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Regarding what I bolded: This is 100% false. From where did you get that info? Judaism is the first monotheistic religion. Actually, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the three major monotheistic religions, all believe in and worship the same almighty creator. I assume most people know this from basic history, even if they aren't a member of any of these three religions.

This is not as well known as you think, IMO a lot of Christians do not in fact know or believe this to be true, especially regarding Islam.....I have made that point to numerous Christians who express disbelief or get mad even at the suggestion that Muslims worship the same god as they do.....
This is not as well known as you think, IMO a lot of Christians do not in fact know or believe this to be true, especially regarding Islam.....I have made that point to numerous Christians who express disbelief or get mad even at the suggestion that Muslims worship the same god as they do.....

Wow, really? That's surprising as they should know better just from basic history. How do they not know this? You probably know the following: Islam is very much intertwined with these other two monotheistic religions as they consider Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon among others from Judaism, as prophets. and also Jesus and John the Baptist among others, from Christianity, as prophets.
Rather than saying all three worship the same God, it would be better to say that both Christianity and Islam share common roots with Judaism. Though there is much more continuity between Judaism and Christianity.
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Rather than saying all three worship the same God, it would be better to say that both Christianity and Islam share common roots with Judaism.

Yeah, I think that's a good way to put it. But don't you also agree that they all 3 worship the same almighty creator?
Yeah, I think that's a good way to put it. But don't you also agree that they all 3 worship the same almighty creator?
It is a good way to put it. On the 2nd point, in some respects it's heads, tails and the ribbed side of the coin ... IMHO ...
It is a good way to put it. On the 2nd point, in some respects it's heads, tails and the ribbed side of the coin ... IMHO ...

Phil, what do you mean by what I bolded? I don't follow you.
Rather than saying all three worship the same God, it would be better to say that both Christianity and Islam share common roots with Judaism. Though there is much more continuity between Judaism and Christianity.

I think the term Abrahamic religions is a good descriptor for the big 3, the "God of Abraham" is the one they all worship, so in that aspect they do in fact all believe in the same monotheistic god but there are many places where they diverge.....but Yahweh and Allah are the same God.
I don't know that it's fair to say that Muslims worship the same God. While they claim we are all "people of the book" and the Koran mentions many of the OT prophets and Jesus; the Muslims didn't come to be for another ~600 years after Jesus, claiming that the other two had corrupted the true teachings of God/Allah. Other than the biblical prophets/Jesus, there is not much of a connection.

Christianity and Judaism are much different. Unlike Islam, Christianity was born out of Judaism. Jesus was a Jew as were his twelve disciples and most of the 120 remaining at the time of his ascension. The Romans viewed the early Christians as a "Jewish sect" and Christians believe that Jesus was Yahwheh (LORD/God of the OT) in human flesh.
Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims Worship the Same God?
by Todd Friel on March 1, 2018; last featured October 13, 2019
Audio Version

Jesus slammed the door shut on this question in John 8:19 when he blasted the Pharisees for not acknowledging his deity: “You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”
In other words, if you do not worship Jesus, you do not worship the Father, either. Neither Jews nor Muslims worship Jesus; therefore, they do not worship the same God.
Why Is This Question Even Asked?
While this question is likely raised because postmodernism demands that all roads lead to God, it still has some validity because of a man we meet in the book of Genesis: Abraham.
Islam claims Abraham is the father of their religion, but that does not automatically mean we worship the same God. For starters, the Koran teaches that Abraham’s promised descendants come through Ishmael, not Isaac. Worse than that, the Koran does not portray Abraham’s Allah as the kind, compassionate, loving Yahweh of the Bible (Exodus 34:6–7; John 3:16).
Allah loves only those who first love him (Qur’an 3:31–32) or who do good deeds (2:195). God first loves us while we are yet sinning (I John 4:10; Romans 5:8). The Koran’s Allah and the Bible’s Yahweh are simply not the same deity with the same attributes.
Things get a bit trickier with Judaism because the Old Testament God is “the Father” of the Christian Trinity. Jesus made it clear that Jews who worship only one-third of the Trinity do not rightly worship the true and living God. That is why every single orthodox creed of Christianity states that only those who worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will be saved.
You might think this is uncharitable, but conservative Muslims and Jews agree that the three Abrahamic faiths do not worship the same God. As for liberal Muslims and Jews who claim we do, their refusal to bend the knee to Jesus renders their claim meaningless.
What Do We Do With This Knowledge?
Knowing that incorrect theology is damnable should give us two unshakable convictions:
  1. It is the Christian’s duty to contend earnestly for the faith that has been handed down to us (Jude 3).
  2. It is the Christian’s high honor to proclaim that salvation is found in no other name than Jesus (Acts 4:12).
Jesus himself would tell the most devout Muslim or Jew, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36). If we love Muslims and Jews, we will (lovingly) tell them the same thing.
Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims Worship the Same God?
by Todd Friel on March 1, 2018; last featured October 13, 2019
Audio Version

