying to drown his past in booze, then to escape that hell and the demons he said we there moved into a
charity/volunteer/Christian/Christian conspiracy mindset. While I definitely disagreed with his theology I could tell he was searching. He then moved into online overseas dating and the last I heard about him was from a comment on a YouTube video of the place where we worked. Obviously he was now immersed in what appeared to be a mix of Hinduism and eastern mysticism living in some Asian country.

None of us here can know what you went through or the guilt you carry. So we can just pray for your healing both physically and mentally.
Honestly you remind me of a combat vet I worked with fifteen years ago. He stated he was ex-Navy seal and from being around him I didn’t doubt it. He went from trying to drown his past in booze, then to escape that hell and the demons he said we there moved into a
charity/volunteer/Christian/Christian conspiracy mindset. While I definitely disagreed with his theology I could tell he was searching. He then moved into online overseas dating and the last I heard about him was from a comment on a YouTube video of the place where we worked. Obviously he was now immersed in what appeared to be a mix of Hinduism and eastern mysticism living in some Asian country.

None of us here can know what you went through or the guilt you carry. So we can just pray for your healing both physically and mentally.
I appreciate it and it is tough but I luckily got the help I needed and that guilt was lifted from my shoulders. Guys deal with it in their own way and some never deal with it but your co-worker's story is very similar to mine and many others. Do you know the guys name and what team he was in? 15 years ago is right in my window so I may know him. If you are uncomfortable giving his name you can PM me. Mine is not a conspiracy mindset just a few tweaks here and there. The problem I had when I walked the path of organized religion was the need to put everything in a box with a label on it. I wanted to be able to walk my own path and as lonely as it may sound it's actually very peaceful and that's what a lot of Vets are looking for. Psychedelic therapy is saving a lot of lives and becoming very popular in the SO community
I appreciate it and it is tough but I luckily got the help I needed and that guilt was lifted from my shoulders. Guys deal with it in their own way and some never deal with it but your co-worker's story is very similar to mine and many others. Do you know the guys name and what team he was in? 15 years ago is right in my window so I may know him. If you are uncomfortable giving his name you can PM me. Mine is not a conspiracy mindset just a few tweaks here and there. The problem I had when I walked the path of organized religion was the need to put everything in a box with a label on it. I wanted to be able to walk my own path and as lonely as it may sound it's actually very peaceful and that's what a lot of Vets are looking for. Psychedelic therapy is saving a lot of lives and becoming very popular in the SO community

I don’t remember his last name but his first name was Tony and he said he was a part of Team Six. Now I don’t know if that part was true, but I could tell the things he told me were some what true about the things he had done by the way he told me. It was clear to me as well he had seen and done things that no one should have had to do.
I don’t remember his last name but his first name was Tony and he said he was a part of Team Six. Now I don’t know if that part was true, but I could tell the things he told me were some what true about the things he had done by the way he told me. It was clear to me as well he had seen and done things that no one should have had to do.
Lol......As bad as I hate to say it he most likely lied to you about that. There is a running joke that for every frog man there are 1,000 that think they were. I don't know you or him so I can't say with 100% certainly but I am 99.9999999% sure he lied. If he was indeed a Seal even in the white teams he would never lie about Team 6. It hasn't been referred to as Team 6 since the late 80's. He may have served but .......
Lol......As bad as I hate to say it he most likely lied to you about that. There is a running joke that for every frog man there are 1,000 that think they were. I don't know you or him so I can't say with 100% certainly but I am 99.9999999% sure he lied. If he was indeed a Seal even in the white teams he would never lie about Team 6. It hasn't been referred to as Team 6 since the late 80's. He may have served but .......

