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Misc All Things Religious

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Made to the point of morallaw and started to cringe. That's one of the biggest and touchiest points and one I believe Christians have wrong.

On another forum I'm accused of being immoral just for being athiest. I'm accused of this by men who openly wish for protestors to be maimed and tortured. Men who put the price of life at the price of a spray paint can. These men who tell me I have no morals because I dont believe in their god.

Theres a song called "morality" by a guy named young inc. It starts off by saying "

"athiest dont have a problem being moral but if you would be out raping and killing if there was no god then by all means please keep believing"
Sorry, you need to continue the video. It will open your eyes. He quotes some of the most renowned atheists in history and digs into the science argument for existence. Furthermore, there is moral law, and if there is a moral law.... there must be a "moral law-giver".
With what we know for sure, believing in god is the biggest stretch ever lol
Oh yeah,.... what do we really know for sure????? What initiated the big-bang? Evolution doesn't explain how life started. Rule #1, every living thing that exists today owes it's existence to some other form of life. What's a bigger stretch, is to think that life just spontaneously happened. This is more of an impossibility than you or I can even calculate through statistics. Now, I say again What do you think you know for sure?
This guy pretty much hit every single thing that I questioned growing up and what led me to becoming full blown athiest. He does it in a very smooth calm articulated way that it's hard to argue against anything he says.

Sam Harris tends to say things counter his own arguments. But as for this video, I would need to watch the whole debate for context. But, his first contention is that "the whole point of Christianity is to safeguard the eternal well being of human souls." I would say that is quite off base. Christianity is a following of Jesus and his teachings, which the scope of, extends well beyond just the eternal afterlife.

Interestingly, his next point, about children dying is another version of the "problem of pain," or the question of suffering. However, he is using an objective moral standard to say that it is "bad" or "uncaring" if God allows it. If God does not exist, he has no standard (other than his opinion) to deem it bad. This entire portion of his argument is basically his view of "fairness." We have talked at length about this in previous pages, but I'll just say that our idea of fairness lacks to have any meaning if there is no standard for it, and is vastly limited by time and our own points of view. He then talks about being "good people." Again, what is the objective standard for good if there is no standard outside of people? What's good today was bad tomorrow and will be again. And being "good" doesn't get anyone to heaven in Christian doctrine, whereas it does in other religious doctrines; an important distinction.

Interesting that he refers to God as a "monster." What morality is he using to determine that? His? Stalin's? It's interesting many atheists are angry with the idea of God because children die in floods, or to disease, but support abortion.

He states William Craig can state nothing against Islam that isn't against his own moral belief system, but that would also be true of Sam's entire argument; one that he has no objective standard for.

While I'm not Catholic, his cracker quip is way off the mark as well. No one (I know) participates in communion believing it will turn into the body of Christ. Communion is done in remembrance of sacrifice. Almost everyone knows it is a symbol.

"I'm not the first person to notice, it is a strange loving God, to make salvation dependent on believing in Him with bad evidence." This is an error in Christian doctrine. Salvation is dependent on communion with God. Either one is in communion with Him or one is not. Hell is natural progression of being separated (out of communion with) from God. Faith, or belief, is certainly a large part of that communion, (which is why God doesn't "prove" Himself to us), but it's not the only part.

I have heard Frank Turek sum up his debates with Christopher Hitchens as, "there is no God and I hate him." Hitchens told him once, "Heaven would be Hell to me." I could sum up Sam's video as, "there is no God because He is unfair."
Funny how some can come in here and say no God next question. Yet if you go in the virus thread or political thread these same people despise you if you don’t agree with their beliefs. Such as how bad the virus is and wearing masks. How everything is Trumps fault. Yes some Christians are hypocrites and some Republicans are disgusting but the overall makeup of liberals and socialist is downright scary and full of hate, anger and unhappiness. Always blaming others. They are not realist. They are void of life and do not want others to be happy. It shows in their actions and words. The pity me party and the ME party. Take care of me.
Sorry, you need to continue the video. It will open your eyes. He quotes some of the most renowned atheists in history and digs into the science argument for existence. Furthermore, there is moral law, and if there is a moral law.... there must be a "moral law-giver".