Jesus slammed the door shut on this question in John 8:19 when he blasted the Pharisees for not acknowledging his deity: “You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”
In other words, if you do not worship Jesus, you do not worship the Father, either. Neither Jews nor Muslims worship Jesus; therefore, they do not worship the same God.
Why Is This Question Even Asked?
While this question is likely raised because postmodernism demands that all roads lead to God, it still has some validity because of a man we meet in the book of Genesis: Abraham.
Islam claims Abraham is the father of their religion, but that does not automatically mean we worship the same God. For starters, the Koran teaches that Abraham’s promised descendants come through Ishmael, not Isaac. Worse than that, the Koran does not portray Abraham’s Allah as the kind, compassionate, loving Yahweh of the Bible (Exodus 34:6–7; John 3:16).
Allah loves only those who first love him (Qur’an 3:31–32) or who do good deeds (2:195). God first loves us while we are yet sinning (I John 4:10; Romans 5:8). The Koran’s Allah and the Bible’s Yahweh are simply not the same deity with the same attributes.
Things get a bit trickier with Judaism because the Old Testament God is “the Father” of the Christian Trinity. Jesus made it clear that Jews who worship only one-third of the Trinity do not rightly worship the true and living God. That is why every single orthodox creed of Christianity states that only those who worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will be saved.
You might think this is uncharitable, but conservative Muslims and Jews agree that the three Abrahamic faiths do not worship the same God. As for liberal Muslims and Jews who claim we do, their refusal to bend the knee to Jesus renders their claim meaningless.
What Do We Do With This Knowledge?
Knowing that incorrect theology is damnable should give us two unshakable convictions:
  1. It is the Christian’s duty to contend earnestly for the faith that has been handed down to us (Jude 3).
  2. It is the Christian’s high honor to proclaim that salvation is found in no other name than Jesus (Acts 4:12).
Jesus himself would tell the most devout Muslim or Jew, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36). If we love Muslims and Jews, we will (lovingly) tell them the same thing.

I think the best thing to do here is to agree to disagree. Religious debates can get very dicey just like with politics with folks never coming into agreement due to differences in beliefs. It isn't worth it to go on.
I'm glad we live in a country in which all religions (and nonreligions like atheism) can be practiced freely with no one religion or non-religion being treated as superior or inferior to the others.
Today’s false prophet award goes to ( the honking is edited in by the Twitter poster, btw.);

Condemning someone to a literal eternity in hell because they wont believe in you is pretty petty, especially for a all powerful being who can prove its existence to every person if they so choose to.....instead they expect people to believe in them with no real proof.

A person is not condemed to Hell because they won't believe in Him; a person goes to Hell (which is complete separation from God and all his attributes) beacuse his or her sin separates them from Him and they do not have the ability to reconcile themself back to Him. That was the purpose of Jesus. God is not a sky version of "the Great and Powerful Oz," trying to intimidate people or getting mad if they don't stroke his ego. Those are human traits and He is not human.

As for proof; yeah, God could easily show himself on a mountain top and "prove he exists" but I think that would cause major probelms with the reality of free will and love. Faith is essential (which must be held without "proof") because only in a world with free will and faith (without proof) is true love possible. True love is not possible if people have no free will or if God forces himself on people (like a true dictator would). A person must be given the choice to love Him or not. A world with a lack of free will would eliminate that choice and a world with proof would easliy cause a separation between belief and love. Belief without love would be empty.

Fear is a great motivator, I was raised in the church, when I begin to question whether god was real or not my fear of going to hell for even thinking those thoughts was huge, its was very hard to shake the indoctrination I was programmed so hard that I was doomed to hell that it kept my 13 yr old self awake all night for many many nights as I wrestled with things in my mind as to how I felt there was no way god was real yet the fear of hell felt very real. Ultimately that is one of the things that helped me realize religion is about control.

My guess is you are not alone here. I will agree that many Christians focus too much on the "Hell and fear" side of Christinity when it comes to teaching and sharing. Those are certainly important to think about but the main part of the message shoud be about love, redemption, hope, and freedom.

Fear is indeed powerful. You present fear as a reason some believe ("I'm scared of Hell so I'll try to believe this"). Yet, ironically, many turn away from God, or even vehemently deny or hate Him, out of fear. Many people are scared of the idea of not having ultimate control of their lives and terrified that they may have to answer for their lives and that it has ultimate meaning. Many escape their fear by simply denying God. Many people don't want God to exist.

BTW, questioning whether or not God is real (as you did) is perfectly fine, normal, and even healthy. Faith in anything should be questioned and reasoned. Without it, how can one be sure their belief holds any meaning?

God(s) are a construct of man, in the beginning gods explained the unexplained, then men found they could use god to control the masses and it was all downhill from there.

I couldn't disagree more. I believe we are a construct of God (not gods). It's true that some have used religion for control, but in truth, God is about freedom. Freedom from bondage, from the pain and the error of the world, and from the brokeness of man.

Thoughts above.
I think the best thing to do here is to agree to disagree. Religious debates can get very dicey just like with politics with folks never coming into agreement due to differences in beliefs. It isn't worth it to go on.
I'm glad we live in a country in which all religions (and nonreligions like atheism) can be practiced freely with no one religion or non-religion being treated as superior or inferior to the others.
I have no problem with that. Its everyones free will to choose what,whom they beleive in. God has a free offer and he leaves it up to us individually to accept or reject.

Saw the post on this topic. Im to lazy to type so posted that article. But you can go back to Abraham and Sarah in the bible and see where Islam retraces its roots back the birth of a son Abraham had with his handmaid against Gods will. Later on God delivered on his promise and Sarah, Abrahams wife finally conceived.
As far as Judaism and Christianity. They are in lock step pretty much until you get to the new testament, book of Mathew. Judaism is still waiting on the 1st appearance of the Messiah, while chistianity has already embraced him ,Jesus Christ. We are waiting on his second and final appearance here on earth,just as he promised. Hope that helps anyone hunting the cliffsnotes version.
But make no mistake, we do not worship the same God that is for sure and is an untrue statement.
All for unity and this is not meant to offend, but Jews and Christians do not believe in the same God. While it’s true that we share a bible and some traditions, the concept of Jesus as God’s son or body is a contradiction to Talmudic (Jewish) law, which completely prohibits any physical representation or images of God. In Judaism, it is the same as violating both the first three commandments. The belief that Jesus is the son the God, and the notion that this message came from God, is tantamount to the Christian people having other Gods (Jesus and the other God that sent him). God can only deliver a message to man. In Judaism, God does not take on the physical appearance or soul of man.