He definitely may have. I know he served from the pictures he showed me. Either way, he definitely had seen some things that messed him up. I could definitely see him convincing himself of it as well.
He definitely may have. I know he served from the pictures he showed me. Either way, he definitely had seen some things that messed him up. I could definitely see him convincing himself of it as well.
If he served in a combat role I'm sure he saw some messed up things. It wasn't the killing guys that got to me so much as what I saw done to innocent people by those savages. It gets to the point you walk into the team room to debrief and you rate the day by what body parts were laying in the street. 1 being a foot, 5 being a head.....If I had it to do all over again I would have gotten out when the smart guys did. I'm proud of pulling my 20 but the jury is still out on if it was worth it to stay in. It took over 2 years of off and on surgeries to get my body fixed from all the deployments and nonstop training. It's like being on a bullet train and then one day just jumping off in the middle of nowhere. Our motto is The only easy day was yesterday and they mean it. That's why 75% never make it through hell week!
If he served in a combat role I'm sure he saw some messed up things. It wasn't the killing guys that got to me so much as what I saw done to innocent people by those savages. It gets to the point you walk into the team room to debrief and you rate the day by what body parts were laying in the street. 1 being a foot, 5 being a head.....If I had it to do all over again I would have gotten out when the smart guys did. I'm proud of pulling my 20 but the jury is still out on if it was worth it to stay in. It took over 2 years of off and on surgeries to get my body fixed from all the deployments and nonstop training. It's like being on a bullet train and then one day just jumping off in the middle of nowhere. Our motto is The only easy day was yesterday and they mean it. That's why 75% never make it through hell week!

We know Vietnam vet who talks very little about what he saw, he still goes into depression for weeks at a time about it.
How do you "know" all of this? Because the bible is 200% spot on and can't be wrong or off in any way, shape or form because it was "divinely" inspired despite being written by fallable men? What makes any other religious dogma wrong? I mean there are other books out there that were divinely inspired as well. What makes you or anyone else who prescribes to a strict dogma right over anyone else? Like I said before I have engaged many, many, many times in the ultimate sin according to the bible, I killed human beings that according to the bible were "created in gods image". If all I have to do is proclaim someone as my savior and ask for forgiveness for killing another human that sounds pretty lazy and easy to me. I'm not trying to undermine you guys in any way but stealing a pack of gum or lying to your spouse about where you were last night isn't quite the same experience with "sin" as what I have been through. It makes a difference when you speak of these things. What changed me was being told for the 100k time in my life to put my troubles in his hands because God had full control as I squeezed that trigger yet again. It was 100% me then and it's 100% in MY HANDS now.
Yep. Im 100% in the know only because the bible says so. It is the divinely inspired word of God written by men through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
Certainly not because Im a rocket scientist or more knowledgeable than you. Kind of hard to imagine God would create us and not tell us why, his reason, purpose etc. Thats me.
The bible states Gods ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts. No way if man had written bible, he would have penned it the way it is.
Yep. Im 100% in the know only because the bible says so. It is the divinely inspired word of God written by men through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
Certainly not because Im a rocket scientist or more knowledgeable than you. Kind of hard to imagine God would create us and not tell us why, his reason, purpose etc. Thats me.
The bible states Gods ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts. No way if man had written bible, he would have penned it the way it is.
If you have a real and honest connection with the creator when you pray or go to church that's all that matters. When I did my ceremony the shaman ask us to give our intention before taking the medicine and this is a very important step in your journey. All I asked during my intention was to see the path I was supposed to be on so I could heal and I was presented with that path as clear as day.
If you have a real and honest connection with the creator when you pray or go to church that's all that matters. When I did my ceremony the shaman ask us to give our intention before taking the medicine and this is a very important step in your journey. All I asked during my intention was to see the path I was supposed to be on so I could heal and I was presented with that path as clear as day.
I'm curious about something....you clearly dismiss the Bible as the true and final word of God. When I make a claim about something related to this discussion, I base it on Scripture. You come back with a lot of questions, questioning the authority of Scripture. That's fair. And if you don't accept it as God's true and complete word, that's fair too.

