For me and ill keep this way shorter than I could. Late in my college years I wondered if there really was a God. Personally and out of curiousity, He revelled himself to me in multiple ways. Not exclusive to just these examples, but to name a few one was through the study of anatomy and physiology beleive it or not, another through the study of astronomy/atmosopheric sciences. Out Fishing alone. Just to many ways that are so unique, that there no doubt had to be a creator. For example, Just the fact the sun hangs in space,like earth at the perfect distance where we dont freeze or burn up. The fact theres water and it not only hydrates me, but also gives those fish I was trying to catch life,which in turn provide food for me. The unigue way the water was there in a mtn stream to begin with. From Rain,then run off into an ocean and that ocean helps juice the atmosphere to make more rain,keep that mtn stream suppplied and runing,fish habitat. Etc.
Just to well designed, just like our anatomy for there not to be a God,divine creator.
Once I came to this conclusion, without any doubt I thought if a an almighty God created me, he has to have a reason,purpose for it. Surely he would want to reveal himself to me,all mankind and tell me his reason why.
Well that's exactly what he did. Through those expierences listed above he had revealed himself to me and he gave me a clear as day reason why through his word the bible. He wanted a relationship with me. Being a holy God, the begining and the end, he did something to make that way possible. He Bankrupted heaven of its most richest possession , his son, and made a way, FREE GIFT, so that I with my own free-will , could choose to follow him and make him Lord of my life. Or choose not to and keep myself as the captain of my ship. I could never give up my son as a sacrifice for yall or anyone. I cant think of any other way that comes close to showing me just how much God loves anyone of us.
I hate, have trouble typing. A whole lot easier just talking in order to explain or as we attempt to do here,have conversation. My prayer is everyone could expierence the peace and joy that comes from having a relationship (not religion) with God. If it never snows again and Trump loses, gets locked up (which both are highly likely). Ill still be just as content, because of that free gift. It last forever. Life is a vapor, so all of us owe it to ourselves individually to make 100% sure you know that you know.