The whole idea of Jews, Christians, and Muslims having the same God is more about social unity than a universal truth about everyone serving the same deity. When Christians and Muslims took Jews to slaughter their enemies, it was good for comaraderie for all the soldiers to be united against a common foe. The modern use of this idea has also been used to promote social acceptance and peace within communities by giving diverse religious groups some commonality and shared experience, and even religious leaders got on board with it to prevent communal violence. Morons that have some kind of bond with their neighbor are less likely to incite or take part in a hate crime. In other words, we know when, where and why this fabrication was promoted. It’s a good idea. Rabbis may even promote it cause telling lies to save a life and prevent violence is a debatable question in Judaism. But the reality is that the Jewish and Christian God are not the same, and that is what we understand, and we do - cannot - use that difference to incite or engage in acts of violence.
All for unity and this is not meant to offend, but Jews and Christians do not believe in the same God. While it’s true that we share a bible and some traditions, the concept of Jesus as God’s son or body is a contradiction to Talmudic (Jewish) law, which completely prohibits any physical representation or images of God. In Judaism, it is the same as violating both the first three commandments. The belief that Jesus is the son the God, and the notion that this message came from God, is tantamount to the Christian people having other Gods (Jesus and the other God that sent him). God can only deliver a message to man. In Judaism, God does not take on the physical appearance or soul of man.

The whole idea of Jews, Christians, and Muslims having the same God is more about social unity than a universal truth about everyone serving the same deity. When Christians and Muslims took Jews to slaughter their enemies, it was good for comaraderie for all the soldiers to be united against a common foe. The modern use of this idea has also been used to promote social acceptance and peace within communities by giving diverse religious groups some commonality and shared experience, and even religious leaders got on board with it to prevent communal violence. Morons that have some kind of bond with their neighbor are less likely to incite or take part in a hate crime. In other words, we know when, where and why this fabrication was promoted. It’s a good idea. Rabbis may even promote it cause telling lies to save a life and prevent violence is a debatable question in Judaism. But the reality is that the Jewish and Christian God are not the same, and that is what we understand, and we do - cannot - use that difference to incite or engage in acts of violence.

Not to argue and I think I understand your point but Jesus did claim to be the God of what we call the OT. He told his Jewish audience “I and the Father are one.” In John 8:58 he made a clear claim to being “I AM”, a reference to God’s revelation of his name to Moses in the burning bush.

Christians certainly see them as one and the same, but this makes sense because we claim both the OT/NT as Christian Scripture. I can certainly see how Jews would see it differently though.
Not to argue and I think I understand your point but Jesus did claim to be the God of what we call the OT. He told his Jewish audience “I and the Father are one.” In John 8:58 he made a clear claim to being “I AM”, a reference to God’s revelation of his name to Moses in the burning bush.

Christians certainly see them as one and the same, but this makes sense because we claim both the OT/NT as Christian Scripture. I can certainly see how Jews would see it differently though.

Argue? You're being extremely respectful. Like I said, we share a book and some traditions. However, Jewish law isn't just the bible. It's also the Talmud - the interpretations of the law that was carried through time via oral laws and tradition. What I give Jesus credit for is inspiring the authors to write down many of those oral teachings into the new testament, which are found in sections of the Jewish law called the Talmud. The Talmud is the interpretation of God's law by the rabbinical counsel - laws that have found their way into Western European and US law, particularly family (e.g. alimony and child support). The main beef with Christianity is that the authors of Jesus' story wrote that he was God, and they engraved images of him in crosses. That's false Gods and idols to the Jewish interpretations. It's really all in the details. If Jesus had been described by the authors as the prophet or messiah (cause though shalt not take the lord's name in vein), then we'd all have the same God, because the descriptions of Jesus Christ are heroic and selfless, and there are certainly some uniquely positive messages in Christianity that would/did blend into the Jewish culture.

I don't know where else to go with it. We're all God's children trying to right by him/her/he-she (I like to think god has a sense of humor). We are all made in his image. In Judaism, we don't need a physical/emotional/psychological representation of God, because we are all his expression of those aspects. All our rage, uncertainty, love, whatever. It's like Noah and the Ark. God was angry. He flooded the world. He felt regret. So he said he wouldn't do it again. That is so human. That is God. This is the point of Judaism that gets me in trouble with Rabbis, and I've been chastised for it. Not because I'm wrong. But because it's just a universal truth. We are all God's children, and we all have the ability to be selfless. Christlike. I don't know. It's just a thought.
Argue? You're being extremely respectful. Like I said, we share a book and some traditions. However, Jewish law isn't just the bible. It's also the Talmud - the interpretations of the law that was carried through time via oral laws and tradition. What I give Jesus credit for is inspiring the authors to write down many of those oral teachings into the new testament, which are found in sections of the Jewish law called the Talmud. The Talmud is the interpretation of God's law by the rabbinical counsel - laws that have found their way into Western European and US law, particularly family (e.g. alimony and child support). The main beef with Christianity is that the authors of Jesus' story wrote that he was God, and they engraved images of him in crosses. That's false Gods and idols to the Jewish interpretations. It's really all in the details. If Jesus had been described by the authors as the prophet or messiah (cause though shalt not take the lord's name in vein), then we'd all have the same God, because the descriptions of Jesus Christ are heroic and selfless, and there are certainly some uniquely positive messages in Christianity that would/did blend into the Jewish culture.