But when you state your first sentence above, you state it as unequivocal. That's fair too. My question is, what do you base that proclamation on? How did you arrive at that conclusion?
I'm curious about something....you clearly dismiss the Bible as the true and final word of God. When I make a claim about something related to this discussion, I base it on Scripture. You come back with a lot of questions, questioning the authority of Scripture. That's fair. And if you don't accept it as God's true and complete word, that's fair too.

But when you state your first sentence above, you state it as unequivocal. That's fair too. My question is, what do you base that proclamation on? How did you arrive at that conclusion?
Does it really matter? If you know you are right in your personal beliefs it shouldn't matter how I came to that should it? You may bow your head and pray for 20 seconds but what do you really feel inside when you do? Have you ever been so overwhelmed by that divine connection that you literally balled your eyes out it was so powerful? If you have it's true and that's wonderful. It happened to me when I embraced my personal spiritual journey where I never did before. I accept your beliefs 100% and support you 100% brother but I don't think you guys really understand what I am saying at all. Scripture is great......for you. It's how you rationalize everything that happens to you and that's a human trait. We tend to have to put everything in it's rightful place in a box where it's safe and property labeled. You got a problem you go flip through the bible to rationalize it through scripture but I can assure you through experience it did nothing for me ever. I talked myself into it plenty times but it was an internal lie. This wasn't meant to be a competition but for some reason it feels like it is
Does it really matter? If you know you are right in your personal beliefs it shouldn't matter how I came to that should it? You may bow your head and pray for 20 seconds but what do you really feel inside when you do? Have you ever been so overwhelmed by that divine connection that you literally balled your eyes out it was so powerful? If you have it's true and that's wonderful. It happened to me when I embraced my personal spiritual journey where I never did before. I accept your beliefs 100% and support you 100% brother but I don't think you guys really understand what I am saying at all. Scripture is great......for you. It's how you rationalize everything that happens to you and that's a human trait. We tend to have to put everything in it's rightful place in a box where it's safe and property labeled. You got a problem you go flip through the bible to rationalize it through scripture but I can assure you through experience it did nothing for me ever. I talked myself into it plenty times but it was an internal lie. This wasn't meant to be a competition but for some reason it feels like it is
I feel like it matters. I feel like if it's based on nothing more than a feeling, then there's a high risk for error and self-deception, since it's entirely subjective. I am not trying to make it a contest. Just talking about it.
I feel like it matters. I feel like if it's based on nothing more than a feeling, then there's a high risk for error and self-deception, since it's entirely subjective. I am not trying to make it a contest. Just talking about it.
My original comment was simply meant to say that it doesn't matter what anybody thinks about your connection to God and how you reach that connection. It shouldn't matter what a Jew believes or a Muslim believes or a Buddhist believes. It shouldn't matter what I believe spiritually or even what the tribe lost in the jungle believes. If it's not a competition then we all win when we are TRUE TO THOSE BELIEFS right? If I am wrong in saying you aren't the only one here who wins then I will gladly accept how you feel and end the conversation on a good note. My purpose is to help someone who may be searching not to devalue. There is no more judgement left in me
I encourage you to watch this whether you agree or disagree with what we have been discussing here. Just thought provoking from my POV