I believe in the Almighty. However, why must he exist for there to be moral "laws"? Morals are based on common decency/logic/common sense from my perspective. Example: I didn't need someone else to tell me that killing or beating up someone when not for self-defense is clearly wrong. I knew that as a little kid from common sense. Do you think most humans are really that stupid?
I believe in the Almighty. However, why must he exist for there to be moral "laws"? Morals are based on common decency/logic/common sense from my perspective. Example: I didn't need someone else to tell me that killing or beating up someone when not for self-defense is clearly wrong. I knew that as a little kid from common sense. Do you think most humans are really that stupid?
It gets into the debate of whether or not there is "evil" in this world. What is evil? What does someone have to do to be evil? Was Stalin, Hitler and Judas evil? That's where moral law comes into play.... see the difference? Now, if you believe in evil, there has to be good in the world as well. Where did they come from? There had to be a "law giver"(someone to tell us what is right and wrong). Otherwise, there would be no remorse for wrong and no reward for good.
I believe in the Almighty. However, why must he exist for there to be moral "laws"? Morals are based on common decency/logic/common sense from my perspective. Example: I didn't need someone else to tell me that killing or beating up someone when not for self-defense is clearly wrong. I knew that as a little kid from common sense. Do you think most humans are really that stupid?

CADWedge shared some good thoughts on this. One problem is that what is "common decency/logic/common sense" to you may be opposite what is to someone else. So whose common sense and decency do we use? "I didn't need someone else to tell me that killing or beating up someone when not for self-defense is clearly wrong." I would agree but many would not. We have plenty of people in our country who do not seem to hold that moral, and certainly many through time have not. Science tells us we are just animals. Animals do that kind of stuff all the time, in addition to stealing, forcing themselves sexually, etc. Many people and cultures (through time) have felt things like slavery, rape, abortion, were perfectly fine and moral. So again, whose idea of moral do we use? What time period of moral do we use? Whose common decency do we use? There has to be standard outside of us or it's all just opinion. It's not about humans being stupid its about having an objective moral law. We can't even get a few people on a forum to agree on things so no objective standard outside of ourselves means we're just arguing opinions.
It gets into the debate of whether or not there is "evil" in this world. What is evil? What does someone have to do to be evil? Was Stalin, Hitler and Judas evil? That's where moral law comes into play.... see the difference? Now, if you believe in evil, there has to be good in the world as well. Where did they come from? There had to be a "law giver"(someone to tell us what is right and wrong). Otherwise, there would be no remorse for wrong and no reward for good.

Humans are fully capable of developing a system of good, bad, evil. I'd argue that human nature can be evil. Chimpanzees also occasionally go on murder parties. We as humans have developed a code based on what we as a society have now sorted out as right and wrong over the millennium.
Oh yeah,.... what do we really know for sure????? What initiated the big-bang? Evolution doesn't explain how life started. Rule #1, every living thing that exists today owes it's existence to some other form of life. What's a bigger stretch, is to think that life just spontaneously happened. This is more of an impossibility than you or I can even calculate through statistics. Now, I say again What do you think you know for sure?

I disagree there were literally millions/billions of years of trial and error before life began to evolve to single cell much less beyond a single cell....it didn't spontaneously happen. this notion that life just began out of nothing is a false narrative pushed by Christians.....there were a incalculable number of cells dividing and I would argue that over millions and even billions of years the chances that out of those untold number of splits etc would eventually evolve into higher life...

The cool thing about science is its ok to say we dont know.....so we dont know what initiated the big bang or if the big bang even happened like is theorized, I guarantee that as man progresses new understanding changes the current theories quite a bit. However not knowing does not mean that suddenly believing a magic sky daddy created everything makes any more sense......how can you on one hand have disbelief that the universe just popped into existence or that however improbable the chance may seem that life actually did evolved from the primordial soup, but then turn around and literally believe that some all powerful god that has always somehow existed created it. To me that sounds way more improbable.....

I disagree there were literally millions/billions of years of trial and error before life began to evolve to single cell much less beyond a single cell....it didn't spontaneously happen. this notion that life just began out of nothing is a false narrative pushed by Christians.....there were a incalculable number of cells dividing and I would argue that over millions and even billions of years the chances that out of those untold number of splits etc would eventually evolve into higher life...

The cool thing about science is its ok to say we dont know.....so we dont know what initiated the big bang or if the big bang even happened like is theorized, I guarantee that as man progresses new understanding changes the current theories quite a bit. However not knowing does not mean that suddenly believing a magic sky daddy created everything makes any more sense......how can you on one hand have disbelief that the universe just popped into existence or that however improbable the chance may seem that life actually did evolved from the primordial soup, but then turn around and literally believe that some all powerful god that has always somehow existed created it. To me that sounds way more improbable.....

Atheism is pretty sweet in that it tries to stand above faith by grounding itself in the "realities" of science and hard evidence", rather than the "fantasies of some man-made religious construct". But the really cool thing is that it requires at least as much faith as Christianity and other religions. The faith is placed in a different object; that's all. Plus, you get to live free from any moral boundaries, absolving you from any consequences of anything you ever do, as long as you don't get caught.
Atheism is pretty sweet in that it tries to stand above faith by grounding itself in the "realities" of science and hard evidence", rather than the "fantasies of some man-made religious construct". But the really cool thing is that it requires at least as much faith as Christianity and other religions. The faith is placed in a different object; that's all. Plus, you get to live free from any moral boundaries, absolving you from any consequences of anything you ever do, as long as you don't get caught.