I don't know where else to go with it. We're all God's children trying to right by him/her/he-she (I like to think god has a sense of humor). We are all made in his image. In Judaism, we don't need a physical/emotional/psychological representation of God, because we are all his expression of those aspects. All our rage, uncertainty, love, whatever. It's like Noah and the Ark. God was angry. He flooded the world. He felt regret. So he said he wouldn't do it again. That is so human. That is God. This is the point of Judaism that gets me in trouble with Rabbis, and I've been chastised for it. Not because I'm wrong. But because it's just a universal truth. We are all God's children, and we all have the ability to be selfless. Christlike. I don't know. It's just a thought.
Thanks for the info. You always have a good insight.
Yeah, I think that's a good way to put it. But don't you also agree that they all 3 worship the same almighty creator?
Where they diverge is their belief in Jesus Christ. Only Christians believe that He is the Son of God. Christians believe that the only way to Heaven is through the acceptance of Jesus Christ and His gift.
Where they diverge is their belief in Jesus Christ. Only Christians believe that He is the Son of God. Christians believe that the only way to Heaven is through the acceptance of Jesus Christ and His gift.

Yeah, I know this. Related to this, I know that the other two don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah despite his being Jewish (Judaism still waiting for the Messiah) though Islam does classify him as a prophet. What first got me to post here was an erroneous statement by @Matthew70 about Judaism not believing in the big guy upstairs at all.
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In NC you can have service outside starting Sunday. Lawnchairs,just stay 6 feet aprt. No more sitting in a car. Course with sunday temps, may want the car lol
Where they diverge is their belief in Jesus Christ. Only Christians believe that He is the Son of God. Christians believe that the only way to Heaven is through the acceptance of Jesus Christ and His gift.
Yeah, I know this. Related to this, I know that the other two don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah despite his being Jewish (Judaism still waiting for the Messiah) though Islam does classify him as a prophet. What first got me to post here was an erroneous statement by @Matthew70 about Judaism not believing in the big guy upstairs at all.
I did not know that folks who were never exposed to Christianity could not go to heaven ... where are all the good folks who lived in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia ... for say 1700 plus years? I do not recall Jesus saying that Moses and Abraham and Isaac (who could not have "accepted" Jesus, being before His time), or American/Native Indians or Australian Aborigines or Eskimos, or Cave people are/were banned ...
Yeah, I know this. Related to this, I know that the other two don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah despite his being Jewish (Judaism still waiting for the Messiah) though Islam does classify him as a prophet. What first got me to post here was an erroneous statement by @Matthew70 about Judaism not believing in the big guy upstairs at all.
My apologies. I meant they don’t believe in Jesus as the savior.
I did not know that folks who were never exposed to Christianity could not go to heaven ... where are all the good folks who lived in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia ... for say 1700 plus years? I do not recall Jesus saying that Moses and Abraham and Isaac (who could not have "accepted" Jesus, being before His time), or American/Native Indians or Australian Aborigines or Eskimos, or Cave people are/were banned ...
That’s my thinking also. We have a God that loves us but creates people to just go to hell? That’s why I don’t discuss my Christianity much or get into discussions. I believe people have to find what they believe and not what others believe. Everyone has a different interpretation of the scriptures and what they mean. No one can truly say their way is completely wo a doubt the correct way and beliefs. When I say completely I mean with living actual no doubt proof.
I did not know that folks who were never exposed to Christianity could not go to heaven ... where are all the good folks who lived in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia ... for say 1700 plus years? I do not recall Jesus saying that Moses and Abraham and Isaac (who could not have "accepted" Jesus, being before His time), or American/Native Indians or Australian Aborigines or Eskimos, or Cave people are/were banned ...

This also applies to all folks alive today. These are just beliefs, regardless. Nobody could possibly know where any of us are going after we pass away. Beliefs, even strong, don't equate to knowing. The tendency is for one to believe in what's consistent with their religion, which in most cases was randomly chosen based on their parents' religion.

The important thing in my mind is to not feel superior to others, whose religion was likely randomly chosen for them at birth, just because they believe in a different religion or even no religion. That's arrogance and implies superiority. All of us humans are created equal.

This applies also to someone converting to whatever religion. That's their choice to do so. People should respect that choice.
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I did not know that folks who were never exposed to Christianity could not go to heaven ... where are all the good folks who lived in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia ... for say 1700 plus years? I do not recall Jesus saying that Moses and Abraham and Isaac (who could not have "accepted" Jesus, being before His time), or American/Native Indians or Australian Aborigines or Eskimos, or Cave people are/were banned ...

Paul makes the point in the NT that salvation has always been by faith. In fact he argues more than once that "Abraham was considered righteous by faith" and not by works. "Considered righteous" being an important phrase--it's an accounting term. Basically God imputes his righteousness upon those of faith. What was the object of Abraham's faith? That's debatable. The context of the OT suggests that his faith was in God or the promises of God rather than specific knowledge of Christ--though Christ did claim to be the God of the OT.

Paul also makes the point in Romans that God's Law is written on the heart of every person. And ultimately every person is given the opportunity to respond to this innate knowledge of God. Some suppress this knowledge to the point that their knowledge is no more (atheists). But there are others who respond accordingly to this knowledge. What is not spelled out is what happens to those who respond positively.