There are so much in these last few pages I wish I could comment on. Let me suggest you guys go back and reread our discussion from August of this year, page 68. https://southernwx.com/community/threads/all-things-religious.601/page-68. Many of these same questions about people who have never heard, were born before Jesus, did not have access to the Bible, condemnation, fear, relativism, role of the Bible; are all discussed pretty well there. In some ways, reading the past few pages seemed like the exact same discussion was being held again. See if any of those posts address your questions about those topics or others.
There are so much in these last few pages I wish I could comment on. Let me suggest you guys go back and reread our discussion from August of this year, page 68. https://southernwx.com/community/threads/all-things-religious.601/page-68. Many of these same questions about people who have never heard, were born before Jesus, did not have access to the Bible, condemnation, fear, relativism, role of the Bible; are all discussed pretty well there. In some ways, reading the past few pages seemed like the exact same discussion was being held again. See if any of those posts address your questions about those topics or others.
I wasn't really seeking an answer just another's opinion in trying to make my point. I already have my answers based on my own personal experience and philosophy. I am what you would call a Christian Mystic if in need of a comparison which in my personal opinion is what Jesus was, a "mystic". The only real difference between myself and the more orthodox Christians here is that I don't see the bible as the final word of god I see it as a teaching guide to the life of Jesus the teacher not a book of rules that I had best follow or go to hell. I don't see the wrath of god but the love of him only. To me a loving creator does not manifest a beautiful universe of fear and suffering only to be explained away by the scripture of man who calls it holy inspired. I no longer put things in a box with a nice label on it. If you watched the video I posted above it explains where I am at in my journey (Not 100% but close). Where as as many of you are set in stone in your beliefs and will not waver from it (Because it works for you) I am constantly evolving and learning spiritually without or with as little dogma as possible. I went from the path of following the masses blindly (That is exactly what it was "I" was doing) to seeking a personal, direct connection to the creator. I do have Native American in my lineage and much of my spiritual re-route has been influenced by that for the first time in my life. I am actually trying to make things less complicated not more and it is working for me in ways I never imagined.......My point is pretty simple. My path is not the right path or the only path it's the path that connects me to the source of creation with no roadblocks to traverse along the journey. In my mind there is no right or wrong way or even a better way to have a relationship with the creator
I wasn't really seeking an answer just another's opinion in trying to make my point. I already have my answers based on my own personal experience and philosophy. I am what you would call a Christian Mystic if in need of a comparison which in my personal opinion is what Jesus was, a "mystic". The only real difference between myself and the more orthodox Christians here is that I don't see the bible as the final word of god I see it as a teaching guide to the life of Jesus the teacher not a book of rules that I had best follow or go to hell. I don't see the wrath of god but the love of him only. To me a loving creator does not manifest a beautiful universe of fear and suffering only to be explained away by the scripture of man who calls it holy inspired. I no longer put things in a box with a nice label on it. If you watched the video I posted above it explains where I am at in my journey (Not 100% but close). Where as as many of you are set in stone in your beliefs and will not waver from it (Because it works for you) I am constantly evolving and learning spiritually without or with as little dogma as possible. I went from the path of following the masses blindly (That is exactly what it was "I" was doing) to seeking a personal, direct connection to the creator. I do have Native American in my lineage and much of my spiritual re-route has been influenced by that for the first time in my life. I am actually trying to make things less complicated not more and it is working for me in ways I never imagined.......My point is pretty simple. My path is not the right path or the only path it's the path that connects me to the source of creation with no roadblocks to traverse along the journey. In my mind there is no right or wrong way or even a better way to have a relationship with the creator
Well you've asked a lot of questions so I thought it at least warranted discussion.

Sandbar, not trying to sound condescending, but I really do appreciate your openness and sincerity; I truly enjoy discussing stuff like this if people are able to do so without getting personal or angry.

Regarding the video, I watched it and I really think he misses the boat on a lot of points about Christianity in general and the Bible. For starters, he spends the first couple of minutes telling us why the Bible is not to be taken as the word of God, but then spends the second half of the video using scripture to justify why his views are correct. If the Bible is nothing more than a collection of sayings and suggestions then it has no authoritative value and thus, probably shouldn't be used to justify ones views.

If Jesus was just a man then he did not rise after his death and we should certainly not "pedestalize" him, as the speaker says. But if he was just a man then none of it really matters, we have no reason to trust any of it, and Christianity has no basis. In fact, if he did not rise, he was a liar and a fraud and should not be followed at all. If Jesus was who he claimed, then that changes everything and it is absolutely true.