Come on now this if frankly BS......so the reason your not out there murdering and stealing and raping is because your scared you gonna go to hell? I do not fear going to hell or being judged by a god and I dont do those things.....and there are consequences to doing those things its called prison.

The way I see it atheism requires no faith, its like this, atheism is the default, its how we are born we are without religion until we are taught what to believe.....the burden of proof is on the believer and so far none of the proof gives me enough faith in any of the religions to move off the default there is no god ( and for good reason since well there is no god )....
Come on now this if frankly BS......so the reason your not out there murdering and stealing and raping is because your scared you gonna go to hell? I do not fear going to hell or being judged by a god and I dont do those things.....and there are consequences to doing those things its called prison.

The way I see it atheism requires no faith, its like this, atheism is the default, its how we are born we are without religion until we are taught what to believe.....the burden of proof is on the believer and so far none of the proof gives me enough faith in any of the religions to move off the default there is no god ( and for good reason since well there is no god )....

How did the very first man/woman who evolved become religious then if there was no one to teach them what to believe?
How did the very first man/woman who evolved become religious then if there was no one to teach them what to believe?

Who says they were religious, religion evolved like everything else, early man was not religious and as religion evolved no one was a christian.....I guess though my point is that people dont default to believe in the christian god or any other god......you are not born knowing who jesus/buddha/muhammad etc is.....the concept of religion is something that grew and evolved with early man....

"Such mechanisms may include the ability to infer the presence of organisms that might do harm (agent detection), the ability to come up with causal narratives for natural events (etiology), and the ability to recognize that other people have minds of their own with their own beliefs, desires and intentions (theory of mind). These three adaptations (among others) allow human beings to imagine purposeful agents behind many observations that could not readily be explained otherwise, e.g. thunder, lightning, movement of planets, complexity of life.[32] The emergence of collective religious belief identified the agents as deities that standardized the explanation.[33] "
Who says they were religious, religion evolved like everything else, early man was not religious and as religion evolved no one was a christian.....I guess though my point is that people dont default to believe in the christian god or any other god......you are not born knowing who jesus/buddha/muhammad etc is.....the concept of religion is something that grew and evolved with early man....

"Such mechanisms may include the ability to infer the presence of organisms that might do harm (agent detection), the ability to come up with causal narratives for natural events (etiology), and the ability to recognize that other people have minds of their own with their own beliefs, desires and intentions (theory of mind). These three adaptations (among others) allow human beings to imagine purposeful agents behind many observations that could not readily be explained otherwise, e.g. thunder, lightning, movement of planets, complexity of life.[32] The emergence of collective religious belief identified the agents as deities that standardized the explanation.[33] "

My point is that the statement "we are born we are without religion until we are taught what to believe" is not entirely accurate because the first man/woman had no one to teach them religion or what to believe under an evolutionary worldview. Certainly you could make that argument today since there are numerous religions in the world but at some point when religion originated it would have been completely new to that person and everyone else, not something they were taught/passed down or born into.
Come on now this if frankly BS......so the reason your not out there murdering and stealing and raping is because your scared you gonna go to hell? I do not fear going to hell or being judged by a god and I dont do those things.....and there are consequences to doing those things its called prison.

The way I see it atheism requires no faith, its like this, atheism is the default, its how we are born we are without religion until we are taught what to believe.....the burden of proof is on the believer and so far none of the proof gives me enough faith in any of the religions to move off the default there is no god ( and for good reason since well there is no god )....
I'm not saying you are a bad person and that you are going to choose to murder and steal and so forth. But you'd certainly have no reason not to do those things if you wanted to...as long as you could avoid getting caught. If we don't have any sort of universal framework that guides us, then we rely on the collective/prevailing ideology of the day to provide that guidance. Just because more people think a certain way doesn't mean, as an atheist, you should be held to subscribe to that notion. Who is anyone, who has no basis in higher authority, to tell you how to live or act, just because they think the way they think is better? The very example of same sex marriage bears that out. Many atheists are advocates of that in the face of a majority of opposition. Abortion is the same way. Atheism has many fundamental contradictions and leaps of faith.
I disagree there were literally millions/billions of years of trial and error before life began to evolve to single cell much less beyond a single cell....it didn't spontaneously happen. this notion that life just began out of nothing is a false narrative pushed by Christians.....there were a incalculable number of cells dividing and I would argue that over millions and even billions of years the chances that out of those untold number of splits etc would eventually evolve into higher life...