There are two basic schools of thought. Some believe that these folks are saved by the blood of Christ without any specific knowledge of Christ. Others--myself included--believe that anyone who responds positively to the knowledge of God will be afforded the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 is one possible example.
Paul makes the point in the NT that salvation has always been by faith. In fact he argues more than once that "Abraham was considered righteous by faith" and not by works. "Considered righteous" being an important phrase--it's an accounting term. Basically God imputes his righteousness upon those of faith. What was the object of Abraham's faith? That's debatable. The context of the OT suggests that his faith was in God or the promises of God rather than specific knowledge of Christ--though Christ did claim to be the God of the OT.

Paul also makes the point in Romans that God's Law is written on the heart of every person. And ultimately every person is given the opportunity to respond to this innate knowledge of God. Some suppress this knowledge to the point that their knowledge is no more (atheists). But there are others who respond accordingly to this knowledge. What is not spelled out is what happens to those who respond positively.

There are two basic schools of thought. Some believe that these folks are saved by the blood of Christ without any specific knowledge of Christ. Others--myself included--believe that anyone who responds positively to the knowledge of God will be afforded the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 is one possible example.
I just believe ... and I truly believe do unto others and love your God ... now I am Christian, but do not feel I have any business whatsoever faulting good folks who are not ... so long as they are good folks ... and if they are not and if I can help them, then all the better ... but I do not think it is good to force myself on anyone ... unless I just want to cause rebellion and hate ...
One of the coolest missionary stories I've ever heard was about a native tribe in northern Canada who, when first approached by white missionaries, asked the missionaries without prompting, "Where;s the book?" Where's the book?" They were expecting some foreign people to show up and tell them about the God of the book.

In recent times there have been documented cases of Muslims coming to faith in Christ in closed countries (Iran, Saudi Arabia), where Christians are not allowed to proclaim the gospel. How have these Muslims come to faith? Through dreams. Thousands of these Muslims have shared how Jesus appeared to them in dreams, and they subsequently came to faith.
I just believe ... and I truly believe do unto others and love your God ... now I am Christian, but do not feel I have any business whatsoever faulting good folks who are not ... so long as they are good folks ... and if they are not and if I can help them, then all the better ...

I understand but what defines someone as "good?"
I understand but what defines someone as "good?"

Being respectful of others regardless of differences like religion, nationality, race, etc.. is a big part of it to me. Not looking down on others just due to these differences. I firmly believe humans were created as equals.
Being respectful of others regardless of differences like religion, nationality, race, etc.. is a big part of it to me. I firmly believe humans were created as equals.

No doubt. We are all created in the image of God and therefore every human is worthy of respect and honor, regardless of age, color, ethnic background, country of origin, religion, sexual orientation, etc, etc.
This also applies to all folks alive today. These are just beliefs, regardless. Nobody could possibly know where any of us are going after we pass away.

Hope this helps. Bible is very clear on this subject.