He talks about guilt being a driving force, much like you talked about fear being a driving force. I truly hope nobody tries to force a faith or relationship with Jesus simply out of guilt or fear. If you were made to feel that way (or some of our other posters) then I am sorry for your experience. Those are real emotions of course, and serve legitimate purposes, but the reason to seek Christ should be for love, relationship and joy; and to be able to experience these forever; NOT because one feels guilty or afraid. Fear or guilt might well cause one to pause and seek, but should not be the reason to have and grow in faith. Relationship with Jesus and God is about victory over guilt and fear, not embracing them. ("For you did not receive the spirit of fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship, by whom we call Abba Father!" Romans 8:14). I know very well that lots of Christians present it that way but they are missing the true and full experience of their relationship, and giving others a poor image of Jesus if they do.

You said that the Bible is "not a book of rules that I had best follow or go to hell." I agree completely, so I am not sure why that would discredit either the Bible or Jesus in your mind. Following the rules in the Bible does not determine heaven or hell for people. That is the whole point of Jesus. Grace saves, not obedience. If obedience saved then no one would ever enter Heaven as no one can fully follow all the rules.

You said, "Where as as many of you are set in stone in your beliefs and will not waver from it (Because it works for you) I am constantly evolving and learning spiritually without or with as little dogma as possible." I think many Christians could say a very similar statement. I consider that my faith, beliefs, and understanding are constantly being challenged, grown, and explored. If you were "following the masses blindly" then I think you were right to get out (not that you're looking for my approval). And I know there are a lot of Christians who do just "blindly follow the masses"; so if that turns people off of "Christians" then I totally get it. But that is why Jesus is the standard (if he is who he said he was) not Christians or the church.

There is so much more that could be said. I am not trying to talk you into anything or change your mind; you are obviously an intelligent guy with a moral compass. I am just trying to reframe some of the points about Jesus or the Bible that seem off base to me.
Well you've asked a lot of questions so I thought it at least warranted discussion.

Sandbar, not trying to sound condescending, but I really do appreciate your openness and sincerity; I truly enjoy discussing stuff like this if people are able to do so without getting personal or angry.

Regarding the video, I watched it and I really think he misses the boat on a lot of points about Christianity in general and the Bible. For starters, he spends the first couple of minutes telling us why the Bible is not to be taken as the word of God, but then spends the second half of the video using scripture to justify why his views are correct. If the Bible is nothing more than a collection of sayings and suggestions then it has no authoritative value and thus, probably shouldn't be used to justify ones views.

If Jesus was just a man then he did not rise after his death and we should certainly not "pedestalize" him, as the speaker says. But if he was just a man then none of it really matters, we have no reason to trust any of it, and Christianity has no basis. In fact, if he did not rise, he was a liar and a fraud and should not be followed at all. If Jesus was who he claimed, then that changes everything and it is absolutely true.

He talks about guilt being a driving force, much like you talked about fear being a driving force. I truly hope nobody tries to force a faith or relationship with Jesus simply out of guilt or fear. If you were made to feel that way (or some of our other posters) then I am sorry for your experience. Those are real emotions of course, and serve legitimate purposes, but the reason to seek Christ should be for love, relationship and joy; and to be able to experience these forever; NOT because one feels guilty or afraid. Fear or guilt might well cause one to pause and seek, but should not be the reason to have and grow in faith. Relationship with Jesus and God is about victory over guilt and fear, not embracing them. ("For you did not receive the spirit of fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship, by whom we call Abba Father!" Romans 8:14). I know very well that lots of Christians present it that way but they are missing the true and full experience of their relationship, and giving others a poor image of Jesus if they do.

You said that the Bible is "not a book of rules that I had best follow or go to hell." I agree completely, so I am not sure why that would discredit either the Bible or Jesus in your mind. Following the rules in the Bible does not determine heaven or hell for people. That is the whole point of Jesus. Grace saves, not obedience. If obedience saved then no one would ever enter Heaven as no one can fully follow all the rules.