The cool thing about science is its ok to say we dont know.....so we dont know what initiated the big bang or if the big bang even happened like is theorized, I guarantee that as man progresses new understanding changes the current theories quite a bit. However not knowing does not mean that suddenly believing a magic sky daddy created everything makes any more sense......how can you on one hand have disbelief that the universe just popped into existence or that however improbable the chance may seem that life actually did evolved from the primordial soup, but then turn around and literally believe that some all powerful god that has always somehow existed created it. To me that sounds way more improbable.....

I was not talking about evolution...... I said the beginning of life. Where did the cells come from, that supposedly divided? Can't believe you are entertaining the theory that atoms just randomly came together and formed a living cell. As much as we know about the laws of nature, you do realize how absurdly impossible that is, right? However, if you believe that garbage, you have more faith than most Christians do. The Bible tells us a more believable account of what really happened.
I was not talking about evolution...... I said the beginning of life. Where did the cells come from, that supposedly divided? Can't believe you are entertaining the theory that atoms just randomly came together and formed a living cell. As much as we know about the laws of nature, you do realize how absurdly impossible that is, right? However, if you believe that garbage, you have more faith than most Christians do. The Bible tells us a more believable account of what really happened.

The irony here is astounding......its "absurdly impossible for cells to evolve over millions and billions of years" even though that is what actually happened yet I am a idiot to believe that, but its totally reasonable to believe it all happened because of magic.....
The irony here is astounding......its "absurdly impossible for cells to evolve over millions and billions of years" even though that is what actually happened yet I am a idiot to believe that, but its totally reasonable to believe it all happened because of magic.....
Oh it most definitely was not magic. It was done by a being that has trillions of times more brainpower than the cumulative total of every human ever born, including you
Come on now this if frankly BS......so the reason your not out there murdering and stealing and raping is because your scared you gonna go to hell? I do not fear going to hell or being judged by a god and I dont do those things.....and there are consequences to doing those things its called prison.

The way I see it atheism requires no faith, its like this, atheism is the default, its how we are born we are without religion until we are taught what to believe.....the burden of proof is on the believer and so far none of the proof gives me enough faith in any of the religions to move off the default there is no god ( and for good reason since well there is no god )....
A question I wonder about atheists. Do you believe in adultery or polygamy? I am asking to learn because adultery comes from the 10 commandments as do many other rules or laws whatever we shall call them. I often wonder without the 10 commandments where would be. Would murder be something acceptable and stealing. Like if no God then why is adultery wrong and murder? Why have rules if really no God. Everyone can believe what they believe is right. Such as someone might believe murder or stealing is right while another feels it’s wrong. Taking the 10 commandments out of the equation who says what is right and wrong.
Oh it most definitely was not magic. It was done by a being that has trillions of times more brainpower than the cumulative total of every human ever born, including you

Dude if someone can create something out of nothing and be omnipresent and can literally wish things into existence then I definitely think its magic......religious people always say how far fetched life happening by chance is even though even if the odds are 1 in a 50 quadtrillion billion trillion gazillion that over hundreds of millions and billions of years that many cell divisions are going to happen...... just a human being will have 10 quadrillion cells divisions in their body in a lifetime now do that by all the people on earth at any given time and the number is unfathomable.....now imagine that over hundreds of millions of years....so yeah I totally believe that in that time that it happened by chance since it had a number of chances so high as to not even be calculated. This makes much more sense to me than some god just deciding to create us one day.
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A question I wonder about atheists. Do you believe in adultery or polygamy? I am asking to learn because adultery comes from the 10 commandments as do many other rules or laws whatever we shall call them. I often wonder without the 10 commandments where would be. Would murder be something acceptable and stealing. Like if no God then why is adultery wrong and murder? Why have rules if really no God. Everyone can believe what they believe is right. Such as someone might believe murder or stealing is right while another feels it’s wrong. Taking the 10 commandments out of the equation who says what is right and wrong.

Ummmm yeah those things exist and are real not sure what your asking me.......I dont think they are a sin, because there is no such thing as a sin but polygamy is illegal and well cheating is a ------ thing to do to someone. I however have cheated on girlfriends in the past even ones I was serious with, and I later felt remorse for a few of them but I dont feel like I committed a crime or sin......for the record however I have completely faithful to my wife from day 1 which was over 22 yrs ago.

Why do you need a god to tell you not to do bad things, really when you look at it what is or is not bad or good has changed over time...in the middle and dark ages you would have seen no issue with marrying and impregnating a 12-13 yr old girl and beating her for misbehaving was totally accepted by your church and god, in fact it was encouraged......you would have been totally within your christian right to kill pagens etc without fear of being held accountable by the authorities or god.