What Happens When You Die?
Ray Pritchard | Keep Believing Ministries
Thursday, August 22, 2019
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We live in a time when there is great fascination about life after death. Why this fascination with the world beyond the grave? Is it not because death is so final? Whatever one thinks about the reports of “near-death” visions, death when it finally comes is irreversible. When you finally cross the line, there is no coming back from the other side. Death wins the battle every time. After the doctors have tried the latest wonder drug, after the best minds have pooled their wisdom, after the philosophers have done their best to explain that death is only a natural part of life, we come face to face with the ugly reality that someday we will all die. And that death—whether planned or accidental, whether comfortable or painful—will be the end of life as we have known it.
Questions about Life after Death
In answering questions about life after death, we are left with only two sources to consult. Either we turn to human experience or we turn to the Word of God. If we turn to human experience, we find many guesses, many ideas, many theories—but no sure answers. That’s because, in the nature of the case, no human has a sure answer. The only people who have the answer are dead! That leaves us with the Word of God. In God’s Word we find ample, abundant answers. God who knows the future knows what happens when we die, and he hasn’t left us to wonder about it. The Bible is filled with information on this subject, so much in fact that we can offer only a brief survey in this chapter.
If you want the answer in one sentence here it is: What happens after you die depends on what happens before you die. Consider what the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (NKJV). This is an appointment no one will miss. As someone has noted, the statistics on death are appalling. One hundred out of one hundred people will eventually die. We are all terminally ill with a disease called death; we just don’t know when the end will come.
Before we go further, let’s stop and think about some important questions that people often ask about death and dying.
Is There a “Second Chance” after Death?
This is the popular view of many people who hope that those who did not accept Christ in this life will somehow have a second chance after death—either in the afterlife or perhaps through reincarnation. The answer is quite simple: There is no biblical support whatsoever for the notion of a “second chance.” Hebrews 9:27 declares that we die once and after that comes the judgment of God. Let no one be mistaken on this point. The only opportunity you will ever have to get right with God is the opportunity God affords you right now. If you dream of coming to God after you die, you are nursing a vain hope.
What about “Near-Death Experiences”?
Such experiences are very popular today. I’ve already mentioned the pioneering work of Raymond Moody. Other books in recent years have purported to tell of people who “died,” went to “heaven,” and then were given a “second chance” to return to the earth. Some of those books have been extremely popular, and a few have been embraced by Christians. However, a close inspection shows that most of those books embrace unbiblical heresy, either the notion that we are saved by doing good works or the idea that everyone is going to heaven in the end.
In thinking about this question, we need biblical balance. On one hand it’s undeniably true that some Bible characters did see the Lord before they died. Stephen saw Jesus just before he died in Acts 7. Paul was evidently given a vision of heaven—perhaps during his stoning at Lystra in Acts 14. He alludes to the event in 2 Corinthians 12. However, it’s important to say that such revelations did not happen often even in Bible times. Not every believer had or will have a revelation of heaven. Could such a thing happen today? Yes, but we shouldn’t expect it or base our hope of heaven upon a last-second experience.
Let’s also remember that Satan is the great deceiver. He can create scenes that seem to be scenes of heaven but are actually creations born in hell. Some near-death experiences are demonic in nature. You should never base your hope of heaven—or the hope of seeing a loved one in heaven—on a supposed vision or revelation. The only reliable ground given to us is the eternal, unchanging Word of God.
What Happens to Children Who Die?
This is obviously a very tender subject to many people. Parents want to know: Will I see my child again? The place to begin in answering this question is with the observation that the Bible doesn’t specifically address this question. However, we do know two things are true. First, children are not born innocent, but sinful. If children who die do go to heaven—and I believe they do—it is not because they are morally innocent in the sight of God. All of us are born with an inclination to sin that leads us away from God. Ephesians 2:1 says that we are spiritually dead by nature. That applies as much to young children as it does to adults. Second, we know that God’s grace is always greater than human sin. Romans 5:20 reminds us that where sin abounded, grace superabounded. God’s grace always goes far beyond sin’s disgrace.
I believe that God’s grace credits children with the merits of Jesus’ blood and righteousness so that children who die before they are old enough to believe are covered by His blood, and their entrance into heaven is made sure and certain. Thus they are saved by grace exactly as we are.
Can We Contact the Dead after They Are Gone?
The answer is no. Any attempt to dabble in spirit contact is strictly forbidden in the Bible. It is sometimes called necromancy or sorcery or dealing with familiar spirits. Remember, demons can masquerade as the dead. They can even mimic the voices of our loved ones and give information that only the dead person would have known (for more on this subject, see Leviticus 19:26-28, Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Galatians 5:20). In case this isn’t clear, let me make it plain. Do not attempt to contact the dead through any means at all—séances, parlor games, crystal balls, psychic readers, channelers, or mediums. You are involving yourself in that which God forbids. Leave the dead alone.
What Do You Say to Someone Who Has Lost a Loved One?
Over the years I have discovered that it really doesn’t matter what you say in terms of the precise words. Those who are grieving will not remember the words you say, but they will never forget that you cared enough to be there when they needed you. If you go with God’s love in your heart, he will give you any words you need to say. That means we don’t need to answer questions only God can answer. If we don’t know the spiritual state of the deceased, we shouldn’t speculate, either to offer false hope or lay a heavier burden on those who are left behind. God is both just and merciful, and in every case He will do what is right.
What Happens at the Moment of Death
Now we come to the central question: What happens at the very moment of death? I have already given the general answer: What happens when you die depends on what happens before you die. The Bible classifies the whole human race into two broad categories—the saved and the lost. The saved are those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The lost are those who haven’t. What happens to the saved is radically different from what happens to the lost.
. . . For the Saved
The Bible is abundantly clear on this point. When the saved die, they go directly into the presence of the Lord. At this point we remember the words of Jesus to the thief on the cross, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43, emphasis added). This appears to be a straightforward promise that at the moment of death the repentant thief would pass from his life of crime and his agonizing death into the realm called “paradise.” This would seem to contradict the teaching called “soul-sleep,” which implies that at death a believer “sleeps” in a kind of suspended animation until the day of the resurrection. How could the thief be that very day in paradise if his soul went to sleep when he died? At the moment of death the believer passes immediately into the personal presence of Jesus Christ. This is our hope and comfort as we stand at the graveside of a loved one.
Paul said he had a desire “to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far” (Philippians 1:23, emphasis added). He also said, “We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body (that is, separated from the body by death) and at home with the Lord’ (2 Corinthians 5:8, emphasis added). These are the words of a man who believed that heaven would begin at the moment of his death. Was Paul looking forward to an unconscious slumber after his death? No! He was looking forward to the personal presence of Jesus Christ.
But that’s not the whole story. The soul goes to be with the Lord in heaven, and the body is buried until the day of resurrection when Jesus returns to the earth. 1 Thessalonians 4:14 says, “We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.” Here you have both sides of the truth. Christians who die are said to be “with Jesus” (that’s the soul in the conscious presence of the Lord) and “have fallen asleep in him” (that’s the body which “sleeps” in the grave). Listen to Paul’s description of that great reunion of body and soul: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, emphasis added). Here is a clear promise of future bodily resurrection for the believer.
1 Corinthians 15:51-55 adds the crucial fact that our bodies will be “raised imperishable"—that is, with a body that is perfect in every way, free from the vestiges of death and decay In this life our bodies wear out, like a clock continually running down, but when we are raised, it will be with bodies that can never decay, never wear out, never suffer injury, never grow old, never get sick, and thank God, never die.
Many Christians have a wrong view of death. We think we’re going from the land of living to the land of dying. But the opposite is true. If you know Jesus, you are going from the land of dying to the land of the living. Here are some of the images the Bible uses for the death of a Christian: going to sleep and waking up in heaven . . . moving from a tent to a mansion . . . walking from the darkness into a well-lit room . . . coming home to see your family and friends . . . being set free from prison . . . taking a long journey to a new land . . . riding a chariot to the New Jerusalem . . . moving into a brand-new home . . . opening a gate to a brand-new world.
Christians have always faced death with confidence. The very word cemetery comes from a Greek word meaning “sleeping-place,” which refers to their confidence in the promise of the resurrection. Many pagans cremated their dead because they saw no further use for the human body. But Christians buried their dead as a statement of faith in the coming resurrection of the body. I have been asked more than once how God can raise the dead if the body has been burned or lost or vaporized in some terrible explosion. I don’t think that’s a difficult question at all. If you can raise the dead, you can raise the dead. Resurrection is God’s problem, not ours. We don’t need to know the how of the resurrection as long as we know the who.
As he lay dying, D. L. Moody proclaimed, “Earth recedes, heaven opens before me.” Catherine Booth, wife of the founder of the Salvation Army, cried out, “The waters are rising, but I am not sinking.” And George MacDonald, the English novelist, said, “I came from God, and I’m going back to God, and I won’t have any gaps of death in the middle of my life.” John Wesley summed up the faith of the early Methodists with four simple words: “Our people die well.”
