Unfortunately you are right, many people who call themselves Christians view salvation merely as "fire insurance" just in case there truly is a heaven/hell and that's about as far as it goes for them. However, Scripture also makes it clear that true followers of Christ are called to build a genuine relationship with Him, live out biblical values and instead of fearing hell they are to realize the reality of it. The reason a Christian should desire Heaven is NOT to escape hell, as if Heaven is the only alternative, but instead because of their relationship with God they desire Heaven because God is there. There has been much preaching and what I call "shallow Christianity" today where people view Christianity simply as fire insurance and it just is not a biblical idea.
Regarding the question about God sending someone to hell even if they are good people.. the problem with that thought is that the Bible makes it clear that all of mankind is under the curse of sin and depraved and no one is "good." This is why 2 year old children are naturally prone to disobey and as a parent you have to teach them right/wrong. This is why you can have a Hitler or Stalin, wars, crime, etc all examples of the depravity of man. I am not a good person according to the Bible, I am capable of doing good things but that does not make me a good person.
The biblical picture is that we have all broken God's law in some way and God's justice requires a penalty for that sin, just as a criminal who has broken the law of society would need to receive some type of punishment from a judge for his actions. What God offers is for all of us who have broken His law to either receive complete forgiveness or we can continue breaking His law and one day face the consequences for this continued rebellion against God. He gives you, me, and everyone else the freedom to decide how we will respond instead of forcing us against our will.
That is why I know this is all BS, there is no god if there is a god it certainly isn't the Abrahamic one....God is suppose to be perfect yet he creates imperfect beings, then punishes them for being imperfect....unless you worship him and constantly asking him for forgiveness for making us imperfect. Oh and God wont prove he exist you just gotta have faith and believe if you fail to do those things then well off to hell with you really think a eternity in hell ( eternity for crying out loud ) is a "just" penalty for someone like me.....should I burn in hell forever, do my sins really equal that kind of punishment. Hell does any crime really deserve that kind of punishment.....well I can think of a few but really its ridiculous.