You want to know a group that is historically responsible for very little crime and one of the least criminally inclined groups out there.....thats right atheist.....
A question I wonder about atheists. Do you believe in adultery or polygamy? I am asking to learn because adultery comes from the 10 commandments as do many other rules or laws whatever we shall call them. I often wonder without the 10 commandments where would be. Would murder be something acceptable and stealing. Like if no God then why is adultery wrong and murder? Why have rules if really no God. Everyone can believe what they believe is right. Such as someone might believe murder or stealing is right while another feels it’s wrong. Taking the 10 commandments out of the equation who says what is right and wrong.
The counter to your question is always that society as a whole sets the rules. Except the rules change as society changes. It's a floating system. But there are never any absolutes. And it creates a situation where it subsumes one group under another, who has no superseding authority. They just decided to make it so. So it was so. At least until they decide it is no longer so.
Ummmm yeah those things exist and are real not sure what your asking me.......I dont think they are a sin, because there is no such thing as a sin but polygamy is illegal and well cheating is a ------ thing to do to someone. I however have cheated on girlfriends in the past even ones I was serious with, and I later felt remorse for a few of them but I dont feel like I committed a crime or sin......for the record however I have completely faithful to my wife from day 1 which was over 22 yrs ago.

Why do you need a god to tell you not to do bad things, really when you look at it what is or is not bad or good has changed over time...in the middle and dark ages you would have seen no issue with marrying and impregnating a 12-13 yr old girl and beating her for misbehaving was totally accepted by your church and god, in fact it was encouraged......you would have been totally within your christian right to kill pagens etc without fear of being held accountable by the authorities or god.

You want to know a group that is historically responsible for very little crime and one of the least criminally inclined groups out there.....thats right atheist.....
I appreciate your input. I’m just wondering where did the word adultery come from. Like who decided being married and seeing other ladies also is cheating? I am not asking to sound like a jerk at all. I ask for all of us. If no God or rules who decided adultery is adultery. If take away the 10 commandments where it mentioned it then I think we never see adultery as cheating nor stealing as stealing. It would have never been taught it was wrong if it had never been mentioned in bible. Same with murder I believe. What made us believe certain things are bad or wrong? Polygamy is legal in some areas of world. To me it’s an interesting conversation. Thinking we go by rules or laws that are biblically based. If they are man made then should they not be voted on? Sounds crazy I know but what makes atheists believe adultery is wrong? I guess some atheists believe it’s not? I don’t know. If it’s proven one day God is not real will the world descend into chaos? Because you have to figure people will say those are man made laws and rules that were never voted on by all. Their argument could be why should a non existent God make rules. When their beliefs are there should be no rules because I don’t believe it’s wrong.
Ummmm yeah those things exist and are real not sure what your asking me.......I dont think they are a sin, because there is no such thing as a sin but polygamy is illegal and well cheating is a ------ thing to do to someone. I however have cheated on girlfriends in the past even ones I was serious with, and I later felt remorse for a few of them but I dont feel like I committed a crime or sin......for the record however I have completely faithful to my wife from day 1 which was over 22 yrs ago.

Why do you need a god to tell you not to do bad things, really when you look at it what is or is not bad or good has changed over time...in the middle and dark ages you would have seen no issue with marrying and impregnating a 12-13 yr old girl and beating her for misbehaving was totally accepted by your church and god, in fact it was encouraged......you would have been totally within your christian right to kill pagens etc without fear of being held accountable by the authorities or god.

You want to know a group that is historically responsible for very little crime and one of the least criminally inclined groups out there.....thats right atheist.....
Also I do agree. Christianity or believing in a higher power has been the reason for most wars. One group pushes their ways and beliefs onto another.
I was talking about this with a buddy at work one day and he said athiest scared him because we had no fear of punishment for what we do.

I asked him the bad things he had done and he listed off cheating, stealing as a teenager, and fighting people.......he immediately the said "but I've asked for forgiveness for all those things" as if that makes it any more right than if I had done them.

Morality has nothing to do with god or religion IMO. Morality is now social norms and can change and evolve.
I appreciate your input. I’m just wondering where did the word adultery come from. Like who decided being married and seeing other ladies also is cheating? I am not asking to sound like a jerk at all. I ask for all of us. If no God or rules who decided adultery is adultery. If take away the 10 commandments where it mentioned it then I think we never see adultery as cheating nor stealing as stealing. It would have never been taught it was wrong if it had never been mentioned in bible. Same with murder I believe. What made us believe certain things are bad or wrong? Polygamy is legal in some areas of world. To me it’s an interesting conversation. Thinking we go by rules or laws that are biblically based. If they are man made then should they not be voted on? Sounds crazy I know but what makes atheists believe adultery is wrong? I guess some atheists believe it’s not? I don’t know. If it’s proven one day God is not real will the world descend into chaos? Because you have to figure people will say those are man made laws and rules that were never voted on by all. Their argument could be why should a non existent God make rules. When their beliefs are there should be no rules because I don’t believe it’s wrong.