When Benjamin Franklin was twenty-three years old, he wrote the following epitaph. His words catch the essence of the Christian doctrine of bodily resurrection:
The body of Benjamin Franklin
Like the cover of an old book,
Its contents torn out,
And stripped of its lettering and gilding,
Lies here, food for worms.
But the work shall not be wholly lost:
For it will, as he believed, appear once more,
In a new and more elegant edition,
Revised and corrected
By the Author.
Once our bodies are raised, we will be with the Lord forever. Wherever he is, there we will be, rejoicing, praising, singing, and celebrating throughout the ages of eternity. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says, “We will be with the Lord forever.” Speaking of his own return, Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am" (John 14:2-3, emphasis added).
What is ahead for us when we die?
  • Our soul goes into the conscious presence of the Lord.
  • Our body is buried until the day of resurrection.
  • When Christ returns, we will be raised bodily from the grave.
  • Body and soul reunited, we will be with the Lord forever.
As Tony Evans says, “Have a good time at my funeral, because I’m not going to be there.”
... For the Lost
Now we turn to briefly consider the fate of those who die without Jesus Christ. The lost fear death and with good reason. Job 18:14 calls death “the king of terrors.” Hebrews 2:14 reminds us that the devil holds people in bondage through the fear of death. And 1 Corinthians 15:26 calls death “the last enemy.”
Before saying any more, we should note one similarity between the fate of the saved and the lost. At the moment of death, the body is buried in the grave while the soul enters a new realm. For the believer, the moment of death brings him into the personal presence of Christ. For the unbeliever, death begins an experience of unending conscious punishment.
We can summarize the fate of the lost in four short statements:
1. At the moment of death the soul of the lost is sent to hell where it is in conscious torment. In Luke 16:19-31 Jesus told of a rich man who upon his death went to hell and suffered in the flames of torment. It does not matter whether you think this passage is literal or figurative. If you say it is literal, then it must be a terrible punishment. If it is figurative, the figure itself is so awful to consider that the reality must be much worse.
2. That punishment is eternal. Though this is debated in some circles today, Christians have united across the centuries in their belief that the Bible teaches an eternal punishment for those who do not know our Lord. Mark 9:43-48 speaks of the fire that is not quenched and the worm that does not die—a reference to the continuing existence of human personality in hell.
3. The body is raised at the Great White Throne judgment. Revelation 20:11-15 describes the awesome scene as the unsaved dead are raised to stand before God and receive their final sentence of doom.
4. The unsaved are then cast into the lake of fire where they will reside forever, eternally separated from the presence of Almighty God. If this is unbearable to think about, if we shrink from such a thought, then let us by all means do whatever is necessary to make sure that such a fate does not befall us or the ones we love the most.
This is the final destiny of those who do not know Jesus Christ. To make it more personal, it is the final destiny of your friends and neighbors, your loved ones, your parents, your brothers, your sisters, your children, if they die without Jesus Christ. And it is your destiny if you die without Jesus Christ. Let that thought linger in your mind. The reality of hell is more than just a theoretical doctrine. There is a place reserved for you in the lake of fire unless you by a conscious choice put your complete trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Dr. Barnhouse and the Shadow of Death
Only one question remains. How can you personally face your own death with confidence? Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse—beloved Bible teacher of another generation—told the following story. While he was still a young man in the ministry, his first wife died. As he was returning from the funeral with his heartbroken children, their car came to a stoplight just as a massive truck pulled up next to them, blocking the light of the sun. Seeing the immense shadow that had overtaken them, Dr. Barnhouse asked his children if they would rather be run over by the truck or by the shadow of the truck. “By the shadow,” the children instantly replied, knowing that a shadow could not hurt them. “That’s what has happened to your mother,” he told them. “Death cannot hurt her because the Lord Jesus Christ took her to heaven. It is only the shadow of death that took her from us.”
If you know Jesus, you have nothing to fear when death knocks at your door. Death comes to all of us—it will come for you one of these days. Do you know Jesus? If so, then you need not live in fear. Death may be quick or slow, painful or painless, but when the moment comes, you will find yourself ushered into heaven where you will see Jesus face to face.
Some people wonder if they will have enough faith when they die. They worry about losing their faith and wonder if that will cause God to turn them away. When she was a young child in Holland Corrie ten Boom worried about her own death and whether or not she would have enough courage when the moment finally came. Her father—Papa ten Boom—knew of her fears and calmed her heart with these words: “Corrie, when I am going to take you on the train, when do I give you the ticket?” “Just before we get on board.” “That’s right. Dying is like taking a trip to see the Lord Jesus. He will give you whatever you need just when you need it. If you don’t have the courage now, it’s because you don’t need it now. When you need it, the Lord will give it to you, and you won’t be afraid.”
In another generation, believers talked about “dying grace.” They meant the special enablement God gives to his children as death draws near. Countless Christians who worried about their last moments on earth have exited this life full of faith because the Lord gave them grace just when they needed it most.
Jesus Has the Keys
Here are the words of Jesus in Revelation 1:18: “I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” Keys are a sign of authority. If you have the keys to my house, you can open it and go in anytime you want. It is often said that the devil owns the gates of hell—that is, he has the power of death. But that’s okay. The devil has the gates, but Jesus has the keys. We have nothing to fear in the moment of death for when the time comes, Jesus will personally unlock the gate and usher us into his presence.
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25). If you believe in Jesus, you will never die. What an amazing promise. But believers die every day. Yes, but for the believer, death is merely the passing from this life with all its sorrows into life eternal in the presence of our Lord. The question is not: What happens when we die? But rather: What will happen when you die?
Death is not the end of the road, it is only a bend in the road. For the believer, death is the doorway to heaven. For the unbeliever, it is a passageway into unimaginable suffering. These things are true even if we do not fully understand them. They are true even if we don’t believe them.
What happens when you die depends on what happens before you die. Here is my final word to you: Make sure you’re ready to die so that when the time comes, you won’t be surprised by what happens next.
A Truth to Remember:
What happens when you die depends on what happens before you die.
Take a moment to calculate the number of days you have lived so far. Now take a guess as to how many more days you expect to live. What is the most eternally profitable way you can spend your remaining days?
  1. Have you ever had a near-death experience, or do you know anyone who has? Why is it crucial that such experiences always be evaluated by the standard of God’s Word?
  2. Why does the Bible contain such strong warnings against trying to contact the spirits of the dead? What happens when those warnings are ignored?
  3. Picture the moment of your own death. How do you expect it will happen? Do you fear that moment? Describe what will happen to you the first five minutes after your death.
  4. Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead? Why is this doctrine essential to the Christian faith? Name at least five Christians now dead who will be raised when Christ returns.
  5. Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 and Revelation 20:11-15. What does the first passage teach about the resurrection of the saved? What does the second passage teach about the resurrection of the lost?
  6. Do you believe in a place called hell where unbelievers are punished for eternity? Why or why not? Why is this doctrine sometimes denied today?
That article there is why so many confess Jesus as their savior. What person would read that especially a child and not be scared to death. A eternal punishment. So we that are Christians are told from a young age we’re not good enough and if we don’t confess then pain and suffering forever will be your punishment. Does that really sound like free will and love? I believe but is it because of fear I do? So question does someone that commit suicide go to hell? I believe they don’t. I believe God has love and mercy for everyone. This world is so upside down. Sins are now twisting peoples thoughts and actions. Same as alternative lifestyles. There is so much Pollution and medicines and shots given to kids. No telling what it does to the makeup of individuals now. I mean look at Cain. He murdered because sin was in people’s lives. Their thoughts and actions. In other words tainted blood. Hence why Cain was son of Satan. He bred with Eve. That’s my belief. That was the bloodline of Satan. There is no way to know the truth while here on earth. Just have to wait till it’s time.
That article there is why so many confess Jesus as their savior. What person would read that especially a child and not be scared to death. A eternal punishment. So we that are Christians are told from a young age we’re not good enough and if we don’t confess then pain and suffering forever will be your punishment. Does that really sound like free will and love? I believe but is it because of fear I do? So question does someone that commit suicide go to hell? I believe they don’t. I believe God has love and mercy for everyone. This world is so upside down. Sins are now twisting peoples thoughts and actions. Same as alternative lifestyles. There is so much Pollution and medicines and shots given to kids. No telling what it does to the makeup of individuals now. I mean look at Cain. He murdered because sin was in people’s lives. Their thoughts and actions. In other words tainted blood. Hence why Cain was son of Satan. He bred with Eve. That’s my belief. That was the bloodline of Satan. There is no way to know the truth while here on earth. Just have to wait till it’s time.
We have to accept Jesus to accept the atonement for our sins. we send ourselves to hell not God. Humans are who strayed from being righteous, not God.
We have to accept Jesus to accept the atonement for our sins. we send ourselves to hell not God. Humans are who strayed from being righteous, not God.
No disagreement but still fear is part of Christianity.
No disagreement but still fear is part of Christianity.
Its human nature to fear things. It's not right but it happens because many churches focus on hell and not the other reasons of being a Christian. It's more than just bypassing Hell.