You said, "Where as as many of you are set in stone in your beliefs and will not waver from it (Because it works for you) I am constantly evolving and learning spiritually without or with as little dogma as possible." I think many Christians could say a very similar statement. I consider that my faith, beliefs, and understanding are constantly being challenged, grown, and explored. If you were "following the masses blindly" then I think you were right to get out (not that you're looking for my approval). And I know there are a lot of Christians who do just "blindly follow the masses"; so if that turns people off of "Christians" then I totally get it. But that is why Jesus is the standard (if he is who he said he was) not Christians or the church.

There is so much more that could be said. I am not trying to talk you into anything or change your mind; you are obviously an intelligent guy with a moral compass. I am just trying to reframe some of the points about Jesus or the Bible that seem off base to me.
There is nothing to talk me into or change my mind on. I have been a Christian for 42 years and I had spiritual awakening that transformed my life. I've gone over it in detail countless times but I keep getting this sense that My path is not accepted, that it's judged or that I am trying to change minds myself. It's the opposite. We are all right. We all get the reward for believing in a creator. Some have made it crystal clear that there is only one way (their way of course) but I disagree. I put the video up because it covered a lot of the things that I opened my mind to not as an exact example. I take things from Christianity as a Mystic, Buddhism, taoism, pantheism.....My path includes the bible I just no longer see it as the final word as I have come to see the man made influence on a library of books supposedly inspired by the divine. Some see God in everything, I see God AS EVERYTHING which made a HUGE difference in my spiritual journey. I go back to the box and labels. I stopped that process and my mind opened up to a new world
Does it really matter? If you know you are right in your personal beliefs it shouldn't matter how I came to that should it? You may bow your head and pray for 20 seconds but what do you really feel inside when you do? Have you ever been so overwhelmed by that divine connection that you literally balled your eyes out it was so powerful? If you have it's true and that's wonderful. It happened to me when I embraced my personal spiritual journey where I never did before. I accept your beliefs 100% and support you 100% brother but I don't think you guys really understand what I am saying at all. Scripture is great......for you. It's how you rationalize everything that happens to you and that's a human trait. We tend to have to put everything in it's rightful place in a box where it's safe and property labeled. You got a problem you go flip through the bible to rationalize it through scripture but I can assure you through experience it did nothing for me ever. I talked myself into it plenty times but it was an internal lie. This wasn't meant to be a competition but for some reason it feels like it is
I will say, just adding personal expierence, but yes I have been in prayer, lot longer than 20 secs and literaly balled eyes out alone and with others over a whole host of topics. Its all relationship, not relegion. I can only speak of personal expierence. Again just adding to discussion, not debating .
So what are the denomination affiliations with everyone in this thread? I'm thinking several Baptist varieties Southern and IFB with some AOG and COG sprinkled in...

I'm currently wandering in the church wilderness.. have attended mostly a CoC and non-denom mega church over the last year... haven't found one I'm wanting to settle in to yet. The non-denom mega isn't going to be it for me but my wife kinda likes it and my stepson is fully engaged there. The CoC is one I've attended for years but a couple of people that I am close to were treated badly by a sect within the church and left a bad taste in my mouth after the leadership caved to the sects wishes.
So what are the denomination affiliations with everyone in this thread? I'm thinking several Baptist varieties Southern and IFB with some AOG and COG sprinkled in...

I'm currently wandering in the church wilderness.. have attended mostly a CoC and non-denom mega church over the last year... haven't found one I'm wanting to settle in to yet. The non-denom mega isn't going to be it for me but my wife kinda likes it and my stepson is fully engaged there. The CoC is one I've attended for years but a couple of people that I am close to were treated badly by a sect within the church and left a bad taste in my mouth after the leadership caved to the sects wishes.
Non-denominational evangelical here.
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