Wrong in what sense though......its not illegal, or even immoral to many....

Society determines what rules we live by depending on many factors, even in some places in the world today adultery/polygamy are accepted practices.....
The irony here is astounding......its "absurdly impossible for cells to evolve over millions and billions of years" even though that is what actually happened yet I am a idiot to believe that, but its totally reasonable to believe it all happened because of magic.....
You still don't get it..... A cell is a living thing. Where did the first cell come from. You are confusing atoms and molecules with cells.
Wrong in what sense though......its not illegal, or even immoral to many....

Society determines what rules we live by depending on many factors, even in some places in the world today adultery/polygamy are accepted practices.....
I agree. As Shaggy said social norms change and evolve. I see it more an more everyday. Especially in Christianity and other religions. Just as dancing used to be wrong, then drinking, gambling, alternative lifestyles. It’s widely more accepted today. Just as I think we will move to a more lawless society. Reducing police and possibly guns will be the aim in the future. When the movie purge came out. I said that is crazy. Now looking at today’s times I could see in the future something like that happening. Society and social norms are evolving quickly. Thanks for both your input and answers. I agree with you both.
You still don't get it..... A cell is a living thing. Where did the first cell come from. You are confusing atoms and molecules with cells.

I assure you am not confusing atoms and molecules with cells, the base amino acids needed to proteins etc formed in the primordial earth.....there would have been millions of years for endless chances of these amino's stringing up to build the basic parts of DNA....its not even that hard to do....then there would have been another few hundred million years for those single cells to divide essentially a infinite number of times allowing natural selection to evolve them into the person reading this post today.....

"One of life's greatest mysteries is how it began. Scientists have pinned it down to roughly this:

Some chemical reactions occurred about 4 billion years ago — perhaps in a primordial tidal soup or maybe with help of volcanoes or possibly at the bottom of the sea or between the mica sheets — to create biology.

Now scientists have created something in the lab that is tantalizingly close to what might have happened. It's not life, they stress, but it certainly gives the science community a whole new data set to chew on.

The researchers, at the Scripps Research Institute, created molecules that self-replicate and even evolve and compete to win or lose. If that sounds exactly like life, read on to learn the controversial and thin distinction.

Specifically, the researchers synthesized RNA enzymes that can replicate themselves without the help of any proteins or other cellular components, and the process proceeds indefinitely. "Immortalized" RNA, they call it, at least within the limited conditions of a laboratory.

More significantly, the scientists then mixed different RNA enzymes that had replicated, along with some of the raw material they were working with, and let them compete in what's sure to be the next big hit: "Survivor: Test Tube."

Remarkably, they bred.

And now and then, one of these survivors would screw up, binding with some other bit of raw material it hadn't been using. Hmm. That's exactly what life forms do ...

When these mutations occurred, "the resulting recombinant enzymes also were capable of sustained replication, with the most fit replicators growing in number to dominate the mixture," the scientists report.

The "creatures" — wait, we can't call them that! — evolved, with some "species" winning out."
Just looking at this more simplistically and not even thinking about humans, the idea of even just a microbe being "alive" is miraculous by itself from my perspective. To me, consciousness is a miracle that can best be explained by a supreme creator of some sort. I just don't see how consciousness can randomly occur. The idea of consciousness is like magic to me.

It won’t stop at statues, food, books, and symbols. It will be the beliefs of people. This is about class warfare. Spreading the wealth and everyone believing the same. Having the same things. Disgusting yet no black leader is standing up and denouncing these actions. Where is Al Sharpton and Jessy Jackson? Do the blacks believe these are good men? Al Sharpton is a preacher. Surely he is against these actions.

Do these people have jobs? What is the purpose of doing this at a church?
I appreciate your input. I’m just wondering where did the word adultery come from. Like who decided being married and seeing other ladies also is cheating? I am not asking to sound like a jerk at all. I ask for all of us. If no God or rules who decided adultery is adultery. If take away the 10 commandments where it mentioned it then I think we never see adultery as cheating nor stealing as stealing. It would have never been taught it was wrong if it had never been mentioned in bible. Same with murder I believe. What made us believe certain things are bad or wrong? Polygamy is legal in some areas of world. To me it’s an interesting conversation. Thinking we go by rules or laws that are biblically based. If they are man made then should they not be voted on? Sounds crazy I know but what makes atheists believe adultery is wrong? I guess some atheists believe it’s not? I don’t know. If it’s proven one day God is not real will the world descend into chaos? Because you have to figure people will say those are man made laws and rules that were never voted on by all. Their argument could be why should a non existent God make rules. When their beliefs are there should be no rules because I don’t believe it’s wrong.