Thanks for the info. That is a basis for strong beliefs since it is based on the Bible. However, even so, still nobody knows for sure. One may feel it is for sure based on strong faith.

FWIW, I do believe there’s an eternal afterlife.
We have to accept Jesus to accept the atonement for our sins. we send ourselves to hell not God. Humans are who strayed from being righteous, not God.
Well said
Also on suicide question. Jesus died for All my sins. Past,present future. Sin is sin in Gods eyes. He has 0 tolerance for all of them. In Mans mind we have like degrees with them. Hard to understand but thats Bilical.
Thanks for the info. That is a basis for strong beliefs since it is based on the Bible. However, even so, still nobody knows for sure. One may feel it is for sure based on strong faith.

FWIW, I do believe there’s an eternal afterlife.
Your welcome.
I know that I Know where ill spend eternity.
Please dont take that as a whoa is me,chest thump statement. Its my faith in Gods promise. Also its only because of what his son did. No way I could get to heaven on my merit,no matter how hard I try. Tell you when Im outside looking at this earth thats been created,weather patterns, human anatomy, physiology it just confirms what an awesome designer God is. Then I reflect on how he ,Jesus changed my old being day I got saved. My whole heart,attitude did a 180. Lord knows im still a work in progress,not perfected. None of us will be till we get a glorified body in heaven.
I just try to answer questions,topics in here with Bible truth. Last thing I ever want to do is get in Gods way being me. Which I probably do trafficking around political thread, uncle Don statements lol.
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