The immorality of adultery seems to be a coincidence of every advanced civilization throughout history, and its reprehensibility even embeds itself in some of the most twisted societies where something like cannibalism is just regular Monday. Adultery even existed in some Native American tribes without European interpretations of theft. Virtually every society had adultery with varying interpretations, most interestingly, within cultures where marriage isn’t formally or legally present or significant. According to Google, adultery is broadly defined as extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral, or legal ground.

Who decided all the rules about adultery? Everyone. Like everyone thinks a husband cheating on a wife is bad. Why did we believe it was bad? Cause it’s bad to have an illegitimate child with someone that isn’t yourself, it’s unfair to cheat on your paramour, it’s has been showed by research to harm children, and it reflects poorly on ones character. These are all complicated issues that can be resolved privately and medically, but that doesn’t change the fact that adultery is wrong.

Let me just explain something about the biblical interpretations of adultery. During the first millennia, Christian philosophers and clergymen went completely off the rails with their narrow interpretations of adultery, or sex, as some evil that the Devil uses to tempt men, and women were designated as the instrument of sexual enticement. Basil of Caesarea, 4th Century; Mani, 3rd Century. In contrast, Jewish practices (case law) pertaining to the laws of marriage, infidelity and child support were so liberal, lenient, and ahead of its time, that rabbinical philosophers are cited in U.S. and European family law cases. Ancient Jews actually established child support laws, obligating husbands and unmarried men to provide payments to the wives who bore children out-of-wedlock. Also, adulterers and Homosexuals were not stoned for their transgressions, and the death penalty was used once in 70 years. In 70 CE, Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiba said, “If we had been in the Sanhedrin, no death sentence would ever have been passed” (referencing the period before Christ’s death). The Gospel of John (A Jew) 7:53-8:11 describes the story of Jesus pushing back against a group of his followers requesting to stone an adulterous woman by stating, “he who is without sin cast the first stone.” This is in line of with the practice of Judaism since Babylon, and a permutation of Deut. 17:7, requiring the hands of the witnesses shall be first to put someone to death.

Then there is the concept of Mercy. In Psalms 51:1, God grants David forgiveness after committing adultery. The Tanakh is full of instances where God provides mercy to those that are contrite. Rabbi Akibah’s stated: 1.) "How favored is man, for he was created after an image "for in an image, Elokim made man" (Gen. ix. 6)", 2.) "Everything is foreseen; but freedom [of will] is given to every man", 3.) "The world is governed by mercy... but the divine decision is made by the preponderance of the good or bad in one's actions".
Hi everyone please see below:


Over the past 6 months we have seen a large increase in activity in the non weather related threads. We recognize as the board grows we will slowly transition from just a weather board to a community. With this transition we will be gaining new members with new interests and differing view points. With current global events these differing views and interests become magnified across the community as members express their thoughts, stances, and ideas. This has led us as staff to recognize the need for written guidelines for the board as a whole and independent within threads to ensure the overall climate of the board remains constructive and welcoming. With that being said we want to outline the following general rules:

#1 racist, sexist posts will be immediately deleted and you will be banned from the community
#2 using derogatory terms in posts will be immediately deleted, you will be banned from said thread for 72 hours for the first offense, 120 for the second, permanently for the 3rd.
#3 when you post statistics or something as a fact please cite your source, baseless facts will be subject to deletion.
#4 using the term snowflake, karen, maga to describe someone or a grouping of posters will be subject to deletion. Continual use will subject you to the thread suspensions in point 2.
#5 Drive by 1 liners with the purpose of getting a reaction will subject you to suspensions in point #2
#6 consistently posting the same subject matter over and over or outlandish posts will be deleted. If this continues after deletion you will be subject to suspensions in point #2 will follow.
#7 posts that aren't directly related to the thread will be removed. Obviously there is a lot of crossover at this time between Corona, politics, sports. Please make sure that your placing your post in the correct thread.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns around any of the outlined points. Our goal isn't to silence you as members it's to make sure that we keep the community as a place folks want to visit as well as keeping the weather side of the board free from carry over issues.
Fine with me, but could you give us some definitions of what you consider racist, sexist comments?
Fine with me, but could you give us some definitions of what you consider racist, sexist comments?
Use your best judgment. So far on this site I've only seen a small handful of posts that toed the line and just a couple that crossed it. Also, giving examples in today's world could easily be taken out of context and used against the site or me personally and I'd rather not go down that road
Use your best judgment. So far on this site I've only seen a small handful of posts that toed the line and just a couple that crossed it. Also, giving examples in today's world could easily be taken out of context and used against the site or me personally and I'd rather not go down that road

I use to write community forum rules for new websites, so I codified one for this forum based on the past experience I had in the political thread, as well as a boilerplate rule I amended for social media sites. I don't particularly agree with the exact wording of the rule, but I think it expresses your intent based on past moderator disciplinary actions. Also added that bit about Nazi comparisons to keep it fair and civil. You can change around the wording about Terms of Services if the site is governed by Community Guidelines or any other functional equivalents.

Rule 26: Racism, Anti-semitism and Hateful Comments

A) Racism, Anti-semitism, and Hateful Comments
: Includes expressions that create a hostile environment contrary to the purposes of civil discourse and a welcoming forum environment. Do not use the forums to spread hate, incite violence, and suggest that innocents should die or that an innocent deserved to die, or otherwise fill our welcoming forums with hatred and malice.

B) Specific Disallowed Comments. This platform will not be used to spread their message of hate towards others. politicians and members of this forum to Nazis is not permitted. Nazi references and comparisons are only allowed in strict historical discussions and usage. Additionally, linking or quoting from manifestos of deranged murderers with the intent of spreading hate is not permitted, unless to provide context to the discussion.

C) Conduct Towards Moderators and Disciplinary Actions. The Moderator Staff on this forum work hard [as volunteers] to provide an enjoyable place for members and to enforce the Terms of Service. Moderators may use any of the disciplinary actions, punishments or sanctions provided in these Terms of Services, as well as any other rules or community guidelines provided by this forum. Deliberately and aggressively attacking a Moderator for performing his/her duties or intentionally and/or willfully ignoring a ruling or request from a Moderator who is carrying out Moderator duties is considered Contempt of Moderator. Contempt of moderator shall be punishable by a temporary ban, and repeated Contempts may result in a permanent ban. Disagreements with moderators should be conducted in private, and the forum should not be used to continuously air grievances. For example, a couple of posts in disagreement with a moderator decision such as "the moderator made a bad decisions" may not arise to the level of contempt, but continuous posts or messages towards moderators that are abusive and vicious may result in a ban. Use your best judgment.

D) Trolling. A troll is an individual that offers nothing valuable or substantial to the forum, and has no intention of taking part in civil discussions, aside from attempting to ruin them for others. Any posts that are not conducive to debate, seek to derail a thread with trolling comments or off-topic discussion are subject to being edited or deleted with or without further sanctions at the discretion of the moderators.
I assure you am not confusing atoms and molecules with cells, the base amino acids needed to proteins etc formed in the primordial earth.....there would have been millions of years for endless chances of these amino's stringing up to build the basic parts of DNA....its not even that hard to do....then there would have been another few hundred million years for those single cells to divide essentially a infinite number of times allowing natural selection to evolve them into the person reading this post today.....

"One of life's greatest mysteries is how it began. Scientists have pinned it down to roughly this:

Some chemical reactions occurred about 4 billion years ago — perhaps in a primordial tidal soup or maybe with help of volcanoes or possibly at the bottom of the sea or between the mica sheets — to create biology.

Now scientists have created something in the lab that is tantalizingly close to what might have happened. It's not life, they stress, but it certainly gives the science community a whole new data set to chew on.

The researchers, at the Scripps Research Institute, created molecules that self-replicate and even evolve and compete to win or lose. If that sounds exactly like life, read on to learn the controversial and thin distinction.

Specifically, the researchers synthesized RNA enzymes that can replicate themselves without the help of any proteins or other cellular components, and the process proceeds indefinitely. "Immortalized" RNA, they call it, at least within the limited conditions of a laboratory.

More significantly, the scientists then mixed different RNA enzymes that had replicated, along with some of the raw material they were working with, and let them compete in what's sure to be the next big hit: "Survivor: Test Tube."

Remarkably, they bred.

And now and then, one of these survivors would screw up, binding with some other bit of raw material it hadn't been using. Hmm. That's exactly what life forms do ...

When these mutations occurred, "the resulting recombinant enzymes also were capable of sustained replication, with the most fit replicators growing in number to dominate the mixture," the scientists report.

The "creatures" — wait, we can't call them that! — evolved, with some "species" winning out."
Sorry, but that is such a stretch to think that molecules, just by chance, by themselves, became living cells that could breed and reproduce? Wow, and you say that believing in God is ridiculous? ..........Just remember it is still only a theory. Not a fact.
i just came in from an evening sitting outside relaxing, observing the birds flying near and just after sunset, and listening to the sounds of summer near the peaceful salt marsh (including popping sounds of shellfish, crickets, frogs, and katydids) with a few towering cumulus near the horizon amongst other clouds amidst a gentle breeze. I feel that the chances of there being no supreme creator are lower than the chance I'll run for President. This cannot all be random.
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